Dynamic Mobility & Activation
T-Spine Stretch x 60 seconds
and then…
Spend 2 minutes working on proper hand and foot placement for a Kick to Handstand.
Followed by. . .
One set of:
Movement 1 – Rocking Box Bridges x 5-7 reps
55+: Supine Overhead Plate Lifts x 60 seconds
Movement 2 – Incline Push-Ups on 30″ Box x 50 reps (unbroken)
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Back-To-Wall Split Handstand Hold x 40 seconds
OR Donkey Kicks x 10 reps
Interval 2 – Wall-Facing Split Handstand Hold x 40 seconds
Followed by. . .
One set of:
Wall-Facing Handstand Shoulder Shrugs
x 50 reps
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Followed by…
Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 85-88%
Three sets of:
Assault Bike x 25 calories
Seated Sled Pulls x 15 meters
Rest 2 minutes
35-54: 65/45 lbs on sled
55+: 35/25 lbs on sled
Three sets of:
Ab-Wheel Rollouts x 6 reps (go as slow as possible)
Rest 45 seconds
V-Ups x 30 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Prone Plank Hold x 60 seconds
Rest 45 seconds
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Toes-to-Bar x 20 seconds
Interval 2 – Burpee Box Jump Overs x 20 seconds (24/20″)
Interval 3 – Air Squats x 20 seconds
Burpee Box Step-Overs
Take 5 minutes to draw out your footwork for your jerk and then …
Four sets of:
Push Press in Jerk Receiving Position x 4 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Mob done.
A. Done. subbed supine OH plate lifts.
B1. 77/88/99kg
B2. Dropped this to 82% @ 90kg each set.
C. Skipped. No sled not sure what to sub.
D. Done
Rope climbs would have been a good substitute!
Did a mixed bag of stuff today – had to work around regular class.
Did warm-up more specific to back squats
A – skipped
B1 – 5×135# / 3×155# / 1×171#
B2 – E2MOM6 @ 161#
followed by
Optional Session
B – 1×65# / 3×70#
A – T2B (12/12/12) / BBJOs (5/5/6) / Air Squat (16/16/17)
Finished with D from original session
A. Done
B. 245, 275, 315, then 3×3 at 305
C. Ermahgerd! Damn bike crushed me. 1:19, 1:43, 1:49. Dragged sled on gym mats, but that wasn’t what torched me.
D. Done.
Getting that bike in – glad you are enjoying the frequent rides on it. 🙂
DMA complete
A. Complete. That was a good shoulder burner.
B. 195/200/205 85% felt heavy for 3
C. 1:55/1:50/1:57 oh that bike.
D. 1 set (ran out of time)
Fast Jean!
Short on time. Had about 45 min
B. 285/325/365
Then. 355/365/375
C. :45(:34 bike). :36(:48). :45(1:03). Quads blew up on last one.
Nice Keith!
Glute activation w/ no support super hard
Kick to HS awkward, 1 leg up mostly
Did rocking Bridge today
HS shrug took 4 sets
A. 176, 200, 230, 230, 230, 230
B. Got super winded first bike. Scared me. Went inside for 2 min to catch breath. Finished all sets with green band pulls on rack
C. 3 abs wheel, 10 V up, 30 sec planks
How are you feeling now John?
Feel fine now. I’ve been sick since last week so my chest has been tight. Think I took too many puffs on my inhaler prior to workout also. I’m good to go.
I really like the setup of this program! Exactly what I’ve been looking for!
Wonderful to hear John!
A done.
B . 315/5, 360/3, 405/1,. 385/3 x3sets
C. 65# on sled 15 m.
1:03, 1:32 tried different pulling method 1:10
D. tomorrow
delayed entry from Wednesday WOD.. Nov 1st dyn/mob. done Option #2 A1). AC+BMU: done, 4sets A2) TRS+AC+BMU : failed last two BMU A3) skipped by accident … I always seem to screw up somewhere 🙁 B) FS: 170 lbs,180,195 C). 1) 7;34. not a fast runner .. 2) 3rds: 11:40 3) 3rds: ? didn’t get the time .. 🙁 over all time : total time : 26:29 today Nov 3rd Dyn/Mob done A1) tough 2 mins for me but I love this drill! A2) did the incline pushups off a 24 inch box instead A3). B2WHSH: I love this but… Read more »
A. HS drills/walks
B. 235/255/285, then 3x3x275
C. Darkhorse rowing WOD
A. DOne
B. 190, 220, 250
B2. 250 (3) X 3
C. not sure of the 15 meters, just pulled the strap 3 X. 2:26, 2:10, 2:18. bike took about 1minute.
D. Done.
DMA – done
A. done
B. 180(5) – 205(3) – 230(1)
217(3) – 220(3) – 225(3)
C. Couldn’t see the clock from where we worked today. Pushed it. Getting better on the A. Bike. Three sets was enough!
D. done .
Great Barry!
Crossover symmetry (improvised)
B. Back squat: 5@140kg 3@160kg 1@180kg then 3×3 @170kg
C. Not enough time today, so hit 50 burpees for time with class 1:52
Fun Rob – smoking fast!
Did one long session today:
Mobility done
A. Done – shoulders were blown up!
B. 215/245/275 – 265X3
Optional B. done up to 155
Optional A done (subbed GHD’s for T2B as my shoulder was bothering me on the kip)
C. Did with 110# – :58/1:02/1:10
D. Done
Yes sir. Good call. My shoulders were smoked after A as well.
Those shrugs at the end were rough! Had a nice shoulder pump after those.
Hello shoulders!
Glad you skipped the ttb if your shoulders were a little nagging. Give them some rest and see how it feels tomorrow. If you need a sub for tomorrows session, don’t hesitate to email me (nichole@invictusathlete.com)
OK – thanks! Having a little issue with my left shoulder. The kipping motion on the bar or rings is where I really feel it (when my head goes through the arms).
Lets make sure you are in an elevated position when on the pull-up bar and not going into your traps when you are hanging.
DMA done
A. Done
B. Squats just felt heavy and tight right from the get go. Warmed up to 225, did 3 sets of 3 and decided to call it. Still pretty tried and stiff from do the front squats and wall balls yesterday.
C. Done with standing sled pulls at 205. Didn’t time. Went all out and then rested as needed.
D. Done
T2b 14/14/14
Bob 7/8/8
Air squats 19/21/20
B. Push press in jerk position 95/135/135/135
Ohhhh nice on the T2B!
A. Done
B. 275-315-365 // 365
C. 1:03 – 1:04 – 1:04 (88-95 RPM)
D. Done
* Optional = Done
Very consistent and FAST on that bike!!
Thanks Nicole! The aerobic capacity programming is really helping.
B)160,180,2071/2(had a 2 1/2 plate on one side. ??♀️
195# for room
C)skipped and did optional session instead modified to work around the bicep
did GHDs instead of toes to bar did 10/10/11
Did box jump overs, no Burpee 10/10/10
Squats 19/20/21
D) subbed barbell rollouts for abwheel
15 v ups each set and held all the planks for 1 minute
Mobility completed. I need to video the glute activation so y’all can have a good laugh.
A)Completed. The back to wall split handstand is easier than the wall facing. Should that be the case?
B2)245#(3) Thank you for only three rounds. I am not sure I could have gone much longer at x3.
C)1:12/1:16/1:19 20-25 calories is good. Anymore and the time would have dropped significantly. Sled pulls were on concrete floor so it moved easily.
Please do Dean!!
Yeah, the wall facing is generally more challenging.
A. Done
B. 215/260/295
B1. 265
C. Done. Forgot to look at clock at end.
A. Done
B. 235,265,305
B1. 280 for all
C. 1:20,1:28,1:23
D. Done
Very fast Tom!
That is a good range for me now on the AB. First rd was :50 on AB then 1:04 and :55
A. Completed
B. Squats 280, 300, 320, 330
C. 15 cal bike then 15 KB Rows.