Primary Strength Session
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 1 rep
(build over the 6 sets to something heavy for today)
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch
Loading per set:
*Sets 1-2 – 70% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position after the full snatch
*Sets 3-4 – 75% with a 2-3 second pause in receiving position after the full snatch
*Sets 5-6 – 80% – no pause
*Sets 7-8 – 85% – no pause
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 3 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Goal is to perform 5% more than last week.
Primary Conditioning Session
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
10 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
55/35 lb Dumbbell Man-Makers
Man-Maker = DBs to ground, push-up, left arm row, right arm row, power clean, push press
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Minute 1 – 45 seconds of Ski Erg or Assault Bike
Minute 2 – 30 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Minute 3 – 30 seconds of Handstand Walk
Report results as follows:
Ski Erg or AB – 12/14/11/14
MUs – 6/6/6/5
HSW (in meters) – 10/9/11/8
Three sets of:
20 Dumbbell Skull Crushers
20 Dumbbell Tate Press
20 Dumbbell Floor Press
(perform as a complex laying flat on the floor.)
Rest 30 seconds
60 seconds Hollow Hold
Rest 60 seconds
a. 50/55/60/65/70/75kg
b. 80/80/85/85/90/90/90/90kg, kept it a bit lighter for wrist
c. 65/67.5/70/72.5/75kg
a. 4+3 rxd
b. 17-18 lost count
a. AB 18/18/17/17/16
MU 6/6/6/6/6
HSW 12m/12m/12m/12m/12m
felt good so did an extra round
b. done with 10kg DBs
A. 85/95/100/105/110/115 (PR!)
B. 115
C. 90
A. 3 + 4
B. no db’s so used kb’s (25#) 14 reps
Spent some time working on bar mu’s and some core stuff after.
Strength Sesh:
A) Muscle Snatch 85/95/105/115(pwr, whoops)/115/120(fail)
105/115/125/135 – failed forward a tich twice on full @ 135.
C) 90/90/95/95/100
+ shoulder stability what not
A) 3+10
B) 16
+ trying to smash and loosen up my ridiculously tight traps.
A. 35kg – 38kg -41kg – 43kg – 45kg -46kg (1Kg PR)
B. 1-2: 47kg
3-4: 50kg
5-6: 53kg
7-8: 57kg (fail on 7th set)
C. 37-39-41-43(2)-43(2)
A. 3+6 reps took too many breaks on HSPU
B. 12 reps (I accidentally did a push-up in between each row)
Ski: 12/13/13/12
MU: 0/1/1/1 (cannot for the life of me string any together today)
HS: 25’/27’/29’/20′
B. All three sets w/10# DBs
A) Worked up to 175
B) 175/195/205/215
C) Worked between 145-160 lbs.
A) 5 rds + 4 burpees
B) 19 total reps
AB: 24/20/19/17
MU’s: 9/9/9/8
HSW: 19/18/17/15
A. Worked up 125
B. Did percentages off of 175
C. 85,100,100,100,100
5+3 & 17 man makers
A. But to 105#
B. Stayed at 70% (112#) for all sets. Needed to work on form.
C. Hit 100# for 3, up 5# from last week.
A. 3 + 2. Need work on shspu. Annoyed I didn’t do them all UB.
B. No motivation here. Need to push harder.
A. Did 3 rounds to cut in volume a bit.
12/6/20′. 11/5/36′. 12/5/20′. MU UB. Sometimes I have an issue with moving forward in the walk. I will stay stationary. Sucks cause when we practice stationary j move.
B. Did 2 sets to cut down on volume alittle.
A. Worked up to 165
B. Worked up to 195. Was supposed to go up to 205 but felt like complete garbage. Misses randomly everywhere.
C. Used 150 for all sets
A. 4+5
B. 19
Aerobic/Gymnastics A)
AB – 13/11/12/11
MU – 1/1/1/0 (first two felt easy! should’ve had the last one, did it after the EMOM)
HSW (recorded max UB attempt in feet) – 4/5/11/12 it warmed up…
Seated strict press:
Muscle snatch 65/75/85/85/85/85 these felt heavy!!
Snatch…65 hurt my wrist – maybe did too much last week. I’ll try to have it looked at.
A) 3+5
B) 15, with 25# DBs
Aerobic/Gymnastics B) done with 7.5# DBs
Hollow holds never get easier…
gymnastics session with coach
B. From optional aerobic/gymnastics: with 10# DB. Holy moly.
A. 95/105/115/120/125/130
B. 135/145/155/165
C. 105/115/115/120/125×2
A. 4+2
B. 21.
triceps DONE!!
A. 5 + 2
B. 17 (Karen stole the 35s ??, did it with 45s)
Session 2
Skull Crusher/Tate Press/Floor Press = 3×20 with 20# DBs
Hollow Hold = 3×1:00
Romanian Deadlift (sub for GHR) = 185x8x3
Reverse Hypers = 3×20
Bat Wings = 3×5 with 55# DBs
5:00 EMOM of Banded Bar Muscle Ups
Did one session, out of order, and lots of distractions 🙂
A. muscle snatch- 95/105/115/120/125
B. High Hang, Hang, Snatch-
sets 1-2: 125, 3-4: 135, 5-6: 145, 7-8: 155
optional aerobic/gymnastics
Row (instead of AB): 7,8,8,9,9,8
Muscle Ups: 5,5,5,4,6,5
HS Walk: 35′, 35′, 30′, 12′, 40′, 20′
(Regan made me do 18 mins 🙁
Part C. Seated Strict Press (after the conditioning)
worked up to 125×3
shoulders feeling smoked!
then did the accessories with 10lb DB’s.
Haha that Regan you should have left her to suffer alone 🙂
She forced me to use 45s for man makers, the extra 2 conditioning sets was only fair 😉
Muscle Snatch hit 75% of my Snatch
Hang Snatches felt better then most days. Missed the last two high hang snatches @85% (hands were raw)
Skipped the presses and did the primary conditioning but modified because my back was a little tight and from the squats yesterday.
4 minutes Strict HSPUs and Burpees = 4 complete rounds.
Rested 2 minutes and then 4 minutes Max Ca Assault Bike = 48 cal
I will do the second conditioning tonight.
Pm session…
A. 5 r and 5 reps
B. 18 and one push up
Wanted to muscle up but my shoulders are smashed so did posterior chain accessory/rehab for my back instead
Handstand Push-Up Ninja! Those short arms help!
Haha most definately! ? I like burpees too ?
4 minute amrap
4 + 3
4 minute amrap
15 reps with 45 pounds
12 minute emom
Went easy on the bike to recover legs
Muscle ups – 7 the first few rounds, then 5 or 6 and if I knew i couldn’t get another one I would do dips until time ran out.
HSW completed, not pretty
Arm blaster done with 15’s
Assault bike – 20/20/20/20
Muscle-Ups – 7/7/7/7
HS Walk – 10m/10m/10m/10m
Accessory done. What a tricep pump
Muscle Snatch up to 185
Snatch complex
This was pretty tough for me today
Seated Press done at 155
19 reps
2nd Session – Gymnastics Endurance
A. 3 board close-grip bench press- work to a 3RM
B. EMOTM x 6;
-2-4 Strict Muscle Ups= 4-3-3-3-3-2
C. EMOTM x 5;
-2 weighted (20) muscle ups
D. EMTOM 12 of AD, MUs and HSW
-AD about 20-25 cal each time
-8 MUs every time
-about 15+ meters HSW each time
E. Tricep destroyer!
-done with 25 DBs ouch!
Post- DB lateral raises for pre-hab
-3×10 at 35’s
-2×15 at 25’s
-drop set at 10’s x 20
Session One
Hour of Handstand endurance and core drills from my gymnastics coach
Session Two
Muscle Snatch
105/115/120/125-miss/ 115/120/125
Had to decide between skipping hang snatches and strict presses b/c I’m trying to find a balance between adding in gymnastics work 2x a week and doing the strength work since my shoulders, elbows, and wrists are feeling pretty blown out. Ended up skipping snatches.
Strict presses
HSPU + burpee
4 + 9
Man makers- 16
Watch your volume Kt train smart and make sure the extra you’re adding isn’t more detrimental than beneficial.
Considering strength is…well my strength, and my weaknesses are aerobic work and gymnastics, do you think it’s acceptable to skip the strength or weightlifting sometimes and keep in the added gymnastics and extra rowing or running work?
Yes I think thats a good idea. With “stronger” athletes we tend to find as long as they have touches on their lifts throughout the week they maintain there strength. This means there volume is lower for lifting and they can add in additional work without it burning them out.