Three sets of:
12 Burpee Double Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35 lbs)
10/7 Calories of Assault Bike
9 Double Dumbbell Thruster (50/35 lbs)
10/7 Calories of Assault Bike
6 Devil’s Press (50/35 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 2 reps
Build each set to something heavy for today.
Build to today’s 1-RM Snatch from 2″ Below Knee
(pause for 2 seconds at 2″” below the knee, then snatch; build in load until you find today’s 1-RM)
Five sets of:
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 30X2
Rest 2 minutes
Perform all sets with 80% of your 1-RM Back Squat, and focus on a controlled 3-second descent, followed by a maximal speed ascent.
Complete rounds of 12, 9 and 6 reps for time of:
155/105 lb Thrusters
Ring Muscle-Ups
А. 21:32 RX
B. 15/20/25/30/35/40 kg
C. 55 kg
D. 90 kg
Е. 50 min ? Rx
A. 4:25/9:37/14:51 Rx
B. 95/115/125/135/145#
C. 175#
D. 305#
E. 10:30 Rx
A) 15:34min, scaled to 17,5kg DBs
B) 45/50/52,5/55/57,5/60kg, failed the second at 60kg
C) 60/65/70/75/80/82,5/85kg all successful. Pretty stoked to hit that! definitely don’t get that every day!
D) done at 110kg based off of 140 PR.
E) skipped.
Still a little beat up from night shifts last week, but already had a good nights sleep and I’m off to bed early again today.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
A. Done @ 17:56. Devil’s press @ 12.5 kg DBs
B. 25-25-26-27-27-27 kg
C. 37 kg
D. 60 kg
E. I ripped my hands after Wednesdays metcon ? Did push ups instead of muscle ups. Thrusters @ 75 lbs. 5:37.
A. Done 15:53 with rest but didn’t hold nose breathing. I like having these pieces first
B. Up to 125
C. 155
D. 275
E. 11:23 with 135 mu were mostly doubles
Fun workout thanks Tino!
A. 4:25-10:10-15:45
B. 135
C. 205
D. 325
E. 7:35 Rx- need to get better on gymnastics. Went unbroken on the thrusters
The gymnastics program would complement this program well. It would be worth looking in to.
After 1 week of working non stop and not eating well I’m back ?? I really need to find a way to fit in work and fitness
A. Done
B. 95/ 115/ 135/ 145 (1/2)/ 145x/ 140 (1/2)
C. 175
D. 275 all
E. 13:23
Control what you can control. Food, sleep etc sneak in some snacks! I hope things quieten down and you can hit some good training. Good job getting a session in today!
Thanks Tino, I’ll try to analyze what I can do in the next couple of days
A. Done: 22:46 (NEVER OPEN MY MOUTH) #AchievementUnlocked ?
B. Done finished with 115lbs
C. PR 145lbs first time ever doing it. Snatch PR is 165lbs.
D. 275lbs (this made me see things)
E. Done @ 95lbs with pull ups 4:16
Good job in the nose breathing piece!
A- All sets around 3:40-3:45
B- built to 74kg
C- built to 90kg
D- 5×2 @ 150kg
E- 5:20
A. Done. Staring to figuring this nose breathing thing out.
B. 155#
C. 180# These didn’t feel too good. Body is a bit sore.
D. 305#
E. 7:29 with 135# scales it back based on my body today. Thrusters at 135 are feeling pretty good and consistent.
Good to see you’re getting more comfortable with the nose breathing work! ??
A) 14:16 RX
B) Up to 135, a PR for a single but hit the double!
C) Up to 175 (90%) near miss at 185
D) 305 all sets
E) 9:18 RX
Yeah!! Congrats on the 1-RM and 2-RM PR!!
A. 4:02/3:58/4:00 RX
B. 75/95/105/115/125/135 all x2
C. Up to 185. Just missed 195
D. 285 across
E. Still blown up from the rope climbs/pull-ups. Scaled to 135 thrusters and 6/5/4 muscle ups. Ub/5-4/ub and 3-3/3-2/2-2. No pulling power today 6:35.
Lots of pulling this week for sure. Some extra upper body mobility this weekend! ?
A. Done RX nasal only
13:41 total time
B. 95/115/135×2/155/165
C. Up to 225
D. Lower % 295
E. 5:18 RX
Thrusters: ub/6-3/ub
Mu: 8-4/5-4/ub
Looks like a good days work!
A) Done in around 17min including the rest. DL RX, Thrusters and Devils Press @ 25lb. Nose breathing only, burpees were really challenging.
B) Up to 27kg
C) Up to 33kg (80%). Really trying to catch lower and go faster under the bar.
D) Done @ 63kg (around 70% bc @80% I couldn’t stick with the tempo)
E) 6:58 with Ring PU and 85lb barbell (~75%) .
Thrusters: 5/4/3; 5/4; 3/3
RPU: 12; 5/4; 6
Have a great day! ?
Great days work!
A. Nose only 22,5/22,5 kg
B. Up to 55kg (easy)
C. Did power snatch up to 83kg
D. Did jumpers knee rehab
E. 6:08
Scaled to
12-9-6 40kg
9-6-3 RMU (4-3-1-1)-(2-2-2)-(2-1)
(Biceps and triceps and lats still sore from pull ups/c2b/bmus the other day)
Lots of pulling today. Be sure to dial in some extra mobility and recovery this weekend.
A. Done.
B. Still being conservative with my shoulder. Built up to 135 lbs.
C. Skipped (B was enough for a recovering shoulder).
D. 300 lbs.
E. Scaled: thrusters at 135 lbs and did 6-5-4 RMU in 6:32.
Have you all a great day!
Good to see you get some of the lifting on today!
A: ✔️ Broke the nose breathing on the last two sets at the 2nd go around on the bike. Couldn’t breath great this morning
B: Started really light at 65# built to 125#
C: Built to 145. Missed 155. Really focused on keeping my elbows high on the pull and that helped a lot
D: 5×2 @ 215#
E: Done at 135# with CTB 5:15. No rings at home
Good to see you working some solid positions on today’s lifts ?
A. 1 round
B. 75/80/85/90/95/100#
C. 140#
D. 165#
E. 9:58
A. 4:02 / 4:23 / 4:27
B. 30/40/50/55/60/65kg
C. 80kg
D. 120kg
E. Skip because I ripped my hands on wednesday
Look after those hands!
A) 4’25” / 5’00” / 5’56”
B) 50kg ✔
C) 60kg ✔
D) 112kg ✔
E) I didn’t have time for more