November 17, 2021 – Masters Program

Mobility & Activation
5 Minutes of rowing @ easy-medium pace

and then …

Hamstring Stretching with Eccentric Loading
Step 1 – 60 seconds static stretch per leg
Step 2 – 3 Isometric contractions per leg
Step 3 – 5-10 reps of eccentric loading

Warm-Up Prep
Two rounds at 70-80% effort of:
10/7 Calorie Bike OR 200 Meter Jog
25 Banded Good Mornings
20 Banded Face Pulls
15 Single-Leg Hip Bridges (each leg)
10 Supine Ring Rows
100-Foot Sandbag/Medball Bearhug Carry (slow pace)

Five sets of:
Rest as needed

*Sets 1-2: 2 reps @ 80%
*Sets 3-4: 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 5: 1 rep @ 88-90%

Against a 20-minute running clock…
Four rounds of:
40 Drag or Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 60 Double-Unders
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
4 Rope Climbs (15′)

In remaining time complete as many rounds and reps as possible of Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups.

Against a 20-minute running clock…
Four rounds of:
20 Drag or Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 40 Double-Unders
15 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
4 Rope Climbs (15′)

In remaining time complete as many rounds and reps as possible of Burpee Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Scaling Options for Bar Muscle-Ups (choose one of the following):
Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups
Banded Bar Stomps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Band Assisted Bar Muscle-Ups

Scaling Options for Chest-to-Bar/Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups:
Band Assisted Chest-to-Bar or Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Jumping Chest-to-Bar or Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups

Scaling Options for Double-Unders:
Plate Tap x 45 seconds
Single-Unders x 180-120 reps

Three sets of:
20 Banded Hamstring Curls
Rest 45 seconds
5 Wall Slides (slow and controlled)
Rest 45 seconds

Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is a shoulder burner! Between the drag/heavy rope, burpees, and rope climbs, there isn’t much reprieve for your shoulders at any point. Find a consistent pace on the four rounds and see how closely you can keep each round especially as you start to fatigue. If you’re someone who struggles with the drag rope, then just know that you’re going to have to make up for it somewhere else. A great place to look is in the time between rope climbs. Since you get to use your feet, we’d like to see you minimize the amount of time spent on the floor between reps. Another spot you can make up time on someone is by pushing the pace on the burpees. Just know that these movements all will elevate your heart rate, so if you go too fast and it detracts from the other movements, then that may not be the best strategy. After you finish the 4 rounds, it’s time to hammer down on the burpee bar muscle-ups/chest-to-bar pull-ups. There isn’t any strategy for this portion as the reps are all done 1 at a time. All you have to do is force yourself back on the ground. Find a good rhythm. When you drop off the bar, immediately hit the floor for the next burpee. You can then take your breath before jumping up to do the rig. A little grip, a lot of pump, and even more grit for today’s Wednesday workout!

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option
Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – Bench Press x 5 reps
Station 2 – Dumbbell Bench Press x 10 reps
Station 3 – Dumbbell Floor Press x 15 reps
Station 4 – Cobra Peel-Offs x 5-6 reps (hold for 10-12 seconds)

Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1 – 40 seconds of Kettlebell Swings
Station 2 – 40 seconds of Prone Plank
Station 3 – 40 seconds of Push-Ups
Station 4 – 40 seconds of Flutter Kicks

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