Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
10 minutes of low-intensity Assault Bike or Jogging @ 70%
Start the clock and …
Leg Reach x 16 reps (8 per leg)
Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Bent Over DB Reverse Flies x 20 reps (use very light weight)
At the 5:00 mark, complete:
Upper Body Warm-Up
At the 8:00 mark, complete:
Two sets of:
Assault Bike x 2 minutes @ 50 RPM
Med Ball Hamstring Curls
x 15 reps
Push-Ups x 15 reps
Barbell Primer
Three sets:
Clean-Grip RDL x 5 reps
Clean Pull from Below Knee x 5 reps
Hang Power Clean x 5 reps
Clean from Below Knee x 5 reps
Rest as needed between sets
*Set 1 – Empty Barbell
*Set 2 – 115/75 lbs
*Set 3 – 135/95 lbs
Followed by. . .
3-5 Sets of:
30 Seconds of Assault Bike or Rowing @ 90+%
60 Seconds Rest
Rest 5-10 minutes, but stay warm.
For total time:
15/10 calorie Assault Bike
5 Squat Cleans @ 65%
Rest 60 seconds and then. . .
15/10 calorie Assault Bike
4 Squat Cleans @ 70%
Rest 60 seconds and then. . .
15/10 calorie Assault Bike
3 Squat Cleans @ 75%
Rest 60 seconds and then. . .
15/10 calorie Assault Bike
2 Squat Cleans @ 80%
Rest 60 seconds and then. . .
15/10 calorie Assault Bike
1 Squat Clean @ 85%
Rest until fully recovered and then. . .
“Age Group Online Qualifier Event 3”
For time:
75 Cleans (135/95 lbs.)
300 Double-Unders
Time cap: 15 minutes
A 13.05 (75/80/85/92/98 in kgs)
AGQ: 13:41
A. 15:11 (185, 205, 215, 225,245)
B. 14:07
A) 9:15 Rx 135/145/155/165/175
B) 8:42 Rx. Good DU day and just stayed steady on the cleans. Sets of 3-5 all the way.
Thanks for everything, Tino!! And my bro says thanks for the info.
Hope you have a great weekend, and happy Mother’s Day to your wife!
A. 10:33 205/220/235/250/270
B. 8:29 Rx. Tried to do every :30seconds 10 touch n go reps. Fell off pace a little and finished the cleans in 4:30
Better to hit smaller chunks and keep the barbell moving over sets of 10?
A. 10:52 (190/205/220/235/250)
B. Event 3
Event 3-10:40rx did sets of 3 upto 24 and doubles from there to 40 and singled on out. Dubz were 80-40-50-30-75-25
Event 5-7:37rx
Did event 2 yesterday 188 reps
My judge said my right side is borderline but I’ve been ok in past open wods and local comps before with pistols. Guess I need work.
Event 1-17:39 Rx
Events 4-270# 4rm
May redo event 5 if my legs are ok by morning lol
Get on that hip and ankle flexibility!
Mobility and warmup done
A: 10 min scaled to power clean 135-175
B: 14:30 scaled DU to 25 cal each row, bike, ski
Easing into squats
It band on strike (why I scaled clean)
And slight ache in foot (why I scaled DU)
good day!
Did the box wod today with the class, thought would be nice
50 DU
50 Air Squats
50 Du
5 rounds of “fun”
1 rounds of “fun” 50lbs:
3/3 DB cleans
9/9 DB Overhead Reverse Lunges
2 Rounds 150 + 3 rounds of fun + 11 reps
Took it easy, because tried to coaching and motivating others as well
Then did 10km roller skating, 1 hour walk with the dog and stuff, so it was a fun day.
Will do some activity tomorrow as well, maybe this one, we’ll see.
Have a great weekend everybody!
Great to see you throwing down with your community!!
Every now and then it’s really fun, even tho this time it was only through zoom yet.
Warm up done
A. 185/205/215/230/245; 11:53 with burpees instead of AB
B. 14:12 – just happy to have finished this one tbh; went singles for the cleans
Today looks awesome! I’ll hit it tomorrow. It’s Mother’s Day here today in NZ so taking today off to celebrate. Lots of family fun today. Normally would workout early in the garage, but want to let my wife sleep in without lots of dropping weights. ???? Did some stretching and Crossover Symmetry work this morning instead.
Well a nice quiet morning can be nice on the weekends. I am sure she appreciated it!
Happy Mother’s Day to Mrs Hopkins!
A) 9:30 215/225/240/255/275
B) 7:57 rx
Cleans: 10/5/5/5/5/quick singles
DU’s: 100/50/50/100
Felt like I should have pushed the cleans a little faster. DU’s felt great. Tried to knock out 100 each minute then rest for 10 seconds before going again.
Need to trust your fitness on those cleans!
Sooo true. Needed to lean in a bit more on this one.
A. 9:40, 90/100/105/115/120
B. Capped at 15 minutes, finished Cleans + 236DBU. Finished the whole workout at 16:10. Kept Cleans in sets of 10 singles, staying on the bar all the way through with 3 big breaths between sets of 10. Double unders fell apart after about 200 mark. Forearms were toast!!
Lets get working on those double under under fatigue
WU. Done
A. 13:36 All 15 Cals avg 1:06 165/175/190/200/215
AGOQ. Nnnnnooooooo!!!!! 15:03 Rx, tripped up with 7 DU’s left with 10 sec on the clock!!! Fumbled to get the recovery. Still super happy. Cleans got me here. first 25 were touch’n’go sets of 5. Singles up to the last 5 which were tough’n’go. DU’s were 75/75/38/37/25/25/22 missed -3 at the buzzer.
The pressure got to you!! 😛
Nah, it was those super sore shoulders from yesterday!
Event 3 – 8:48
Pc – 20/10/5/5/ then 35 singles (finished at 4:40)
Dubs – 70/30/50/30/30/38/32/20
Great work dude!!
Warm up done
A. 9:32 including rest 225/235/255/275/295
B. 10:18 RX .. probably should have just went singles the whole way but wanted to experiment a little so went back and forth between touch and go and singles. Should be faster .. next time!
Wow! And here I was thinking that around 20:00 would be good… Nice work!!
Nice work Bobby!