Death by Strict Pull-Up
Minute 1 – 1 Strict Pull-Up
Minute 2 – 2 Strict Pull-Ups
Minute 3 – 3 Strict Pull-Ups
Minute 4 – 4 Strict Pull-Ups
… and so on until you can’t complete the designated amount of strict pull-ups within the minute.
In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
400 Meter Run
20 Power Cleans
20 Toes to Bar
35-54: 135/95 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs; 15 Toes to Bar
*Partners can divided up the cleans and toes to bar however they’d like, but only one partner works at a time. The only exception to this is on the run, in which case both partners are running together and must stay within arm’s reach.
Terrible day of training. I very very rarely drink…and we had a party at our house for the iowa Nebraska game…yadda, yadda, yadda…i was a little hung over on saturday ?
Anyhow…got through my 8’s and got 5 in the 9’s for a total of 41
Did part b with Jen: 4+40 (i did airdyne while partner ran. I thought the jostling from running was going to make me puke!)
I swore to never drink again around minute 15???
I can imagine that was quite a party! Went to school in Iowa…
Party like a hawkstar!!!
Took Saturday off…went into the gym Sunday afternoon:
A. 11 rounds + 9 Strict pull-ups (75 Total)
B. No partner and was blowing a gale force today so ended up just doing these ass bike intervals:
5 x :30/:60 – 49.9 cals
Rest 2 mins
5 x :30/:30 -43.6 cals
10 min cool down on ass bike
Held a UK Masters training day yesterday and had a blast. Not too much intensity, but was able to move a bit with everyone. C&J up to 120kg. Didn’t push anymore than that, but felt that I had a 125kg at least. Lets see how the LiftOff goes next week! We have an Air Assault runner, which we were able to work in to the programming. Great to finally get to use one of these machines. I was NOT a fan at first, thinking that £5k is better spent elsewhere and that running is for outdoors only. I was so… Read more »
A. 7 rounds plus 3 pull-ups
B. 4 rds + 400m row and 800m on assault bike and 14 cleans. Did this one with my wife. Raining out, so each round we switch assault bike and rower (1 person on each).
A – 7 rounds + 4 pull-ups
B – 4 rounds + 400m + 4 PCs. Did this with my sometimes training partner Megan who is 30 years my junior. While she can lift considerably more weight than I can, I definitely could have run faster… 🙂 But I LOVED this WOD. Fun!
– Snatch: 93/97/100 (95% of PR) and
– C&J: 105/110/115 (96% of PR).
-Total: 6 for 6 and 215 kg (94% of PR).
Great day of WL! Would be grreat to get back to 105/120 until XMas…
A. 10 rds plus 8 pull-ups
B. 5 rds + 400m, 20 cleans, 18 T2b. So close to finishing the round. Did this one with my wife. It was a grind but it was fun.
What if we have no partner?
I did it as follows:
500 m row (Michigan) lol its,winter and raining)
10 pcln
10 t2b
Did a 10 minute amrap with half the reps!