Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
10 Meter Handstand Walk or Handstand Wall Runs x 20-30 shoulder taps
Muscle Ups x 2-5 reps
(60+ – Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up x 8-10 reps, working to establish a good kipping rhythm)
L-Sit Hold x 30-45 seconds
Every two minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Snatch from High Hang + Mid-Thigh
Strict Overhead Press
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes, complete:
5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 85-90%
3 reps @ 85-90%
3 reps @ 85-90%
10 reps @ 70-75%
MEN & WOMEN 40-49
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
30 seconds of Rest
Followed immediately by…
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Stationary Dips
30 seconds of Rest
Followed immediately by…
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Push-Ups
30 seconds of Rest
MEN & WOMEN 50-55
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups with 2″ riser/abmat
30 seconds of Rest
Followed immediately by…
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Stationary Dips
30 seconds of Rest
Followed immediately by…
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Push-Ups
30 seconds of Rest
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Strict Handstand Push Ups with 4″ riser/abmat
30 seconds of Rest
Followed immediately by…
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Stationary Dips
30 seconds of Rest
Followed immediately by…
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Push-Ups
30 seconds of Rest
A:10 meter handstand walk, 30 shoulder taps, 10 m handstand walk
3,3,3 MU Lsit 40, 35, 30
B: worked up to 115 for last two
C: 82,100,115, 140, 140, 10 reps did a strip set due to failure 125, 115,95
D: HSPU 5,4,3 Dips 11,8,9 Pushups 15,13,9
A Handstand wall run 20-20-20
Bar MU, no rings 5-5-5
L-sit 30sx3
B 50kg
C 3×60, only two reps when I tried 62,5kg. 50kgx7
D HSPU 8-5-4
Dips 12-10-10
Push-ups 13-9-10
A) HS walks: Each round did several four and five foot walks to the wall to accumulate approximately 10 ft. each time
Muscle ups: did 3-4 muscle up transitions on rings using red band
Lsit: 45, 40, 35
B) 55, 60, 65, 70, 75
C) Based off 85#, 43, 51, 60, 73, 75, 78, 63
D) SHSPU w 1 abmat: 10, 8, 4
Strict Dips on rings w/ red band: 10, 10, 9
Pushups: 10, 10, 9
A. HSW felt comfortable though distance is only about 20 ft. MU 5/5/5 unbroken but not strict. L-Sit 20/30/30 not getting better at these but don’t like them anyway.
B. Worked up to 115, these felt pretty good tonight.
C. 75/90/105/130/135/135/110 Last rep of last 3 rounds were a fight.
D. (40-49) SHSPU 7/8/7, Dips 15/12/9, PU 12/12/12
A. shoulder taps 3X20; strict ring rows X8. Unable to do an L-sit!! I hold on parallettes one foot/leg in the L position while the other is touching the ground and alternate half way through. Is this the best progression? Any other suggestions? B. these did not feel well today; no power from the high position and felt low getting under the bar; maybe due to lower back being sore which is odd for me (as I am a chiropractor!!). I worked on technique and bar path. 75/85/95/105/105 C. off 150. 75/90/105/115/125/130/105 D. had to do the following modifications due… Read more »
Try starting in a tuck position (knees to chest), then progress by extending one leg for 1 second, bring that leg back in, extend the other leg for 1 second, bring that leg in.
Thanks. I will try that modification.
A. Walks: took me 3-4 sets to get 10m
MUs: 3/3/1 the final set(by set I felt like the first time I had ever been on the rings. Whoa.
L sits 30/30/40
B. 85/95/105/115/125#
C. 55/65/75/85/95×2/90×3/80x 7 then 3 singles CRUSHED!
D. sHSPU: 2/0/0 nailed it : /
Dips: 8/8/8
PUs: 12/10/12
Well that’s a wrap. Smoked!
A. 2×20 shoulder taps and some handstand practice, lost my muscle up about 18 months ago, so worked on that. 3x:30 L-sits.
B. 70,75,80,85,90
C. I don’t have a 1RM so I found one, 95lbs. That was hard.
D. SHSPU to 1 ab mat, 5/5/3, dips 5/7/6, push ups 9/10/10
A. Complete with wall runs and muscle up with blue band
B. Did snatch workout with class
Muscle snatch 1 rep every 90 sec 6 rds up to 115
Hang snatch 1 rep every 90 sec 8 rds up to 125
C.complete off 145 1 rm
D. HSPU’s 8,5,5. Dips 11,12,12. Push ups. 15,18,18
A. HS walks were great tonight. Muscle ups 3/4/3, Lsits complete I hate these 😉
B. 135,155,155,155,155
C. 95,110,130,155,155,160,135×10
D. 10/5/4—15/10,8—9/8/8
A. Did wall runs, toenail MUs, 30sec L-sits
B. All at 125#
C. 95/115/135#x5 160/165/170#x3 135#x9 (failed 10th rep)
D. HSPUs 10/6/2, dips 10/8/4, push-ups 9/7/5
A. 3×30 shoulder taps, MUs 2,3,0 :(, L-sit 45s unbroken, 2x45s accumulated
B. worked up to 115, slow under the bar today
C. 95/100/115/135/140/140(2)/115 happy to get that last drop set
D. 10/6/3, 18/15/15, 18/14/13 walked out of the box like way back in the day
A-Shoulder touches, C2B (10 each round at 9 sec. Butterflying felt good today.) L-sit not good at 20×2 each round.
B-Worked up to 135 focusing on foot work. I made sure I got 2″ or so off ground each pull with my feet landing a few inches back from my start position. Felt much better today and my lower back cooperated after a days rest.
C-12/9/4, 17,16,10 (just received matador was excited to use), 14, 11, 10
P.S. Thank you to everyone for raising and commenting on the shoulder issue. That’s my big area of pain, etc. so I also appreciate the suggestions and comments. 🙂
Really had to check my ego at the door today. Shoulders are not my strongest area…but glad to be working my weaknesses. 🙂
A. HS walk 2-3 feet and also did HS touches; CTB; L-sits
B. 68/68/68/68/68 these felt good 🙂
C. 43/48/53/63/68/73/53
D. SHSPU (w/one abmat still) = 8/5/4
strict dips = 6/5/5
push ups = 12/11/11
Wow, once the shoulders went, they were gone!
A.HS walks best ever with 2@40ft. L-Sits 45/45/35. MU’s 3/3/2/2 did one extra round working on better body positioning and linked. B. 85/95/100/105 super happy to hit 105 here. Went for 110 twice, got it up but couldn’t finish. I can;t wait until this is my working weight:) C. Based off 110#, 55/65/75/95/100/100(1) 10@80# My mind wanted to get the last set of 3 @100 but my shoulder strength was not cooperating! Barely got the10th @ 80. D. SHSPU 12/6/6 Strict dips 16/10/8 Push ups 11/11/11 Surprised this went as well as it did because I felt like my shoulders… Read more »
Great work today Christine!
Awesome HS walking! 🙂
A. HS walks done, MU 3UB/3UB/4UB, L-sit 35/40/35
B. 50/50/55/55/57.5kg
C. 40/40/45/55/55/57.5/45kg
D. SHSPU 6/3/1, Dips 22/16/10, Push ups 13/13/12
A) 40 ft ea. then strict mu’s- 3/4/6 then 30 sec ring L’s
B) 95/115/135/155/175
C) 95/115/135/155/165/165/140
D) 10/10/6 then 20/20/15 then 20/16/17
Nice job on strict MUs!
A. Walk on hands 3×40 ft. (Length of gym)
L-sit 3×30
C. Off 160, 10 x 115 on last set
D. 40 SHSPU (20,11,9)
64 dips (25,20,19)
63 push ups (25,20,18)
Nice double digits Al!
Thanks Christine. You put up some pretty good numbers yourself today. Your L-Sits are super impressive. Nice work on the Met Con too.
A. Done (apparently my 32 ft+ walks dropped to 8-15ft (along with a 1 footer))
B. 95s (right wrist still sore from car wreck)
C. 85/100/115/140/145/145/115
D. 8/4/2 SHSPU
12/13/11 ring dips
14/11/10 PUs. (These were just painful)
happy birthday!
Hope its a great birthday for you Kelly!
Thank you!
Happy BD!
A. Done with Wall Runs x30, banded MU 4/3/3, L-sit :35 UB/:24 & :16/:17& :17
B:63/73/78/78/78(Fmid hang)
C. 45/53/63/75/77/80 10@66
D. All RX
SHSPU 8/4/3 (started off super excited..didn’t last long!)
Dips 11/8/9
Push Ups 14/12/11