Primary Strength Session
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
3 Front Squats + Jerk @ 90-92% of 1-RM C&J
Every 3 minutes, for 24 minutes:
Ground to Overhead Barbell Cycling
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 60% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60%
*Set 3 – 5 reps @ 60%
*Set 4 – 5 reps @ 60%
*Set 5 – 3 reps @ 65%
*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 7 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 8 – 1 rep @ 80%
For these sets, the goal is to keep the barbell in your hands and complete the reps effeciently and unbroken. As we get closer to the competition season it will become increasingly important to know what loads you can handle touch-n-go, and which you’ll benefit from resetting with.
Three sets of:
185/125 lb Push Press x Max Reps @ 10X3
Rest 3 minutes
(THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS LAST WEEK. This week you will be holding the barbell overhead during the 3 second pause, and there must be no pause at the bottom position – it must be touch-n-go off the front rack and back overhead. Breath and hold for 3 second overhead before starting the next rep. Perform as many reps as possible, but terminate the set if you fall off of the tempo.)
Primary Conditioning Session
The following sets should be sprints! You should be able to earn a long recovery between triplets, so please don’t pace. Find an uncomfortable level of intensity for each effort and try to sustain it and recover between efforts.
For time:
10 Ring Muscle-Ups
10 Squat Cleans (185/135 lbs)
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Rest until the running clock reaches 10:00, and then…
Two rounds for time of:
15/10 Calories of Assault Bike
15 Shoulder to Overhead (185/135 lbs)
15 Toes to Bar
Rest until the running clock reaches 20:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
20 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs to a 10′ Target)
20 Pull-Ups
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skill Option
Three rounds of:
Row 1000 Meters @ 2k PR Pace
20/15 Strict Ring Dips
15 GHD Sit-Ups
2/1 Legless Rope Climbs (15′)
3/2 Rope Climbs – with Legs (15′)
Four sets of:
Chinese Rows
x 5 reps
(go as heavy as you can)
Rest as needed
a. 125kg across
b. all done as c&j 4×5 @85/1×3 @90/2×2 @100/1×1 @112.5kg
c. did 7 on first set and stopped, colar bone still sore
a. 2:15/4:39/10:03 rxd, colar bone felt ok on part 2 STO
Aerobic/gymnastics skill
a. done, row pace was not happening today, held 1:55/500m everything else rxd, took about 18-19 minutes
b. done at 65kg
C.3x 125 lb Push Press x Max Reps @ 10X3- Traps are on fire!!! Rest 3 minutes 14, 13 (so close on 14), 13 (so close on 14!!!) First round my L shoulder felt really funky in the above head hold, got better as I went on. A. For time: 2:39 10 Bar Muscle-Ups (sholders were really feeling those 40 fast dips I did last night- subbed out for bar) UB 10 Squat Cleans (135 lbs) Sets of 1-2… knees were not popping out of this very well and arms were blowing up =P I expected better of myself on… Read more »
Primary strength:
A) done at 290- missed the jerk on two sets
B) GTO based off of 320- not bad. All touch and go.
C) 11 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps
Hoping to make it up this weekend
Been sick since yesterday
Hope to get some work in tomorrow. Today’s training looked like fun!
A) First 3 sets at 275. Last 3 sets at 285. Couldn’t quite work at the 92% prescribed weight but felt butter than last week.
B) 195 x 5 for the first 4 sets
215 x 3
230 x 2 for 2 sets
260 x 1
C) 10/9/9 Felt a little tight in the shoulders
A) 2:00 even UB MU and SC
B) 6:20 STO in three sets, T2B UB
C) 7:35 PU’s UB and WB shots in 2 sets
Just did the lift off with the gym.
270 snatch
330 clean and jerk
31 overhead squats into round 2
Last year I snatched 275 and clean and jerked 350 but I think I’m overall in much better shape so I’m pleased with how it went.
A. 195,195,200,200,200,200 B. 135, 145, 155, 175 were the weights I used C. Push press: 9,10,9 D. 2:50, 5:45, 11:18 Started to have a pity party on the last one… Nutrition question.. One of my friends that trains with me follows OPEX and eats like 2500+ calories a day… I usually eat 1800-2000 calories and 200g carbs 50 fat 145 protein.. are those good macros to be hitting or should I have more or less? I’m not trying to cut or anything… just maintain and perform well. I also have a pretty active job…if that makes a difference. Il take… Read more »
Aerobic/Gymnastics: A) 33:31, couldn’t keep up row paces this morning! Legless rope climbs to 12ft, really trying to break habit of gripping thighs B) 85/85/95/95, I like these! Lifting: A) kept lighter for wrist, worked up to 135 re-racked between front squats and jerk (still can’t handle that much wrist rotation with weight) B) skipped for wrist C) tried to do at 115, got 3 reps before wrist hurt, so stopped Conditioning: A) 6:59, banded strict MU transitions, subbed front squats from rack at 155 instead of squat cleans B) 5:34, subbed strict HSPU for shoulder to overhead C) 11:57,… Read more »
Session 2:
A. First part skipped
2 Rds:
15 cal AB
15 STO 150lbs
15 TTB
20 cal AB
20 Wall Ball
20 Pull up
*just felt off with gymnastics today
A. Did the comp work up to a heavy single front squat. Only got 290.
B. 185 (for 4 sets)/205/225(for 2)/250
A. 2:07/4:59/9:49. Legs had nothing today.
Do they usually have more…??
Just about as much as your shoulders do ?
Strength session
C. 6/7/7
A. 3:58
B. 9:10
C. 14:40
Session two
A. 1:45 ub
B. 5:37 s2o 6/5/4 7/5/3 ttb ub
C. 10:10 pu ub 15/5 ub
Done at prescribed weights 1 miss
Done at prescribed weights
Didn’t drop no misses
Push press
Done 6-6-7
Had to move my rest days around and did Wednesday’s work yesterday. Bad choice to try to do today’s work at 6:30 this morning!
Did the front squats and jerks
205/215/Miss 215/ back to 195/ 200/205
On rep 1 of the barbell cycling I got a sharp pain through my kneecap and after talking with my coach I shut it down for today. I’ll try to combine some of today’s and tomorrow’s work in the morning depending on how it feels!
Hope that there’s nothing serious going on with your knee. Keep us posted!
Primary conditioning:
1. 1:40rx all UB
2. 4:34… In the middle of the workout I had to give a member the assault bike I was using and to run to another.
3. 8:13. Wall ball Ub pull ups 12/8 each round
Primary strength: A. 3FS+J 120# The jerks felt so heavy after resting my shoulders for a week holy crap B. G2O barbell cycling 80/80/80/80/85/90/90/105# C. Push press w/ 3 sec pause at top @85# 6/6/7 Primary conditioning: Still being cautious with my shoulder so I chopped reps down. Shoulder didn’t hurt during the workouts, just at rest. It’s kind of odd. A. 3:24 – modified to 5 ring mu, and used 85# 4:20- 15 cals on airdyne, 8 reps for S2O -!: t2b, 85# for S2O 9:48- 23 cals on airdyne, 10 reps for wallball shots and pull ups, 16#… Read more »
A. Felt good. 165-168#. Failed one jerk at 168#.
B. I did these EMOM. 110#/120#/130#/144#. Felt fine.
C. 5/4/6 reps. Kept scooting forward but focused hard on last set. Went to failure. Basically went to failure but it was my right arm that didn’t lock out.
I did first and last part for volume and time sake. I’m good at pull-ups and probably should have subbed toes to bar instead of pull-ups. Wallballs are a work in progress :/
But still progress! Solid day!
One long trainingsession Primary Strength Session A. 3 Front Squats + Jerk @ 90-92% of 1-RM C&J: 76-76-77,5-77,5-77,5-78,5kg B.Will do the barbellcycling tomorrow C. Three sets of: 185/125 lb Push Press x Max Reps @ 10X3: 13reps-12reps-10reps Primary Conditioning Session A. For time: 10 Ring Muscle-Ups (unbroken) 10 Squat Cleans (185/135 lbs) (fast singlets) 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″) Time: 3:00 Two rounds for time of: 15/10 Calories of Assault Bike 15 Shoulder to Overhead (185/135 lbs) (9+6 / 6+5+4) These felt so heavy today, think it was because of the max reps of pushpress that I did prior to… Read more »
One big session today in the garage.
A. 175 not quite 90%, I’m not too confident in my jerk after the front squats
B. 125 x 5- :16, :15, :14, :14, 135 x 3-:09, 145 x 2- :05 :06, 165 x 1-:04
C. 8, 9, (was accidentally push jerking on first 2 sets) 10 (push press). I was still in push jerk mode from part B.
Primary Strength
A. 3FS+J @92% (87kg)
B. BB cycling: 5’s @125#, 3@135#, 2’s@145#, 1@170#
C. 125# PP: 13/12/10
I got more on these than I did last week resting at the bottom. Is that weird?
Primary Conditioning
A. 3:29 (MU: 6/2/2)
B. 6:07 (S2O: 6/6/3 both times)
C. 11:52 (WB: 11/9, 12/8, 12/8) (PU: 14/6, 12/8, 12/8)
I rested about a half hour between the strength and conditioning because by arms were dead, but my legs still felt like concrete the whole time!