Primary Strength Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (2 sets):
Minute 1 – Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
Minute 2 – 12 Alternating Kettlebell Goblet Cossack Squats
Minute 3 – Rocking Box Bridges x 4-6 reps
Minute 4 – 6 Single-Arm Kettlebell Presses + 6 Kettlebell Windmills (Left Arm)
Minute 5 – 6 Single-Arm Kettlebell Presses + 6 Kettlebell Windmills (Right Arm)
Minute 6 – Seated Piked Double Leg Lift x 15 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets) of:
Snatch Deadlift + Snatch from 2″ Below the Knee
Keep the snatch deadlift slow and controlled – I want to see a 3-4 second smooth ascent, paying attention to your weight distribution and positioning throughout the ascent to the hips; then back the barbell down to 2″ below the knee and pause for a count of “one one-thousand” and snatch. Build to today’s heavy over the course of the seven sets, but do not deviate from the tempo prescription.
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Perform these with the same weight you finished with on the portion above.
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Followed by…
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 4 reps @ 80%
Primary Conditioning Session
Complete rounds of 27, 21, 15 and 9 calories/reps for time of:
Rowing (for Calories)
Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs to 10′)
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Complete rounds of 12, 9 and 6 reps for time of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Squat Snatch (80/55 lbs)
Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest until the running clock reaches 30:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
3 Legless Rope Climbs (15′)
20 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
5 Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups
5 AB Wheel Rollouts
When the running clock reaches 10:00…
Three round of:
Sandbag Clean & Press x 10 reps (Choose a weight you can do for 15 reps without needing more than 5 breaths in between reps at most)
Immediately followed by…
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pulls
For max load and distance:
5 Minutes of Sandbag Carry
Go heavy, and keep moving. Goal is to beat last weeks distance.
Three sets of:
Landmine Row x 6 reps each arm @ 21X0
Rest as needed
Tempo Ring Dips x 10-12 reps @ 2111
(stick with the tempo and full range of motion)
Rest as needed
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Three sets of:
30/20 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 20 seconds
50 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
Rest 4 minutes
Please record seperate scores each set.
1. Time to complete 30/20 Calorie Assault Bike
2. Total Time
Strength A) Done B) Worked up to 215 C) 215 D) Back squat 275/315/335/360 followed by 315 Conditioning 7:23 went all ub on wb, should’ve rowed faster 7:33 ring muscle ups, huge weakness of mine 8:52 went singles on dl to preserve grip for rc This was the 4th day of training in a row for me. Usually train a day behind so I went Tuesday through Friday because I had an all day wine tasting tour I signed up for months ago. I felt so sore and beat up going in to this day but felt surprisingly good after… Read more »
Primary conditioning:
6:47 all ub. Definitely could’ve pushed the pace here. Felt fine after.
5:47. Snatches ub, MU done in 2 sets.
8:49. Last 2 rounds of LRC took me forever. Pull was gone.. fun workout though
Ran the Ragnar relay today
-trail running was hard but because of this programming I was well prepared
Trail 1 (3.1 miles)-28:45
Trail 2 (7.9miles)- 1:36:55
Trail 3 (3.1 miles)- 37:00
Going to take a rest day tomorrow an hit bridges on Sunday cuz I’ve always wanted to do that wod!
Nice! Have fun with “Bridges” today! 🙂
B. 85/95/105/115/120/125/130
C. All at 130#
D. Backsquats @190/220/230/245
Sets of 4 @ 220
Primary Conditioning:
Only had time for first two parts
A. 8:23 all wall balls ub except set of 27!
B. Started at 12:00 instead finished with 18:somethin on the clock and stopped there. Had to get to work boo 🙁 muscle ups feeling better so happy about that
Nice work Juli! Gymnastics are coming along well!
Primary strength:
A. Done
B. Snatch deadlift + snatch from 2” below knees got up to 110lb
C. Snatch singles @110 hit 2/4. Wasn’t able to pull my elbows back very well today so bar path was away from my body. Biceps triceps and pecs are still wrecked from Wednesday’s accessory
D. Backsquats @115/130/140/150
Emom x 4 reps @140
Lok after those arms over the weekend Ashlee.
A. Done
B. Snatches were no good today..
C. Off 450 squats felt good
Primary conditioning
A. 6:22 – UB
B. 6:13 – Went as hard as I could on MU
C. Died. Was kipping my last 2 on set 2 and up
Doing a leg in rope climb to finish in 11:18. My arms were completely blown up.
Definitely a grip burner! Nice work Brady!
B. 85/95/105/115(missed behind)/120X/120X/120
C. 4×1 @ 120
D. 4@155/3@175/2@190/1@200
A. 9:29
Wall balls to 9ft
B. 9:07
No ring muscle ups this week – subbed with T2b and did 12-9-6-9-12 for db squat snatch and T2b
C. 9:57
3 legless to 8ft
Strength Accessory:
A. Subbed sup grip pull ups with 5 eccentric dragon flags
Ab wheel rollouts – done
Primary Strength
A. 35# KB
B. 245# (10# PR from any position)
C. 245# @ 3/4 (this is 10#PR from the floor)
D. Off 350#
Super pumped about the Snatches this morning, didn’t end up doing the conditioning this afternoon, cause i got caught up signing up new members! Good day!
Awesome day of lifting Anthony!!
Only had an hour today so got the strength work done
A. done
B. up to 160 (catching forward today, so stopped at 160)
C. done @160
D. 195/225/240/250
E3M – @225
Getting the important stuff in!
Session 1
B. Up to 130, failed 135?
C. All at 130, solid
Scaled to
21-15-9 / 7:45
9-6-3 / 7:05
3rft 11:16
Strength session: Snatches felt like crap today. I just had no punch.. A. Worked up to 115 lbs which is 92% of maxZ B. 115 lbs, one miss at third set. Hit one at 120 lbs too and made it. C. Squats felt good at least. EMOM at 170 lbs. I think this is just because my squat must have gone up cause otherwise I’m really not recovered from Wednesday… Strength accessory pull-ups, ab rollers EMOM done with 15 lbs added on pull-ups , rows and ring dips done. Then comes the assault bike.??♀️ Set 1) 1:13 bike, 3:00 total… Read more »
Snatch dL + Sn worked up to 195
Snatch 195 3/4 kinda ugly but havnt hit this for this many reps in a session before
Back Squat 315×4 355×3 375×2 405×1
Felt really good first 2 sets of conditioning. Died out on 3rft 3 rope climbs 20 deads finished in 7:36
Big squat buddy!
Assault Bike/KB swings
My buddy convinced me to do 50 Cal and 50 swings. So much fun
Maxed out my snatch. Only hit 122. Feet were bricks today and weren’t moving well. A little slow under the bar as well
Skipped the back squats due to time
7:41 – pretty pumped about my ability to squat snatch and my muscle ups.
12 – 7/5
9 – 6/3
6 unbroken
8:04 – legless slowed down and my grip was factor on the deads. Ended up doing 2 sets each time.
122kg right?! So strong
All the conditioning today!
A. Done
B. 135-165-185-205-215-225-235
Felt really good. Should have tried for heavier.
C. 235
D. 295-335-355-375
A. 6:56 felt pretty good afterwards
B. 11:06 used a 70# kB. Couldn’t squat snatch to save my life. Was twisted and on my toes the entire time. Not to mention my muscle ups suck. 4-4-4/5-3-2/3-2-1
Just called it quits after that
Great job today!
Sounds like you need to work on that overhead, ankle and hip mobility! Get it dialed in!
Session 1
Snatch work
A. W/20# KB
B. 85/105/115/125×3(F)/125# made it
C. Made all singles it was a mental game today
Session 2
D. Squats
4 @ 170#
3 @ 195#
2 @ 210#
1 @ 220#
Felt soooo good so i went up to 240# ??♀️
E3M done at 195# (80%) Tino are you trying to kill me?
Oh hey!
Nope, not trying to kill you just make you a little stronger. 😛
Morning session: Primary strength A) done B) 135/155/175/285/195/205f/205 C) 205 frustrated that I missed these a couple of times but I adjusted my pull and then got it consistently D) 245/280/300/315 then 280 Strength accessory A) done B) 105 on the sled and 4550ish pound bag C) 150lb bag and carried it 860 feet which was more than last week D) 45 on the bar Afternoon session: Primary conditioning 6:56/6:10-6:20(clock turned off -_-)/9:48 Unbroken on the wall balls and 7/5 muscle ups 9 and 6 muscle ups unbroken and used a 50lb db. I’ve only done db squat snatches a… Read more »
Todays sprint pieces are super fun! Looking forward to hitting them tomorrow!
Haha yeah they were fun!
For PC B was it 12 snatches per arm = 24 or 12 alt? One session and I’m smoked…?? PS A) done B) 225 C) 225 D) 300/340/360/380 (as long as it took me to load the bar) 340 (e2m) No belt or sleeves on all my squats. I don’t like wearing a belt anymore pretty happy not having to worry about support. SAO A) done B) strong man log with 20 lbs added/marpo vmx 100 foot hand over hand on (7) crushed me C) 200 meters with this big football dummy thing just sucked to hold could not get… Read more »
Meh, with the Marpo thing you take out a huge factor of rope climbs. Which is being elevated off the ground while under extreme fatigue. No fear of being on the ground while pulling something 🙂
I would agree, just don’t have a rope so it’s all I have at work. 3000$ machine vs a rope I would rather just have a rope but an interesting experience.
12 total, 6 each side.
Solid day of work with limited equipment!
Thanks coach, hope all is well. We will see how i feel tomorrow little sleep for me today.
1) done
2) 60/65/70/75/80/85/90 no misses
3) 4×1 at 90 (94%) some misses but really happy with this.
4) 4×115,5/3×132/2×140/1×148,5
6×4 at 132.
Conditioning: so much fun!
A. 7’28 all UB
B. 6’46 6/3/2/1-3/3/2/1-3/3 only have 30kg db
C. 7’14 rip my grip ?
Solid day of work Thomas!!
a. Snatch dead + snatch below knee: 245
B. 2/4 at 245 for snatches.. catch was weak today.
C. Backsquats off 365
But you promised 265lb…
Catch was so bad today. Bar was flyin but couldn’t catch it!
Some good weight on those snatches!
Kettlebell Swing is american or russian?
I will always say American
But tino and cj will say it is up to you. Russian is OK. They will say.
But I will say that is scale hahabahaba
Thanks man, Russian is scaled I’ll remember ahahah
Let’s Go !!
Russian isn’t scaling…
It.was a joke about scaling
But Russian and American are 2 different things.
Russian is a lot more glute / but/ hip training. Then American.
Russian is a lot easier in the shoulders and arms.
One of my older coaches who is Kettlebell specialist when he was teaching swings. ( Always Russian )
He started saying it is like a pendulum. Arms don’t do anything except holding the bell. When he was showing it
He actually is or was strength coach for Korean national team in taekwondo
I know. The intention is for glute and hamstring activation not arms.
For me Russian is much easier.
American is harder cardiovascular for me at least. I can swing Russian all day haha. Just the forearm will just blow up, before stamina usually
As long as you can do 50 unbroken then do what you want
Haha can you do 50 American swings ub with 32 kg
No and that’s my point. 50 Russian swings in this should be unbroken. There’s always a method to the madness
I do Russian. Same stimulus for me it just doesn’t eff up my shoulders the next day. If i need to do them in a comp it’s a pretty easy switch.
Polish swings are the best. We are the strongest people, so naturally polish KB swing is best
Yes, we are…