November 3, 2021 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Movement Primer
Three rounds at 70-80% effort of:
10/7 Calorie Bike OR Row
50-Foot Suitcase Carry (right side)
10 Single-Arm Deadlifts (right side)
50-Foot Suitcase Carry (left side)
10 Single-Arm Deadlifts (left side)
100-Foot Double Kettlebell Front Rack Carry
20 Banded Hamstring Curls (light resistance)

Eight sets of:
Deadlift x 3 reps @ 80-83% of 1-RM Deadlift
Rest as needed

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Bar-Facing Burpees
9 Ground to Overhead (135/95 lbs)

Rest 5 minutes until the running clock reaches 20:00, and then…

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
100 Double-Unders
50-Foot Front Racked Walking Lunge (135/95 lbs)
3 Rope Climbs (15′)

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets) for quality:
100-Foot Sandbag Carry (150/100lb.)
20 GHD Sit-Ups

Athlete Notes:
Today we’ve got a 2-part, moderate to long time domain workout. Each piece is 15 minutes long, so both of them are on the medium-long end of the spectrum when it comes to “CrossFit” style workouts. The first one is a classic triplet that we’d see in an open style workout. Some gymnastics, barbell, and grit. We’d like to see you pick a specific movement on this workout and make that your FOCUS station. For example…if you typically struggle through bar-facing burpees, we want that to be the area that you are 100% dialed in on this workout. If you suffer elsewhere because of it, that’s ok because we’re attacking your specific weakness. No matter what, you should learn from this workout and use that knowledge for the future. Most of you will break the chest-to-bar pull-ups at some point. A goal should be no more than 2-3 sets to get to the 21 each time. When you get to the barbell, singles aren’t a bad strategy here, especially because we want to save your grip for the pull-ups. It’s ok to do singles, but just know you have to stay over the bar and put your hands directly back on!

For the second portion of this workout, we’ve got something similar, a little go, barbell, and skill. We never tell people to plan to break on double-unders because there’s a likelihood of tripping anyways. If you do, take a breath and start right back up. Don’t waste your time on that movement. If you focus on breathing, this should be a station that you don’t even bat an eye at. When you get to the front racked walking lunges, BREATHE. Often times we see athletes struggling to breathe here. The weight should be light enough that you can make it the full distance unbroken, or in 2 sets when your legs are smoked. But that’ll never happen if you don’t remember to relax and breathe. Brace through your midline and breathe through your lungs, relax and don’t panic when the bar is pushing down on your chest. Lunges typically can only be so fast, so use this as your station to gather yourself! The last piece is the 3 rope climbs. If you cannot do rope climbs or don’t have access to them, we’d recommend doing triple the number of strict towel pull-ups. For those of you climbing the rope, use this as an opportunity to perfect your footwork. Your grip will likely be tired from all the work so far, so having a solid foot hold on these is going to be important!

Remember, this is 30 minutes of work. Don’t come out guns blazing on the first round and suffer the consequences for the rest!

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Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
November 5, 2021 9:41 am

B. Done with 115 and some other mods
3+21 and 5 even

Alex González
Alex González
November 4, 2021 1:26 pm

Primer: 11:33
A. 410 lbs
B. 2 rounds + 11 burpees
2 rounds + 65 DUS
(Working slow because I’m coming from a Flu ????)
C. Done

Petr Krejci
Petr Krejci
November 4, 2021 4:13 am

Ptimer 2 rounds
A. 150kg
B. Nate
15 rounds (slow pace)
Couldn’t do today’s condo as the lungs are still affected from last week.
C. Done 15 ghds sit ups

Kathryn Salmon
Kathryn Salmon
November 3, 2021 4:15 pm

Primer done
A: 290
B: 3R; 2R
C: only time for GHD

Wow rough day

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
November 3, 2021 7:44 pm
Reply to  Kathryn Salmon


Jacob Swartwout
Jacob Swartwout
November 3, 2021 12:06 pm

Primer Done
A. 370
B. Wodapalooza WOD 6: 404 reps
C. Done 100# bag.

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
November 3, 2021 12:23 pm

Are you beating Max on these???

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
November 3, 2021 11:31 am

Primer done
A. 168Kg across all 8 sets.
B1. 5+25 Rx
Focused on C2B. Total strength but needed to focus b/c of quantity. Did 15/6 then 12/9 the rest of the way. Everything else was pretty smooth. Breathing was under control and rhythmic.
B2. 6+67 Rx
9 strict towel PUs (no rope). Focused on DU and controlling the breathing. I tend to get sloppy on DU when fatigued and that burns a lot of time. Everything else smooth.
C. Done

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
November 3, 2021 12:23 pm
Reply to  Wilson Hopkins

Solid three days of work!

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
November 3, 2021 2:14 pm
Reply to  Santino Marini

Thank you. Felt pretty good this week. Everything seems to be working pretty well right now. Fingers crossed it continues.

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
November 3, 2021 11:21 am

Did WZA workout 1
shoulder to overhead (165)
Bar MU

Then WZA workout 7
99 du
33 wallball
Max step overs
Rest 1 min
15/17/18 – 50 total

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
November 3, 2021 12:23 pm
Reply to  Bobby Wallum

Happy with your performances?

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
November 3, 2021 12:35 pm
Reply to  Santino Marini

Honestly not really sure lol I would have liked closer to 3:30 on the bar mu workout but just couldn’t hang on

I think I have a solid effort on the step over one .. tripped once on the first and second set unbroken third and all wall balls unbroken had around 55 ish seconds for step overs

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