Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three sets of:
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
45 Second Wall Sit
30 Second Double Kettlebell Front Rack Bottom of Squat Hold
100 Foot Farmer Carry
10 Kettlebell Deadlifts
100 Foot Double Overhead Kettlebell Carry
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 5 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 – 5 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 5 reps @ 80%
*Set 5-6 – 3 reps @ 80-83%
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
Set 1 – 2 reps @ 50%
Set 2 – 2 reps @ 60%
Set 3 – 2 reps @ 70%
Set 4 – 2 reps @ 75%
Set 5 – 2 reps @ 80%
Followed by..
Every minute, for 6-10 minutes:
1 Snatch @ 90%
6 is the goal for total successful lifts. If you make all six then you may continue to 10.
Two sets for times of:
50 Heavy Rope Double Unders (75 regular)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
5 Snatches (225/155 or 70-75%)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
50 Heavy Rope Double Unders (75 regular)
Rest 1:1 or alternate full sets “you go/I go” with a partner.
Three sets of:
30-45 Second Face Up GHD Hold OR 60-90 Second Chinese Plank
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Athlete Notes:
Heavy barbell, speed, and skills are all mixed into today’s workout. The heavy rope double unders should elevated your heart rate a little more, and should also fatigue the shoulders more than a regular rope would. We then want you hitting those burpees as hard as you can while still being able to pick up the barbell right away. The weight is prescribed at 225/155 or at 70-75% so this should be a weight you’re comfortable with a short setup, grab and go. Blaze a trail on the second set of burpees then hang on to that rope and go unbroken. Speed and consistency on the barbell is the name of the game.
A. Up to 240
B. 95-135, 145-155 singles
C. Done with reg du 125 and burpee over bar
D. Hollow holds
Did a nice long workout outside:
1 mile farmers carry 50lbs DB
EMOM 5 Double Dumbbell Push Jerks
Finished around 35 Minutes or so, not sure
Warm up ✅
A. 232/255/273/292/295/305
B. Up to 184 then 205×6 reps
C. 2:59/2:52 scaled to 175
D. Done
Warmup done A. 102/111/117/125/130/138Kg B. Skipped. Did some DB bench press super settled with DB row; then Tate press superset with single arm landmine press. C. Modified and did 20 DB snatches (30Kg) 4:18/4:11 D. Done Just got diagnosis yesterday on right wrist. Torn ligament between scaphoid and lunate bones in wrist. I’ve got carpal tunnel syndrome now. Need surgery to relive that then ligament reconstruction in wrist. In the mean time I need to be smart about what I do with my wrist. I need to stay with things that keep the wrist in a relatively neutral position and… Read more »
Ah man sucks to hear it. Hang in there, and welcome to the invictus modifications club!
Lol. Thanks Aron.
Oh many I am sorry to hear that. Did they give you some idea of a timeline?
Going to see the orthopedic surgeon next week for pre-op Appt and schedule carpal tunnel surgery. Hopefully by the end of Nov. 4-6 weeks recovery for that. Then I will go to a hand specialist to start the prep/plan for the ligament repair. Hope to have all done by early next year. Then there’s rehab. I’ll do what I can and modify accordingly. I’ll be 50 in three weeks. I don’t compete but like to try to hang with the young guys. I’ll make a come back for sure, but will take some time.
A. Front Squat (off 265#): 170×5, 185×5, 200×5, 215×5, 218×3, 220#x3
B1. Snatch (off 155#): 78×2, 93×2, 108×2, 117×2, 125#x2
B2. Snatch: 140x1x6, 143x1x2, 145#x1x2
C. 4:34, 4:02. 2 SFT: 75 DUs, 10 BF Burpees, 5 Snatches @!110#, 10 BF Burpees, 75 DUs
D. 3 sets done: :45s Face Up GHD Hold, :75s Rest
I felt really solid on everything today. Snatches felt good so decided to try the last four sets a little heavier. All strong lifts ????
Solid work!
B. 135/155/185/205/215
B2. 225×4/235/240
C. Did our gyms hero workout we do every Veterans Day
800 meter medball run (30)
10 manmakers (push up + row + row + squat clean thruster (50s)
21 box facing burpee box jump overs (24)
6 rope climbs
Finished 3 rounds at 32:16 then 250 meter run + 2 man makers
D. Done
Looks like a solid day!
A. 115/125/130/135, then 2×3 @ 145
B. 65/70/75/80/ then 10×1 @ 90
C. 5:24/527 w/ rest of 4 min, barbell 85lb
D. Done
Enjoy your weekend!
Warm up: done
A. 265/285/305/325/340/340 lbs
B: 105/125/145/155/165
Failed all 185
C: 4:16/3:44 with @70%
D: done
Some days lifts just dont go the way you want.