Workout of the Day
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Front Squat + Jerk @ 85-90%
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 5-6 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Go as heavy as you can with the goal of achieving all 6 reps. If you only get 5 reps, stay at that weight. If you get 6 reps, you MUST go up.
MEN & WOMEN 40-54
Three rounds for time of:
10 Double Kettlebell Push Press (24/16 kg)
15 Double KettleBell Swings (24/16 kg)
800 Meter Run
Three rounds for time of:
10 Double Kettlebell Push Press
(16/12 kg)
15 Double KettleBell Swings (16/12 kg)
800 Meter Run
Three sets of:
Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 8 reps @ 2013
Rest as needed
Bat Wings x 5 reps @ 1515
(go as heavy as possible, but maintain good scap mechanics and range of motion, and stick to the tempo – 5 second rest at the bottom, 5 second hold at top)
Rest as needed
A. Done with 205-215, not real comfortable doing FS then jerk…my front rack position just doesn’t feel right as opposed to doing a clean first…?? maybe BC of my mobility issues.
B. 105/115/120/125/130×4
C. 14:09..those double KB swings just feel awkward, rowed instead of run
D. skipped due to time
A. 100# Push Jerk
B. 55/60/65/70×5/70×4
C. 16:42 with 12kg KB’s and had to row 800m (broken toe!) and Holy Hell!!
D. 25#, 25#
A: Did a combo of 235 Front Squats then 30Lb Wall balls as I still can’t rack heavier weight on my wrist
B: 135×6-140×5-140x4October 27th-140×5-140×5
C: 14:41 did Rows
D: Done
A) 108, 108, 108, 103, 103, 103 Shoulders felt unstable so I dropped the weight which helped some but I was still flailing.
B) 6@55, 6@60, 6@65, 3@70, 4@70 I had never done seated strict presses with a bar, so sort of an experiment about where to start with the weight
C) 14:10 w/ 18# KB and row. I felt lazy and did less, honestly.:/
D) GHD w/ 20#, bat wings w/25#
A.. 113/113/113/113/118/118
B. 43/53/58/63/68
C. 16:05 used 12 kg KBs. Wow…the double KB stuff was rough for me! Lower back was aching after.
D. Bat wings w/only 10#. No GHD as back was toasted.
Make sure that you aren’t overextending on those KB Swings, that could lead to some back pain.
Thanks Nichole! 🙂
A. 265 for all 6
B.Worked up to 5 at 170
C. 16:18 RX
D. Done
A. All at 190#
B. 95#x6/115#x6/135#x6/140#x5/140#x5
C. Went rogue with Christine and did the Comp part C, modified as follows:
A. 125# for all reps
B. 65/75/80/85/90 six of each set
C. Got talked into the Comp metcon today. Was happy to get three rounds of 20KB swings with the 24kg unbroken. Never done that before. 3 MU per round.
D. 25# for the GHD, Bat wings kept with tempo and used the t-bar rower to get heavy @ 80#.
Great job on those KB swings!
A: #155/155/155/160/160/160
B: #75(6)/80(6)/85(5)/85(6)/90(5) – All done from front rack, seated on bench.
C: (5:01/10:45/16:21) – Scaled to #25’s DB for PP / 24KG KB for swings – back was super lit up, wanted to stay unbroken and focus on those runs. We would not have needed high speed film to catch this effort, but I didn’t stop. So. Good times:)
D: #25’s DB for Bat Wings / #25 for GH Hip Ext.
Hahaha your posts are hilarious.
However … when you get tired then it becomes easy to overextend in the low back when running. Try to keep the core tight when you run, ribs down and head neutral. That may help next time.
A. 175,185,195,195,200,205(power clean off floor) was this meant to be split or push jerk?
B. 115
C. 16:20 (44 lb. kb) presses were easy, swings tough (84 degrees in Maui)
D. Done
If you normally split jerk when you clean and jerk, then split. And this could have been taken from the rack.
Thank you for your reply Nicole. I appreciate it.
C. 18:14 mistakenly ran first each round…used 30# kb on push press and 25# on first round of swing then 30 for round 2&3. These were really challenging as my mid to lower back very sore and achy this week. 35# would have done my back in. And yes cold here, 20 degrees, hello winter 🙂
Nice, Karen! I hear ya on the achy back!
No kidding!!!
Take care of that back!
A) 255(pr)/ 255/ 255(f)/255/265(pr)
B) 6@155/4@160/4@160/3@160/4@160
C) 16:15
D) Done
Solid work Jarrod!
A. 80/80/85/85/90/95kg
B. 40/50/50/50/50kg
C. 16:30 Rowed 1000m (4:04/4:04/3:55) as field water logged.
First time doing double swings so scaled to 20kg kb as I didn’t want to damage something!
D. GHD 10/10/20kg
Bats 20kg kb
A. 6 @ 85% 130#
B. 45/55/65/75# x 6, 80#x5
C. 17:17rx (40-54) first time doing dbl kb sw., running not my fav, after the swings even less so!
D. 10# GHD, 25# bat wings
It was chilly here, I wonder what it’s like for Christine W?
8″ of snow on the ground and ended up doing another metcon with the competition group. It’s beautiful here! Nice job on the workout:)
Snow?! Oh wow.
A. 4 sets @ 185, 2 sets @ 195
B. 75/95/105/115×5/115×4
C. 15:01, used 50# DB’s for push press
D. 25# plate for GHDs/35# kb’s for bat wings
A. Done @ 90% 185
B. 95, 105, 110, 115×5, 115×4
C. (40-54) 19:30 Scaled: 16kg push press – these were too light but 24 was to hard getting racked (should have used dumbbells) ; 32kg single KB swing. Beautiful 28 deg. day for running in WA 🙂
D. Done
Ummmm did you say 28 degrees?????
A. 165#
B. Worked up to 85#
C. 40-54: 16 flat. Exactly what I thought I would do and yes I “ran” it’s just so slow. Finished the kb work in less than a minute, but that run…needs work obvi.
D. 25# GHD 26# bat wings
Nice job Mel! There was NO WAY I was doing double kb anything today!
Great work Mel!
A. I based this off my 1rm jerk but was struggling and couldn’t hit 85%. So dropped my numbers to 225×4, 235×1, 245×1
B. 95×6,115×6,135×6,140×4,140×5
C. 14:58 Rx outside temp in KY 26deg 😉
D. 25#plate for GHD Hip ext., & 25#dumbells for Bat Wings
A Jumped directly to B, I did cleans and jerks yesterday.
B Up to 52kg. 5 reps on 55kg.
C 40-54, 15:32. Rowing instead of running. I really hate double KB svings…
D GHD 0-5-5kg, Batwings 20kg 3 set
Sore hamstrings and lower back from deadlifts yesterday, I suck on deadlift so I´m looking forward to see if I can improve my deadlifts.
A 105X6
B 55-60-65-77-68
C 15:54 2-25# DB/2-26# KBS – By the end I sounded like a baby elephant running. Clearly I haven’t been running, stomp, stomp, stomp…..
sounds familiar, though I felt more like this
Great job Tracy! You should join me in the “heel strikers” club…I started it;)