Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Two rounds of:
15/12 Calorie Echo/Assault Bike
50 Foot Bodyweight Walking Lunge
25 Banded Good Mornings
50 Foot Bodyweight Walking Lunge
100 Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry
Followed by…
Three sets of:
8 Med Ball Speed Skaters + Max Vertical Throw
Rest 2 minutes
*Perform eight speed skaters. Land the eighth rep on BOTH feet, and immediately perform a vertical throw for maximum height.
Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s heavy…
3 Position Snatch
(Mid – Low Hang – Floor)
*You may drop the bar before the snatch from the floor*
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets of):
Back Squat x 8 reps @ 73%
Against a 3 minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
7 Single Arm Devil’s Press (70/50lbs)
50 Foot Single Arm Overhead Lunge (70/50lbs)
7 Single Arm Devil’s Press (70/50lbs)
50 Foot Single Arm Overhead Lunge (70/50lbs)
Max Wall Balls in the remaining time (20/14lbs to 10′)
Rest 90 seconds between sets and repeat for a total of FIVE sets.
*Perform the single arm devil’s press and single arm overhead lunges all on one arm before switching to the other arm.
Three to Four sets of:
6-8 Tempo Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts @ 1111
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Four sets of:
20 Ceiling Reaching Crunches
15 Lying Leg Lifts
10 V-Ups
Rest as little as possible
Athlete Training Notes:
2:1 work rest coming up today. We’re looking to push the devil’s press and then go unbroken on those lunges. Your goal should be to finish the 7 reps and 50 foot lunge in about 60 seconds or so. Duplicate that on the other arm and that will leave you around a minute tops to hit some wall balls. From there we’re looking to push that discomfort a little bit. How many can you get? Recover then do it all again, very standard Invictus style training today!
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory
Three sets of:
10 Goblet Hold Box Step Ups (right)
Rest 15 seconds
10 Goblet Hold Box Step Ups (left)
Rest 60 seconds
Followed by…
For max unbroken reps:
Sandbag Bearhug Squats (200/150lbs)
*Go to true failure. This very well could be upwards of 25 reps. That’s why you’re subbing this for the primary metcon. If you do it right you shouldn’t have anything left.
Row Endurance
For Max Calories:
4 Minute Row
Rest 60 seconds
3:30 Row
Rest 45 seconds
3 Minute Row
Rest 30 seconds
2:30 Row
Rest 15 seconds
2 Minute Row
Rest 30 seconds
90 Second Row
Rest 45 seconds
60 Second Row
Rest 60 seconds
30 Second Row
Zone 2 Conditioning
Complete a steady pace for 60 minutes:
Wear a heart rate monitor a and keep your heart rate at roughly 70% of your MAX HR.
You will note 3 things at the end:
Distance Traveled
Max Heart Rate
Average Heart Rate
The goal is to stay within 2-3% of your 70% HR Max.
Sled Session
Accumulate 1 Mile in a Sled Drag with 30-40% of Bodyweight