November 23, 2018 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Accumulate 60 seconds in the bottom of the squat using a band for assistance

and then …

Two sets of:
Banded Clam Shell Holds x 20 seconds per side
30 Seconds Hip Opener per side

and then …

Three sets of:
Row 250 meters
Sky Divers x 10 reps
Alternating Lateral Lunge

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x 10 reps total
Alternating Reverse Lunge x 10 reps total
Mountain Climbers x 30 reps

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat x 7 reps @ 70%

All Age Divisions
For time:
Run 800 Meters
Row 1000 Meters
150 Double-Unders

A fun conditioning piece that should have you tasting copper at the end of the workout. 🙂 Make sure you have a back up rope in case your rope malfunctions in the workout. Make your transitions smooth and push the pace on this since this is purely conditioning based! Have fun and avoid adding to the program today – tomorrow you have deadlifts and gymnastics pulling in the workout!

Three sets of:
Barbell Power Rows x 10 reps @ 1111
Rest 60 seconds
Glute Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds

Optional Session
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Clean + Jerk

*Sets 1-3 = 1 rep @ 70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 4-5 = 1 rep @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk

At the 12 minute mark. . .

Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 87.5% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk

Two Sets of:
DB Cuban Press x 12 reps
Supinated Grip Pull Ups x 12 reps

followed by…

Two Sets of:
Inverted Rows x 12 reps
Diamond Push Ups x 12 reps
DB Lateral Raises x 12 reps

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