Workout of the Day
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Work as heavy as you’d like, based on feel and good mechanics.
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets) of:
*Set 1 – 8 reps @ 50%
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 60%
*Set 3 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 80%
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Speed Deadlift
x 3 reps @ 65%
Reset the barbell every time on the floor…do not perform these touch and go.
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – Row 200 Meters/150 Meters
Minute 2 – 20 Walking Lunges with KBs in Farmer’s Carry (20-24/12-16 kg)
Minute 3 – 5 Toes to Bar + 10 Burpees
Scale based on individual ability. I want you to push yourself, but you should be able to finish each element within the 60 second window.
A. 185, 195 the rest of the way. Just felt off today.
B. 230, 275, 320, 365 Felt good on the DLs today.
C. 300
D. This was awful today. Not sure which rounds but skipped the row one round, the lunges one round and the t2b one round. Made various rep changes along the way to keep going. Wanted to quit after 4 rounds but kept at it. Just not a good day. The sun will come up tomorrow. 45lb Kbs.
A. 245 for all 6
B. 275, 345, 395, 440
C. 365
D Completed all rounds. Did 15 Cal Air Dyne instead of rows.
Thank you for the good work!
Today is not a good sittning day…
Did A and D 5:30 a.m. Did not feel great. Did DL later in day and felt much better.
A. 175,175,185,185,195,195: 6 sets done every 90 sec. to buy a little time.
B. Done off 420
C. Done at 275
D. Lunges were brutal. Scaled to 10 reps by 4th round (44lb.) Rows and TTB/BRP. RX
B: 205-245-285-325
C: 265
D: Done with 24Kg KBells
A. Worked up to 175
B & C. Did squats in place of DL. Hope I’m not screwing up this programing too much, I have a couple more weeks in my squat cycle and want to finish it.
D. Row 200M all rounds; lunges with 20kg KBs, 16 first round then 10 for the rest; 5 T2B all rounds, 10 burpees first and last round, 8 for all others.
A. 95,105,115,125,130,130
B. 125,145,170,195
C. 160
D. 12kg for lunges. Kept up until round six, cut down to 16 lunges and 8 burpees, finished last round with full reps, just to see if I could. This workout and last weeks 30:00 emom are so MENTAL for me. I felt better going into it and felt more comfortable with the movements. Starting to trust being able to push hard.
A. worked unto 215
B. 175/210/245/280
C. 225 for all sets
D. finished rows up each round, had to scale to 15-18 lunges a few rounds, T2B and burpees were the rest if you can call it that. Love these grinders, get you mentally tough
Big Steve Nichols (40 6’3 228)
A. 220# Pass
B. 255#, 335#, 385#, 405# Pass
C. 320.5# – Pass
D. Avg’d 200M .45 secs, only could get 15-16 lunges in 1min used 55# kbs, T2B/Burpees RX. Failed in 23 mins. (Brutal. Friggin mean. Loved it).
A. all at 105#
B. 130/155/180/205
C. 166
D. Done with 25# Db Bulgarian Split Squats 14, 7 each side
(can’t get on toes for lunges), but everything else went well. I channeled my inner Jenny Labaw for 1 legged burpees!!
Ha Ha
Awesome Andi!
A. 155/165/165/175/175/175
B. 215/255/305/340
C. 275
D. Done w/45#kbs for 1st 4 rounds, scaled back reps for rounds 5-10. Really tough, humbling. Rowing, T2B/burpees went fine.
A-Up to 235
B-Up to 345
D-Mental Battle! 15 rounds 18kgx2 lunges than 15 rounds 18kgx2 lunges 15 reps and 8 burpees. I wanted to quit after 15 rounds but pushed through by reducing reps.
D. Only got 15 min in of this one
All doable, minus 35# kb!!!! I used 30#, gonna feel those tomorrow
Yes, I did the quick math later, that there is 200 lunges. Might have some walking problems tomorrow:)
Agree. I’m peeing standing up today
A. 98/103/108/108/108/108
B. 123/133/153/183
C. no time
D. 16 kg KB for lunges. Hit all reps through round 5, then lunges dropped off to 15, then 12. Wow, those were rough!
A. 85/95/105/115/120/125F the jerk. That was about all I could muster for upper body today. I’m super sore!
B. Based off 265, 135/160/185/215 felt light today, happy about that.
C. passed on the speed deads, had a tight time line today
D. KB 16kg for lunges. Slow and steady won the race with this one today. Kept a constant pace and finished each minute with about 20 seconds of rest. I agree with others, the burpee round was the rest. Way easier than the one we had last week, or just maybe I’m getting used to these 30 minuters:)
Nice push with those heavy lunges
Didn’t have a good warm up so used A. as a partial warm up
A. 190,195,205,210,215,225 200m row, 16 lunges with 53’s, 5ttb 8 burpees.
Scale was perfect I made all reps & about min 22 I was wondering, but I dug deep and the final 8min just passed. 🙂
Good job sticking with it, these are mentally tough!
Did a bit of a modified program based on missing a few days, heavy squats on knees yesterday, etc. Felt good today though! Warmup: 3 Sets not for time of Wall Run w/ 20 Shoulder Taps / 10 Banded squats + Wall Stretch / DU practice A: Snatch Balance + High Hang Snatch – worked for 12 Min. Drilled @ #95/100 B: Jerk Work – worked for 14 Min. E90 Sec – Drilled @ #145/155 for most sets C: Deadlifts: #175(8) / 205(6) / 245(4) / 275(2) D: Speed DL x 3 @#235 E90SEC (8 Sets) E: EMOM – ran… Read more »
A) 185/205/225/225/245/255
B) 225/275/315/365
C) 295
D) 53lb kb’s – finished all except lunges were: 20/20/20/20/20/20/16/10/20/20
Thank you for the birthday wishes. I am really liking the things I see posted here. A. 185,185,195,205,205,205 B. 215,255,300,340 set clock to 90sec intervals on accident, instead of 2min. C. 275 D. 200m, 20×1.5pood rounds 1-5 and 10×1.5pood 6-10, 5T2B + 10 burpees Was just worn out after 5 rounds of lunges. I’ve never said this before but I sadly have to say that the burpees were actually the easiest thing to do (besides T2B). Maybe should’ve went with 1pood instead of 1.5. Damn bravado!! (I think 2 days and 4 night shifts in a row are catching up… Read more »
Haha, I hear you about the burpees. I guy at our box was doing the Competitor metcon at the same time as me where they finish with 75# thrusters so I just kept thinking how lucky I was to have burpees instead of thrusters 🙂
That is so true! I sent the 30min emom to our comp coach (which is wed nights) and all she could say was and I quote “Damn!” I forget that you guys (and gals) have been doing this for 6 weeks prior. I need to remember that I just started this last week at the beginning and then this week jumped to the new cycle of programming. And although I been doing extra work for weeks, I haven’t been doing this good of programming. I should have scaled the farmers down to 1 pood. that was evident after round 4.… Read more »
A. Up to 105kg (happy going over 100kg, such a mental barrier)
B. 90/110/125/145kg
C. 117.5kg
D. Done. Ditto on the lunges. Completed 4 rnds with 2x20kg then had to scale
2 x16kg kb. Was ready for bed after that!