Primary Strength Session
Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed
Build to today’s 1-RM Tempo Front Squat @ 32X1
Followed by…
One set of:
Front Squat x Max Reps @ today’s 1-RM Tempo Front Squat
(perform these without any tempo prescription)
Take 20 minutes to build to a 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Followed by…
Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 90%
Primary Conditioning Session
Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets):
25/20 Calorie Row
20 Kettlbell Swings (32/24 kg)
15 Burpees Over the Erg
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2″/0″ Deficit
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Every minute on the minute for 6 minutes:
5 Supinated-Grip Bent Over Row (Heavy)
5 Stationary Dips
You need to go heavy, if you can do 5 reps throughout the workout, the weight was too low. By the end you should only be able to do 3 reps correctly. For the stationary dips use weight around your waist and put the weight behind you, not in front. This will target the triceps even more.
When the running clock reaches 10:00…
Three sets of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pulls
immediately followed by…
Dumbbell Bench-Press x Max Reps (If you hit 25+ then the weight is too light)
Rest 90 seconds
Two sets of:
200 Meter Sled Sprint
immediately followed by. . .
5 Broad Jumps
Rest 90 seconds
No pacing, this should be an all out sprint.
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
5 Dumbbell Rows Each Arm
Max weight for 5 reps – pronated grip
Gymnastics Skills Option
Four rounds for time of:
2 Legless Rope Climbs (15′)
60-Foot Handstand Walk (30′ down & back)
Over the past 9 weeks you have worked to develop these skills; last week you performed them in sets with rest; now it’s time to see the benefits of the skill work you’ve put in by applying those skills into a workout.
Every 30 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Backward Straddled Scoots x 12 reps
Interval 2 – Tuck-Up to V-Up Complex x 5 reps
Interval 3 – Bouncing Knees-To-Chest x 20 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – L-Hang Hold from Bar x 30 seconds
Interval 2 – L-Sit Flutter Kicks on Box x 30 seconds
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Every 6 minutes, for 12 minutes (2 sets):
4 minutes of Assault Bike @ 65-70/55-60 RPM
When the running clock reaches 12:00…
Every minute, on the mnute, for 5 minutes:
30 seconds of Assault Bike @ 75-80/65-70 RPM
When the running clock reaches 18:00…
Every 4 minutes for 8 minutes (2 sets):
2 minutes of Assault Bike @ 70-75/60-65 RPM
When the running clock reaches 26:00…
Every minute, on the mnute, for 5 minutes:
15 Seconds @ 80+/70+RPM
A) Done
B) Built to 325, jumped to 340 and failed. 2 reps at 325
C) Built to 275, failed clean at 285, clean felt weird, wasn’t meeting the bar and kept crashing down on me, found this odd considering my legs have been feeling strong
D) 275/315/360 followed by 355
Done, I see Russian swings are recommended from comments below… did American. HSPU declined 10/8/6/2/2/2. Made up 30 (3×10) SHPUs after workout was over.
One sesh yesterday at CFV
A. Done w/26# KB
B. Built to 195# and failed 205# ? 2 reps at this!
C. Built to 185# failed at 195# once and moved on.
D. 5 x 3 Deadlift
E. 20 min AMRAP
3 Bar MU
10 Wall balls 14# to 10’
10 KB Swings (full), 35#
20 DU
11 + 2 – all MU were UB!
A. Skip
B. Built to 175# tempo FS
Followed by max reps FS: 2 reps, failed the third
C. Built to 160#
D. 5@155, 3@175, 1@200
5×3 @ 200#
Gymnastics Skills:
C. Done
Didn’t get much done today, wasn’t effective with time. Jumped aboard the struggle bus.
Still got some good work in. Today us a new day! Hit it hard!
Ass Bike Conditioning:
Lowered the middle ranges by 5 rpm, was happy to hit the numbers. 297 total cal, cooled down for 3 cal to get the even 300.
B. 215 – 2 ?
C. Stopped at 180…not a good lifting day for me.
Based on how i felt, scaled to 10’s.
Solid work Caroline!
Short training session. Time for lifting and conditioning.
Clean and jerk: 245/265/285/305/315/325/335/345/365 (missed jerk)/ four mins rest/ 365 for a 10lbs PR.
Primary conditioning.
3:23/3:52/7/5/5/3/0. At 24 mins I did all the missed shspsu. It was a tough one with the shspu. I then measured the plates used and they where 3.5 inches… lesson learned.. double check before fitnessing.
Ha the extra height would have made this even spicier than it already was! Extra gains! ?
Front Squat Tempo – up to 215 (PR for tempo)
Front Squat – 3 reps at 215
C&J – Hit 205, then a Clean PR at 215 (5# PR) but forgot to jerk (Jerk PR is 225)
Back Squats – 185/215/235
BSquat x 3 at 89% (230#) – no problem with these, squatting has felt good!
Gymnastics Done
8:00 metcon (scaled to 8″ rope climb) – I struggle a lot with legless but these are starting to feel better
Assault Bike Conditioning done. Those 2 minute pieces were by far the worst!
Great work Andrea! Love seeing all those PR’s. You’re hard work is paying off!
A. Done with some additional glute activation
B. 240, then 2 reps at 240 (5# under my lifetime PR)
C. 230….PR!!!!!!! ????♀️
D. 195/225/250, E2M @250
Assault bike cond
221 total, recovery pedaled for most rest intervals.
Those 2 min intervals were the worst part!
4 min intervals- 56-57rpm
30 sec intervals- 67 rpm
2 min intervals- 60-61 rpm
15 sec intervals- 80+ rpm
Yeah!!!! Awesome work Beth!! Congrats on the PR!
AB conditioning:
388 total calories, other than the 70-75 RPM every 4 Minutes (fell out for 10 seconds in the middle each time) i completed everything as prescribed.
Primary Strength
A. Done
B. 275 (felt really good)
C. 285 (10# PR at this BW, i use to weigh 245 currently weigh 197)
D. Squats off of 315, these felt really heavy today.
Leaner and stronger! Love it! Great work Anthony!
Wow 388 cal nice going
Front squat. Built to 225! I’m sure that’s a PR
Then could only do 2 at 225. I was tired.
Built to 205 on Cnj missed 215. Probably too big of a jump
Back squats 195/225/250
Triples at 250/250/255/255/255
Whoa!! ? I’m out of cardio shape big time…running a bit fluffy. Had time for 5 rounds in 24:32?
First round was 3:44 ended up scaling Burpees too. 10-12 every time after the first round. Last round I did 15.
Looking strong Ashleigh! Congrats on the PR!!
A. Done
B. 385 – accidentally skipped max reps
C. Worked up to a heavy clean. Missed most of the Jerk work the past few weeks and wanted to push the Cleans. 355, missed a couple good attempts at 365.
D. Back Squat 315/365/405 – 405
Primary conditioning – didn’t do HSPUs
Big time clean!
Solid day Brady! Looking strong!
Am session
Back squat
5×3 @375
Gymnastics metcon 7:20
Rest of the gymnastics work crushed my abs
Did some toes to rope as well
Pm session
Front squat
370 tempo
2 for max reps felt kinda pathetic hahaha
345 clean and jerk (no juice in legs anymore but happy with it)
DNF primary conditioning (having some bicep tendinitis any suggestions? Tend to get it after rope climbs)
Smash that forearm, bicep and tricep mobilise your wrist, see if that helps. When I had it, it was due to tight forearms and wrist.
Vodo floss above and below the elbow, hang on a pull-up bar and torque your arm with a probated and supinated grip. Helps me every time I have elbow pain.
Big clean by the way!
Thanks man I’ll try it!!
Primary strength:
A. Done
B. Today’s 1 rm tempo front squat @140
Max reps 1
C. Today’s 1 rm clean and jerk @135
D. Backsquats 115/130/155
Emom @155
Strength accessory:
A. Sup grip bent over rows @85
Weighted dips @15
B. Hand over hand Rope pulls @45
Db bench press @30/30/35 max reps: 21/18/15
C. Done and I have no legs left
D. Db rows @20
All the legs today!
Driving to and from Pittsburgh this weekend made my hips unhappy. Lots of mobility today and no loading
Session one
Legless/hsw not for time
Session two
Assault bike conditioning: 349 cals
Shoelace got caught in my first set of 30 seconds. Need to remember to tuck my shoe laces in
So smart ?
I’m sure you’ll be ready to crush it tomorrow!
A. Done
B. 365
C. 335 (cleaned 355 but feet got stuck in the jerk)
D. 295-335-375
Started first round of conditioning but had no intensity or motivation so stopped after that
Good call. Rest up and refuel ready to hit tomorrow hard!
A. Done.
B. 330. Pr
B1. 3 @330
C. 280
D. 275, 315, 350
D1. 350
2:57 UB, 3:17 ub, 3:28, 3:36, 3:29, 4:05
Great work hitting 330! Not bad fir a skinny guy 🙂
Thanks dude!
American or Russian swings ?☺?
I always do american, unless specifically specified to do something else.
Assault Bike
357 total cals
Front Squats
Weightlifting – trying to get ready for a meet on Sunday. Had a really good day lifting
Took out the hspu to save my shoulders
Every round was sub 2:30. Pretty chill workout for me but it was perfect.
Big numbers coming on that platform!
Morning Session primary strength: a) Done b) 230lbs (didn’t do the max reps part) c) 205lbs Primary Conditioning: After the first round in 3:48, I scaled it to 15 cals/15 American swings (44lbs)/10 burpees, kept the 10 SHSPU. Finished each round with about 5 seconds to run back to my erg. WOOF. Didn’t know these are supposed to be Russian. That would have really helped my HSPU. 😛 Afternoon Session: Back Squats 200/230/255(90%) beltless Wasn’t confident hitting that x3 so went into the E2MOM slowly … 240/245/250/250/255 (failed 3rd rep). A faster variation of the AB conditioning today: EMOM 10:… Read more »
We’re looking for posterior chain engagement on the swings not the use of shoulders. We recommend Russian but at the end of the day some people like to do what suits their needs.
Morning session: Primary strength A) done B) worked to 285 which is either a pr or I tied it I can’t remember and I got 3 reps at 285 which is a pr for 3 reps C) started at 135 and worked to 275 squat felt a little hard after the front squats but happy to be able to get 275 consistently D) 245/285/300 then 315, that’s the most I’ve ever squatted 315 (15 total reps) so that was cool Strength accessory A) 155 for rows B) 90 on the sled inside then 20 reps with 50s 12 reps with… Read more »
Legs are getting pretty damn strong! Great work Parker!
Thank you Tino!
Feeling weak and out of it today:( Still stuck with it, but lower percentages than my normal Mondays. Not sure why my legs are so weak today… Gymansics conditioning: 6:29 with shoulder taps and handstand holds against wall instead of hsw. Core work all done. Primary strength: A. Pause squat up to 165 lbs. not horrible, given how I felt especially since the most I’ve ever front squated is 167.5 lbs. Then could t get even one rep at this weight and lowered to 155 for 1 rep front squat:( I realized that both front and back squat I kind… Read more »
Sounds like you need to take a real break where you relax and do nothing! No surfing, no training, no lifting weights, no gymnastics.
I don’t easily relax when I do nothing 🙁 but then again, there’s ice cream 🙂