Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 5 minutes on your choice of stretch by Coach Travis Ewart
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes, complete:
Minute 1: Inchworm + Toe Drag x 5 reps
Minute 2: Reach Thrus x 10 sets
Minute 3: Single-Leg Banded Good Morning x 10 reps per side
One set of:
Cast Swing x 5 reps
followed by…
Three sets of:
Pop Swing x 5-6 reps
followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Muscle-Up x 1-3 reps
60+ Women: Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 3 reps
*Set 1 – 10 reps @ 55% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 10 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 6 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 8 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 6 reps @ 85%
*Set 6 – 4 reps @ 90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes, complete:
Minute 1: Thrusters x 8 reps
Minute 2: Burpees over the Barbell x 10 reps
Minute 3: Toes-to-Bar x 12 reps
40-49: 115/75 lbs
50-59: 95/65 lbs
65/43 lbs; Burpees over the Barbell x 8 reps; Toes-to-Bar x 10 reps
I know this was a challenging EMOM last week for many. I want you all to focus on each minute and not think ahead to the next minute. If you struggle with the volume of the T2B then break them up early on and be quick to get on the bar. Manage your time in each minute so as to maximize your recovery without gassing yourself early on.
Mobility done
A. Worked on MU drills as best I could
B. DL done but didn’t feel strong today, worked up to 85kgs
C. No time for EMOM 🙁
M&A Done
A. SHould have passed as my shoulder still hurts. Missed on first 5 rounds but then the shoulder felt better.
B. Built up to 290#
C. Only had time for half of the 24 minutes. went UB on T2B except last rd went 6 & 6.
A. Passed. Shoulder is acting up again.
B. Done. Ended up with 4 @ 290
C. Rounds 1,2,3, and 8 RX, the other rounds scaled reps to 5/7/9.
Awesome drills
Each set.. (did not tng!)
245 – 10
295 – 10
345 – 6
355 – 8 (wtf?!?!?!)
375 – 6
405 – 4 (hello hamstrings!!!)
Haha, nice work man.
Did combination of Tues/Weds.
Mobility done.
MU skills work done then 3 MUs on the minute.
Full + Qtr FS 185/205/215/225/235. Got slower as they got heavier.
PC x 2 – 175/185/195
PC x 1 – 205/215/215
C x 1 – 205/215/225 These weren’t as heavy or as good as last week. Blaming it on being out of town.
Clean pulls @265
3×5 Weighted supinated C2B w/35# KB
200m Farmers carry with 75# DB in each hand. Dropped once, then twice in round 2 (grip).
200m Sandbag Carry with Everlast Heavy Punching Bag (all I could find at visiting box)
Oh and one more thing….My Cubs just won the World Series!!! I saw my first Cubs game 40 years ago. I spent my entire 20’s living 4 blocks from Wrigley Field. I cannot believe it finally happened! I’m still in disbelief. I think I’m taking the rest of the week off. 🙂
So awesome Mike! That game was incredible to watch!!! Celebrate today!
A. did MUs with emphasis on an early pop- felt pretty good
B. Did bench 10×165/10×195/6×225/8×240/5×255/2×270
C. 13 cals/12 TTB/10GHD – I called it AB ASSAULT
FINALLY GOT MY MRI 14 weeks after getting injured at the games “focal flap tear of the body of the medial meniscus which extends across the entire width of the meniscus” – We shall see
Thinking positive thoughts for an easy repair!!!
Yes, positive thoughts! Glad you were able to get an MRI and see what is going on with it.
Mobility done
A. Cast swings and pop swings done
MUs 10 min EMOM 1-3, did most sets as one, focused on the “pop” to get as high on the rings as possible. Did all 10 sets. Feeling more comfortable with no false grip, hit all sets no misses. Posted video to FB
B. Deadlift 10X180, 10X210, 6X245, 8X260, 6X275, 4X295
C. EMOM 24 min – first two sets done as RX, remaining sets cut my reps to 4-6-8, couldn’t hold the RX reps. Looking forward to the day I can finish this as RX.
It will come soon!
Mob done
MU work done
B. 255/300/345/370/390/415
C. Done Rx
Great work Art!
Mobility-Warm-up Done
3-C2B EMOM All UB-Working on cycling
B. 150/175/200/215/230/240
EMOM-Done! Did all sets of T2B 6 UB then 6 singles…
Hands are sore for the past few weeks-Been trying to stay hydrated as much as I can…
Mobility done
A. Started with one per minute then two then three per minute. Total of 20. Feel like I’m finally starting to get the feel of the pop swing in my Muscle up
B. 205×10, 240×10, 275×6, 295×8, 315x,4/1/1, 330#x3
C. Subbed thrusters with 3 Ring MU. After them heavy deads, the MU were not quite as snappy! Work in progress I suppose!
Sometimes I forget this programming is for Games Level Masters athletes and then I do something like Part C and remember that fact very quickly. That was soul crushing.
Dyn/mob: done (will watch the Coach Travis Warm up after this entry) A1& A2) Done A3) 1,3,3,3,3,1 single +2, 3,2 singes+1,1xfx1x1fail Tot fails three total reps 18 🙂 B) 160,1900,217.5,235,245,261x2x2fail *I had a labral tear, pretty bad it tore a piece of the bone years ago, and its become a burden it gets enflamedfrom time to time and I felt it about to pop as I went for third rep so I let it go, ..it still caought up but nothing motrin and scaling wont fix 🙂 C) metcon: 50 age group 65 lbs/10 rds at the 23 min mark… Read more »
If you start on 0 then you should be ending in the 23rd minute before the clock clicks to 24
thanks Coach..I did an extra round then lol oh well if it doesnt kill ya it will make you stronger LOL thanks!! XOXO
Mobility done
A. MU drills
B. Skipped (bad knee and heal)
C. 30 min EMOM scaled cause heal/knee pains.
8 40# dumbbell press
10 70# KB swings
12 ttb
Mobility – done
A. Did 3 strict C2B pull-ups for the EMOM
B. 165/195/225/240/255/270
C. Modified the EMOM – 10 Front Squats/12 Box Jumps @ 24″/10 GHD Sit-ups
“You need more volume, bro…” A. 3 MU emom. Last 2 rounds harder then expected. Need to work more on my efficiency. I think these also destroyed me more then I expected for the next two. B. Ended up counting rep schemes wrong, but ultimately my last set was 2x 345. C. I scaled this and still couldn’t finish it. 16 minutes. 95lbs & * t2b Have some work to do… Now that I am back following Invictus after about a year, I see it everywhere I go. Even noticed it on a door at work I must walk by… Read more »
Welcome back Jem!
DMA done
A1 and 2 done A3: got 7 of these
B: 185,217,250,270,285,300
C: done
Learned a lot of things today! 1: If I don’t do the condition part immediately after everything else there is a 99.9% chance I won’t do it at all. 2: I’m seriously lacking motivation the last 2 weeks. Waking up at 4:30 am hasn’t helped much but think it’s more than just that. 3: My MUs are a hot mess right now. In my defense it was in my garage with 3 ft straps and my feet roughing the ground. Struggled on the 2nd one. A: Done with 2 MU B: Very frustrating! 10@230 10@275 6@315 5/3@335 3/1/1/1@ 355 1/1@375… Read more »
If you are feeling a little lax in motivation then I would suggest doing something totally different! Get outside if the weather allows or take a full rest day. Sometimes a mental break for a day or two can help a tremendous amount. So will sleep! 🙂
I totally understand…I get up at 2:15 am daily. It is not easy and I have been doing it for awhile. Hang in there 🙂
It’s gotta be something in the air, I feel the same way. Time to step back, appreciate how far we have come and attack the 2nd part of this year!
I felt similar a couple weeks ago. I read “The Invictus Mindset” and then changed my goals accordingly. I’ve felt better about training ever since. Don’t let that beautiful garage gym go to waste 🙂
Oh I won’t Dan! Thanks
I also felt similar a few weeks back. Being injured and working out by yourself just wasn’t into it. Take a couple days, then just keep plugging away and you will find your mojo again!!!!
Mob with Travis ?
3 mu UB
dL built to 275
Emom used 85 lbs
Swim practice
Can you video your mu Bethanne?
I will send you the video of them on Friday ?
Trying to get back into the swing of things, I feel like all I have been doing lately is Wodapalooza qualifier workouts, I’m completely burnt out. Need to find some balance. Oh did I mention we also bought a house last week!
worked ring & bar MU then did a These two workouts with out turning clock on
25 GHD
20 GHD
2 RMU…..
15 GHD
10 GHD
5 Bar MU
Rest 10min
10 alt DB snatch #70
30 DU
10 rounds
See how feel tomorrow I hate not working out
Congratulations on the purchase of your new home!
Thanks, nothing like a full plate
Whoo hoo! You bought a house that is so exciting. Congrats. Let you body rest you have earned it with all those qualifiers! Keep crushing it Pete!
I def need to step back, I learned a lot about where I’m at, still got some holes to fill, looking forward to this season!
Congrats on the new house!!
Congrats on the new house Pete!! And these qualifiers are almost done!!
I def learned that I still got some big holes in my game.
Congrats on your New House!
Spent the past week doing the Wodapalooza team workouts – 10 in 10 days (and of course had to re-do a few). Although our team will not qualify, I was very happy with how my body held up and how I performed. PR’d my thruster and 3 position snatch, and got every rep I could get out of the wods. Confirmation that this program is working – looking forward to getting back into training and continuing to progress! Felt like lifting a little today, so did the front squats and cleans from yesterday. Worked up to a PR on the… Read more »
Great job on PR
Thanks Tom!
Awesome to hear Joe!! What a great recap of the qualifiers – so happy you pushed and gave everything you had. You can walk away feeling accomplished!