Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
30 Banded Good Mornings
20 Alternating Lateral Lunges
15 Banded Presses
10/7 Calorie Bike
Followed by…
Ten reps of:
Depth Drop to Box Jump to Depth Drop to Broad Jump
Rest as needed
In 15 minutes, build to today’s heavy:
Power Clean + Power Jerk
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets of):
Bench Press x 8 reps @ 73%
Three sets for times of:
200 Meter Run
15 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Hang Power Snatches (135/95lbs)
9 Overhead Squats (135/95lbs)
Rest or alternate full sets 1:1 with a partner.
Three sets of:
12-15 Supinated Grip Chest Supported Rows
12-15 EZ Bar Skull Crushers
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
60 Second Chinese Plank
30 Second Side Plank (each side)
Athlete Training Notes:
Straight forward engine work with a barbell. Hit the run at a hard pace, burpees at a smooth consistent pace, then see if you can go unbroken on the barbell. This one is going to test grip as well as overhead stability with an elevated heart rate. For training purposes we want you coming into the hang snatches breathing hard so that you know what it feels like to push and have to cycle the barbell. Take notes on all aspects of this workout. Times, how you felt, if you had to break, where you could’ve pushed, etc. The more detailed the notes the more you’ll get from this session.
A. 175
B. 165
C. With 250 row / b over b / 95#
3:34 3:37 3:43
D. Done similar
A. PC + PJ (off 205#): Built to 180# (88%)
B. Bench Press (off 195#): 135#x8x5
C. 3 SFT: 200 m run, 15 Burpees Over BB, 12 Hang Power Snatches @ 95#, 9 OHSs. 3:23, 3:26, 3:28
D. 2 of 3 sets done. 15 Supinated Grip Chest Supported Rows, 40 Banded Tricep Pulldowns
E. 3 of 3 sets done. :60s Supinated GHD Hold, :30s Side Plank (each side)
No 12 Days of Thankfulness?! Well gee. Good day regardless. Still building my strength back after being on holiday.