Every minute, on the minute, for 15 Minutes (5 sets) of:
Minute 1: Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 30 Seconds
Minute 2: Bar Muscle Ups* x 4-6 reps or Strict Pull-Ups x 8-10 reps
Minute 3: L-Sit Hold x 20-30 Seconds
*Do not rush through the bar muscle ups. Take your time at the top to think about your next descent and how to make it as efficient as possible.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 60-70%
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 70-80%
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
2-Position Snatch @ 80-85%
(mid-thigh, and then 2″” Below the Knee)
Three sets for times of:
10 Devil’s Press (50/35 lb DBs)
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (50/35 lb DBs to 24″/20″)
400 Meter Run
Rest 3 minutes
One set of:
100 Incline Dumbbell Tate Press
Light weight and just move steady.
A. Done
B. 95/105/105
C. 45lb DB
D. Done
A. Did 10/10 SPU and 4/6/6 BMU . L-sit on parallettes.
B. 1).135/155/155#
2). 155/165/175#
3). 135/145/155/170/185 failed
C. Done 2 sets Rx 6:17/6:54 ran on TrueForm
A. Done with 4 ring mu
B1. 115 125 135
B2. 135 145 145
B3. 135
C. Done with 45# 20′ and 500m row
8:05 8:08 8:25
Fun workout thanks Tino!
Those intervals were fun, especially the step overs! 🙂
Solid session Tim!
A. Done
B. 125/ 135/ 145/ 145/ 155/ 165/ 165/ dnf… hit myself Hahahhaa
C. 10:37/ 10:40/ 11:27
D. Done
Workout was tough, devil presses are hard for me and there’s still a little bit of pain in my groin so step ups were hard as well
Challenging session! Be sure to look after your groin and get it healthy!
Will do, thanks Tino
A. Done
B. 55/60/65Kg
75Kg x 6; stayed at same weight b/c shoulders were getting fatigued and form was a bit off today
D. Done with 10Kg
C. Rx – 6:49/6:43/6:44
Grip and forearms were on ????
Mr Consistent on those repeats! Nice work!
It must’ve been the shoes.
A) Done- 4BMU for all sets
B1) 135/145/155
B2) 160/170/180
B3) 180/180/185/185/190f/190f/190f
C) 8:01/ 8:17/ 7:49
D) Done @10ers
Did some indoor rock climbing yesterday so my forearms are pretty fatigued and sore so that made today fun…?
Oooo love to see athletes incorporating some rock climbing. Its great in helping build grip strength
Hi, i’m from Argentina . I’m started the competition program. Thanks for all Invictus ?? and sorry for My English ?
A) Done. 5MU each round
B) h.hang 67/70/72 kilos
Hang 75/77/80
Complex 5 sets with 80kg. Miss last
C) R1: 7:00 R2 : 7:49 R3: 8:50
D) none
Welcome to the community Pier! Excited to see your progress and help where we can!!
A. Done
B. This one got my arms and legs good. First Round 115lbs, Second round 135lbs and third 135lbs 80% of Hang Snatch
C. Manage to complete the rounds on an average of 8:40
D. Done
Today got my first kipping hand stand push up!!! ?
Yeah Giovanni! Congrats! Plenty more to come! Keep up the good work! ??
Thanks Tino!!! Looking forward to more awesome things!!! ???
Tino!!!! I got a rower for my bday today!!! Now I’m never leaving my garage. Hahaha
Just snatched today, because a friend came over while I was working out and then dinner. Not mad abt it. Haha I want to do the devil press workout sometime This week tho!
* snatches- 85/100/115-120 these felt awesome and I am definitely getting my feet under me more even now. Makes a world of difference!
Hope your day was awesome!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! What a great gift! You’re going to have so much fun on that thing! I hope you had a wonderful day and enjoyed your dinner!
Thanks so much Tino!! I’m so excited! ?
Is it double DBs in part C (box step overs)?
Yup, one dumbbell in each hand.
A/done but had to do strict pullups cause at w.l gym.
B/ high hangs 67.5/75/77.5kg
Hangs 80/85/87.5kg
Complex 90/91/92.5
Missed 93.5 twice so dropped to 90kg last set
Saw you mentioned 1000m bike erg sub. Gum just got em and wanted to try for first time. Good God they hurt more than running
Sets – 6.20/6.40/8.00
D/ done
You think they do? I think it’s the most forgiving one out of the trio. I’d definitely prefer to Bike 1000 than row 500.
Nah compared to running. I like running, dislike rowing lol
A: All done. Got 4BMU each round
B1: 100, 110, 115. No misses
B2: 115, 125, 135. No misses
B3: 135, 135, 135, 140, 140 miss, 140
C&D: Didn’t have time at work
A. Done
B. Snatch workout in class
C. 9:20/9:26/9:49 with a 40 cal bike instead of the run. Step ups ate my lunch. Need more ??
D. Doing later
Step Overs seemed to have won today! Your butts will be feeling them tomorrow ? ?
Oh big time. Yesterday’s lunges already achieved that goal
B1. 150 165,175#
B2. 175, 185 , 195#
B3. 195, 205, 215#
Wheres A, C and D?!
A) Done with 5 sets of 8 Strict PU. (Worked on BMU yesterday), L-sits were not exactly L-sits but I’m trying ?.
B) Skipped
C) Did 1000m Erg Bike because is too cold and windy to run, Devils Press and Step overs @ 25lb. 8:18/8:03/7:58
D) Done @ 5lb
Have a great day! ?
Now is snowing and I live in Washington DC area ☃️… Snow ❄️ in November ?
Build a snowman for time and send a pic!!!
Not enough yet for a snowman ?☃️. Can’t wait ?!
A. Done with 2 bmu and 2 strict pull-ups each round
B1. 29-29-29 kg
B2. 34-34-34 kg
B3. 36-36-36-36-36-36 kg
C. Done. 12.5 kg db devil press/ skill mill
1- 7:40
2- 7:39
3- 7:38
D. Done @ 3 kg DBs
Love the consistency on the conditioning pieces!
A. Done
D. Done 25#
C. Done RX with 500 meter ski too cold to run
6:26/6:36/6:55 grip/shoulders/chest were smoked
25:57 total time
Good to see you keep those repeats within 30 seconds of each other! ?
A. 4 sets done
B1. 95, 100, 105
B2. 110, 115, 120
B3. 125, 130, 135, 140(f), 140#.
That’s enough for me today. I didn’t get the best sleep last night. Traveling to a conference tomorrow and will return for Monday’s new cycle. Need to clear my head and get ready for the next leg of my journey.
Good opportunity for you to reset after a super busy period at work. Hope you can get a little downtime over the weekend ready to hit the next cycle hard!
1 mile bike up and down, 0.53 mile run on trueform, strict pull ups 3/3 30# ball, BTN 4/4, V ups 15/15, Push ups 10/10, Glute work, Shoulder rehab work
B. 95-105…105-115…115-135
Running out of time
10 Devils press + 20 T2B
70 Hamstring curls (First time doing these and can definitely tell the imbalance)
Get in some extra single leg work!
Yup, working on it. Thank You
A. Done with 4 MUs, 20 sec L hold (more like squatty potty hold but I’m tryin lol)
B. HH: 103/113/123, H: 123/133/143, H+2”:143/143/148/148/153/ then missed 148 (spent it all on 153) man that second pull is HARD but transitioning w/o dropping the bar is getting better
C. Two rounds with a 2 min rest bc I spent too much time snatching: 6:43/6:25
Haha well that’s an interesting way to conceptualize your L-Sit hold 🙂
Looks like you got some good lifting in today!