Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Trap Smash x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
Pec Smash x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
Banded Hip Distraction x 60 seconds per side, pulsing x 5 reps every 15 seconds
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Inchworm Walk x Scap Push-Up + Press-Up x 5 reps
Russian Baby Makers x 8-10 reps
and then . . .
Assault Bike x 5 minutes @ a relaxed pace
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Overhead Squat x 2 reps @ 3111
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, (4 sets):
Snatch Balance x 2 reps
(pause for 2 seconds in the bottom position after each snatch balance)
Immediately followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 70-75%
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch from 2″ below the knee @ 75-80%
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch Pull + Snatch @ 80-85%
Four sets of:
KB Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats x 8-10 reps per leg @ 3011
Rest 45 seconds between legs; 90 seconds between sets
Elevated Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Glute-Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Rest as needed
Strict Weighted Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up x 2-3 reps
Rest as needed
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Warm Up
Two sets of:
200 Meter Run
200 Meter Jog
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Samsom Stretch x 10 each leg
Duck Walk x 20 meters
Bear Crawl x 20 meters
Speed Skaters x 10 each side
Broad Jumps x 10
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Change of Position Drill (from one foot to another) x 20 each side
Hands Behind Back Drill
x 20 meters
Followed by…
50 Meter Sprint @ 50% effort
Rest 30 seconds
100 Meter Sprint @ 60% effort
Rest 30 seconds
50 Meter Sprint @ 70% effort
Rest 30 seconds
100 Meter Sprint @ 80% effort
Four sets of:
Run 4 minutes @ your 1 Mile Pace
Jog 2 minutes
Post your distances to comments.
Cool Down:
Jog x 400 Meters
15 minutes of static stretching (Low Back, Shoulders, Quads, IT Band)
Same as Lisa, Delayed Entry- I did wod on 5/23/17 This session took me super long. 2:22 with mobility. Was it just me or did any of you take this long to do this training session? A. 40,43,44,44,44kg B1. 25,30,33,34kg (Working on skill here. I need a ton of work with snatch balance) B2. 35,35,35 kg B3. 35,35,35,kg B4. 40kg for all 5 C1. 55lbs per leg (HARD) C2. 8 Ring Rows (HARD) D1. 8 GHD D2. 2 @ 10lbs, 2@ 15lbs, 2 @ 20lbs (regular pull-ups. chest to bar was sketchy and was not getting as high as needed.)… Read more »
had to skip today after Osteo & physio work 🙁
Delayed entry- did the wod on 5/23/17
Dyn/Mob: Done
A) OHS: 68,73,78,83,85
B1). SB: 75lbsx2 sets , 75 lbs1x1 fail, 75 lbs
2). HHS+S : 75lbs,80,83x1x1 fail 🙁
3). S-2″ : 77lbs,x2 sets. 80 x1 set
4). 85 lbs x5 sets w two fails
C) used 12 kgs
D) had to skip C2b shoulders cranky
6 GH raise
Runniing later 🙂
A. shoulder felt tight, kept it light 95#
B. 105#
B2. 115#
B3. 120#
C. DOne
Mob done
A. Up to 115#–knee/adductor feeling good but didn’t want to push it
B. 85/95/100–a it slow today for snatch balance
78#for Hhs and Hs
83# for snatch below knee
88# for pull and snatch
C. Not done, maybe a bit too much for knee
D. GH raises done, strict chest to bar at 15/20/25#
Dynamic Mobility + Activation
A. 135 / 155 / 175 / 195 / 215
B.1 135 / 155 / 175 / 195
B.2 175 x 3 Sets
B.3 185 x 3 Sets
B.4 195 x 5 Sets
C. Done (35# kbs)
D. Done
* Optional Session
15 Min EMOM
1- 8 C2B + 4 DL @ 275
2- 10 KB Thrusters (53)
3- 15 Cal AB
Had to take a week off due to work, so feels good to be back on the horse!
Happy to have you back on Alvaro – hope work settles down this week!
DMA, then I had: A. Front Squat: tempo 33×1. 5×3 @ 70% B. 4 rounds: 10 power snatch, tng, unb. focusing on being fluid and smooth C. 3 rft of 35 DUs 10 HRPUs 25 jumping air squats rest 2 mins repeat 🙂 D. 3 rounds of: :60 face up Chinese plank :60 face down Chinese plank A. Worked at 125. I love these. 🙂 B. 55/65/75 for 6, then went back to 70 for the final round. These are tough but good to practice! Next time I’ll have the 75 for 10, I just got off rhythm. C. Times:… Read more »
Got done chiro work done on my hips and ankles today so the snatches and squats felt strong in the bottom. Also golfer elbow from a year and a half ago is coming back in full rage. Not happy about that at all!
A: 155; 165; 175; 185; 195
B1: 135; 145; 155; 165
B2: 155×3
B3: 165×3
B4: 175; 185; 195(mx2); 175
C: only did KB Bulgarian squats due to elbow
2x 16 kg KBs- biggest pair I have next to the 32kgs. Tried and that wasn’t happening.
D: didn’t do
That is a bummer to hear about your golfers elbow Corey! Have you tried ART yet? This is the only post I can find that we have about ART but I find it really beneficial, especially with something like golfers elbow: https://invictusfitness.com/blog/what-is-art/
I have. Also dry needling. No luck so far.
145,155,165,175,185 go more
155,175,185,195 felt great
145 two misses 145,145,,145 worked on form
70 kb 3 set of 10 on both
3 Rd 10th ghd 3 sC2B
A. 85/85/105/
Nice work Karen – happy to see you again!!
Thanks Nichole!
Mobility Done
A. OHS – 100kg x 2
B.1 Snatch Balance focused on speed under the bar @ 60KG
B.2 70kg
B.3 80kg
B.4 90kg
C&D Done
In the morning joined my group in interval aerobic Work
8 x 60sec Row at 5sec faster than our 2000m row split (1.37 pace) (w/ 60sec rest b/t efforts)
16 x 30sec Air Bicycle RPM Target 70-80rpm w/ 30sec rest b/t efforts
A. Threw in a some narrow grip
OHS to keep working on that mobility. Regular OHS 40-45-48-50kg
B.1 40-45-48-50kg
B.2 45kg
B.3 48kg
B.4 50kg
C. Done with 2x12KB
D. CTB with 8lbs, struggled on the 3rd
Had some other accessory work to do so optional never happened finally 😉
Mobility done
A. Up to 180#
B1. 135/145/155/165
B2. 140/145/150
B3. 155/160/160
B4. 165/165/170/170/170
C. Done (70# KB)
D. Done
Will run tonight!
Mobility completed
A&B. Unable to snatch or OHS, so did back squat up to 170kg x3
C. Split squats up to 90kg
D. No GHD in the Spanish box and unable to pull-up ATM
Did running in a WOD.
How is the shoulder feeling Rob?
Thanks for asking Nichole. It’s much better, with just a little pain in certain positions. ROM is about 95%, which is good since I have very good shoulder mobility normally. I did some OH pressing with a band today, which felt good. I plan to rehab using some cross over symmetry type work for the rest of the week. That will be two weeks with out a barbell OH or pull-ups. Official diagnosis is Tuesday 30th when I am back from vacation. In the meantime, I am squatting more and will reintroduce cleans tomorrow if they are prescribed on the… Read more »
Awesome Rob!! So glad to hear it is feeling better and you are making good progress with it!
Thnaks. I will miss the handstand work today, but get the cleans done. I don’t think they have an assault bike here, so I will row instead
Mobility: done
A: up to 140lb
B1: 125lb
B2: 105lb
B3: 120lb
C&D: will come back later.
Had a rough two weeks of training with travel, food poisoning, and getting very sore in my triceps. I have been keep moving, but not great. Hopefully, this week will be stronger.
Oh no Tom – I hope that you feel better. Rest up, hydrate and replenish what you’ve lost!
Man what has made me so sore today?
Did you train yesterday?
No I was in a car for 9 hours though I seemed to loosen up during my swim this morning
Oh yeah … do some mobility and a swim would be perfect!
No conditioning today? It’s another cold and rainy day here, any suggestions to replace the running and get something in?
Hey Juls! If you are looking to do a longer aerobic piece and can’t run then I suggest doing a row piece, like:
Row x 4 minutes @ your 500 Meter Pace
Easy row x 2 minutes @ a relaxed pace
x 4 sets
A : mobility done
B : snatch balanse – 43 kg
high hang + hang snatch – 43-45 kg
snatch below knee – 45-48 kg
snatch pull + snatch – 48 – 53 kg
C : pass
D : did pull ups and some ring muscle ups yesterday
running session : did running sunday. and I am doing a running workout thursday