Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Muscle-Up Peek-A-Boo x 3-5 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Three sets of:
Nose to Wall Handstand Hold x 45-60 seconds
Rest 60-90 seconds
Three sets of:
V-Ups x 20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
*If you have muscle-ups, then following the three sets, complete:
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Muscle-Up x 1 rep (focus on the swing)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
70% Pause Front Squats x 4 reps @ 3211
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean @ 75+%
*Work up to a heavy 3 position clean
Six Sets of:
50 Meter Forward Sled Drag
Quick transition
50 Meter Backward Sled Drag
Rest 60 seconds
*This should be just about the heaviest sled you have ever pulled. Keep as upright a body position as possible.
Three sets of:
Barbell Good Mornings x 60 seconds
Quick transition
135/95 lbs Deadlifts (to mid-shin) x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
A. Done. MU didn’t work today for some reason.
B. Front Squats @ 80kg
C. Clean Complex 70kg, 72,5kg, 72,5kg, 75,5kg, 75kg, 77,5kg
D. No sled – need to buy one
Barbell good mornings and deadlifts – done.
A: Done + 5 x 1 muscle up EMOM
B: 98kg
C: 90-90-95-100-105-110kg
D: sled drag 100kg was tough
BBGM & DL done
A. Done w/ 5 x 1 MU
B. 230#
C. 205#, 215#, 215#, 225#, 225#, 235#
D. First 2 sets @ 245#, next 2 sets @ 225#, last 2 sets @ 200#
Good morning & DL done
A: Done w/ 5 x 1 MU
B: 195#
C: 5 sets @ 155#
D: sled with 180#
Good mornings & Deadlifts Done
A. MUPABx5, seemed to go ok, hs holds X:60, v-ups were bad but Managed 20 each rd, 5:00 Emom was filled with failed reps so I continued the Emom with 5 strict muscle ups. I get pretty frustrated with whatever disconnect I have going on there
C. 190,195,200f,200f,185,185
D. Done the next morning
A: complete, MU swings
Complete, hs holds
Complete, v ups
EMOM of MU, complete
B: complete @ 215
C: complete @ 215
D: couldn’t do sleds box was using them, so I did same wod, just did HB barbell walks.
Then 3 sets: bend over rows, and db one arm pp
A. Done MU
B. 225#
C. 205#
D. 100# on miserable homemade sled with 0.9 friction coefficient.
A. Done, no mu
B. 135/145/155/165/170/170
C. 105/115/125/140/155/160
D. 130 on the sled
A) done w/ m/u EMOM
B) 195#
C) 185#
D) 205# sled just arrived last night so I was able to do this! Miserable!
Completed the bbgm and DL 45/135
A. Done + the MU EMOM
B. 75# all sets
C. 85#
D. Skipped – no sled. May have to purchase my own. Done with GM and DL.
—I’m hosting ThreeWiseMen tomorrow at the Mexico Gym here in Mexico City with our Marines and other Veterans – should be a good time.
Awesome! We will be running it tomorrow as well!
A. Done + MU EMOM
B. 235# all sets
C. 205/215/220/225/230/235
D. Did sled work inside at 215# Snowed here today. (The sled slides easy enough but so do feet:)
A – Done with MUs
B – 200
C – 180; damn – forgot to read the comment about working up to heavy. Probably couldn’t have gone a whole lot heavier though.
D – 200 – Need to figure out how to get more weight on the sled, though this got toasty on the last couple rounds. BBGM and DLs – done.
B. 125/145/125/125/125/125(stayed light today lower back pretty tight)
C. 125
D. Done with 160
BB GM and Dl were so rough after the sled pulls. Nice burn!
B. Did 95/105/115
C. 115
D. 165 for Sled
A-Done with MU
Practice HSW
Did class WOD with culmination of:
40c airdyne
80c rower
120 box jump overs
90 wall balls
72 burpees
72 k2e
B-205 65% legs tired
C-Up to 205
Skipped rest out of time
A. Done
B. 185, just staying at 65%
C. Skipped
D. 225#, then 200m farmers carry w/2x48kg
Had a great time at local comp this past weekend. Glad to spend time with Jamie Damgar, an awesome athlete and terrific person.
Awesome Perry! Glad you had fun!!
dang perry your back at it still really sore. had a very good time with you guys
A. Done
B. 245
C. 185/205/215/225/235/245
D. 180# Sandbag drag…pure evil
E. Done. Tunnel vision every set! O_o
Got through part A and then had to stop… strained a muscle in my neck. 🙁 will have to let this one recover before training again.
Oh no Tracy! Please take care of yourself – take an epsom salt bath tonight!
Thanks Nichole! I did one and will do another in the AM 🙂
A. Done w/MU
B. 125
C. 105, 110, 115, 120, 125(f) 120, 120
D. 105 on sled, 45bb for good mornings
A. Emom 3 mu.
B. 255
C. 245
D. Worked up to 270