Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
12 Alternating Bowler’s Squats
12 Alternating Cossack Squats
12 Band Pull-Throughs
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
Split Jerk x 3 reps @ 60-70%
Focus here is on PERFECT mechanics. Pause in the receiving position and check that you are perfectly balanced and your feet are where you want them to be before recovering.
*Set 1 – 50% x 8 reps
*Set 2 – 60% x 6 reps
*Set 3 – 70% x 4 reps
*Set 4 – 75% x 2 reps
*Set 5 – 85% x 2 reps
Rest as needed
For time:
500 Meter Row
30 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
120 Double-Unders
Rest 60-90 seconds until the top or bottom of the next minute on the clock, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
10 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
20 Double-Unders
Rest 6 minutes, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
250 Meter Row
15 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
30 Double-Unders
Three sets of:
Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 6 reps @ 21X0
Rest as needed
Banded Overhead Triceps Extension x 30 reps @ 1010
Rest as needed
A. 1 round
B. Split jerks performed @140#
C. 150/180/210/225/255#
D. ❌
E. âś…
D. 5:28 Rx
B. 45, 135
C. Off 500
D1. 5:03
D2. 4+15
D3. 6:51
E. 135 and red band
Fun workout thanks Tino!
A. Done
B1. 25-30 kg
B2. 25 kg
B3. 70% @ 36 kg
C. Done based on 95 kg
D. Done with 14 lbs WB
1- 5:53
2- 4 rounds + 20 reps
3- 7:03
Tripped a lot today…
E. Done. Bent over row @ 35 kG
A) skipped
B) 30/40kg // 45/47,5kg // 65/67,5/65/67,5/70kg. Felt snappy
C) 85/105/120/127,5/145kg. Pretty good
D) 5:59min // 3 rounds + 5 WBs // 8:50min total time of 25:50min
Used a usual 20lbs WB in the last two rounds because my knee started hurting a little. WBs crushed me but other than that I felt fine.
A. Skipped
B. Up to 175#
C. Tol set @ 355#
D. 23:48 total time, 5r+3
E. Done
IM back!! Definitely had a cold or some sickness this week, so I actually rested. Seemed to pay off today!
A) done
B) a- up to 65 b- 65 c- jerks done @120. Felt really solid today and quick under the bar
C) 175/200/240/260/280 felt awesome. No belt for any
D) 4:34 Rx/ 5 Rx / 6:47 Rx. Happy with this!
E) done
Thanks Tino! Hope your weekend is awesome!
You gotta catch a break at some point! As soon as you’re back healthy and training consistently you get unwell! Good to see you’re feeling better
I know…..seems to be how it’s been lately! I’m adjusting my own macros today- perhaps that will help. I keep pretty busy days and am on my feet all day teaching PE now.
I’ll get it right!
A) Done
D) 4:35
5rds +5 WB
5:37 All UB
*Only have a 20lbs WB
Need to invest in a 30lb. Ball 🙂
Shit was a lot of fun today. Everything g done. Need……fooood…..
Oh yeah,found Jared Enderton videos for split jerk, very helpful. And another Invictus guy I don’t know for the tall and balance. Also helpful!
Rest up and eat well! You’ve earned it!
A. Done
B. 185 across felt solid
C. Top set at 405. Nice to be putting wheels on the bar again
D. All Rx
6:14 – big sets of D/u an issue
7:26 – all unbroken but transition was across the gym
E. 155 on rows
I hope you ran those transitions ?
Power walk ??
B: 95/115/125
B1: 3 sets with empty barbell. Focusing on position and driving under and through the bar
B2: 112/125/135/140/145. All sets felt good
C: 150/180/215/225/255
D1: 5:18
D2: 4+19
D3: 7:27
Terrible at DUs today. Usually better with those, so times were slower then I wanted
Bad double Under days are usually a good indicator of your CNS being a little fried! Rest up!
Good to know! Thanks for info!
A/ done
B/ 60/65
85/90/95/100/105kg from ground
C/ 125/150/175/187.5/212.5kg no belt
D/ 4.40
E/ bo row 60/80/80kg
Got a short workout in at the hotel to keep moving.
A. Done
C. Done. 100Kg across all
Then 5×8 reps back squat at 100Kg 31X1
E. Done
1.5 Km pool swim.
Hop you’re enjoying Fiji!
Hey. What knee sleeves do you recommend if any and which lifters?
I personally really like these for knee sleeves: https://markbellslingshot.com/collections/knee-sleeves/products/extreme-x-knee-sleeves
And Nike romoleos for lifters.
B1. 95, 115
B2. 95, 115
B3. 245 across
C. 250, 300, 350, 375, 425
D1. 4:07
D2. 5 + 10
D3. 5:42
A. Done
B1. Did three sets 20/40/60kg
B2. Did three sets 20/40/60kg
B3. 75/75/80/80/85kg
C. Up to 165kg beltless, felt smooth.
D. 4.34/5rounds/7.58 du:s as singles(working on it)
E. Skipped (no time)
Fun week! ?
Fun finish to a good week!
A) Done
B) First two parts with just barbell, then 165×2, 175×2, 185×1
C) 215/245/285/305/345
D) 5:00, 4+1, 7:01 RX
E) Done
Really liking the new cycle!
Great to see you enjoyed the first week! Plenty more fun to come!
A) skipped short on time
B) done at 135 for balance. Only barbell for tall jerk
245 across for jerks. Shoulders fatigued from yesterday
C) up to 405 (85%) beltless delt smooth and solid
D) 4:01, 5+16 dubs, 5:37 all wall balls sets unbroken. Felt really smooth and in control
E) done
A. Done this is one of my fav warm ups
Jerk Balance: 85 2×3
Tall jerks: 75 2×3
Split jerks: 143 1×3, 153 4×3 …. Dante and I tried to hold each other accountable to perfection lol
C. 133×8/163×6/188×4/203×2/218×2
D. Class using all the rowers. Subbed Ass bike (30/20 and 15/10)
4:00/ 5+7/5:15 – jello arms!
E. Done
Good first week Brooke! Enjoy your rest day!
A) Done
B) b1: 45lb 2×3, b2: 35lb/45lb ; b3: 75-83lb (60-70%)
C) 115-145-165-175-195lb no belt, double overhand grip
D) RX 6:37/ 4+ 10/ 8:16 . DUs with weighted rope (because I forgot to change the cable for a lighter one)
E) Done with 83lb barbell
Have a great weekend ?
RX+ with that heavy rope! ? Nice work Sabrina!