Primary Training Session
Empty Barbell Movement Primer
Three sets of:
Overhead Squat x 5 reps
(use a progressively narrower grip for every set)
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Front squat x 5 reps @ 2210
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
1+1/4 Front Squat x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Behind the Neck Press in Split x 5 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Jump to Split x 3 reps @ 60% of 1-RM Jerk
(Barbell on your back the whole time, quickly move feet into the split position without any upward drive.)
Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets):
Split Jerk
*Sets 1-3 = 2 reps @ 70-80%
*Sets 4-6 = 2 reps @ 80-90%
*Sets 7-9 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Sets 10-12 = 1 rep @ 95+%
Four rounds for time of
10 Deadlifts (315/225 lbs)
25 Toes-to-Bar
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lb DBs)
400 meter Run
Three sets of:
Chinese Rows x 6 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
Reverse Snow Angels x 20 reps
(slow and controlled)
Rest as needed
Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 20 reps @ 1010
Rest as needed
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Mixed-Modal Conditioning Option
Against an 8-minute running clock…
60/45 Calorie Bike Erg or Assault Bike
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
Max Rep Burpees in remaining time
Rest 2 minutes, and repeat for a total of FOUR sets.
Running Endurance Option
Three sets of:
Run 1200 Meters @ 85-90% of your 1-Mile PR Pace
1:1 Work:Rest Ratio
(i.e., if your 1200 meters took you 6:00, rest 6 minutes before starting your next set)
Rowing Endurance Option
Three sets of:
Row 2500 Meters with Rate Changes
Rest 5 minutes
This week we’ll add a higher cadence rate in the middle of the piece, so you’ll row the first 500 meters at 22 s/m, the second at 24 s/m, the third at 26 s/m, then drop back to 24 s/m, and finish at 22 s/m.
Running option
5:40 for 1200m
2 hours later
primer done
A. 20-55kg
B. 90kg
C.105-135kg missed 137.5kg and called it, felt bit slow
D. 23:50 slow but got the work done
deadlifts 4/2/2/2
t2b 7/7/6/5
thrusters ub
E. done
Primer done
A) 115
B) 205
C) Doubles were 245/255/265/275/285/295, singles were 305×3/315/325/335f
D) 18:16, deads and thrusters ub, ttb were 16-9 for 2 sets, then 12-8-5 and 7-8-5-5. Definitely need to start running outside more because I had no idea what kind of pace I was holding
E) Rows with 53# KBs, snow angels with 2.5s, hip extensions with a 15# plate
Mixed Modal
Conditioning only. More time with the little guy
Wow. Wow. Those runs were miserable. No big man finesse today. Deadlifts and thrusters were no issue. T2B went 15-10 and a big man trot around the block.
#aerobicathlete one day…:)
Just trying to be like you. Thanks for posting your stuff. It makes me use the clock to get stuff done and get to the cool stuff after
Haha I like it, I’m all for efficiency. I should create a program… “dad bod by Tino, try not to die in 60 minutes”
9 AM
Row 9:38.1–9:40.2–9:40.8
45-50 kg
50 kg
Start 80 kg…….117.5 kg
4 R. F. T.
10 Deadlifts (142 kg)
25 Toes-to-Bar
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (22.5 kg)
400 meter Row ( no run, raining )
4-3-3/5-5/5-5/6-4 Deadlift
13-12/15-10/12-8-5/9-8-7 ttb
10/10/10/10 Thruster
In the afternoon mixed—modal
Warm up done Press in split 65 to 75 Jump to split 125 Jerks 166-165-175-175-185-190-195-195x-195- 205x 95%+ wasn’t happening today MetCon: 20:59 Deadlifts were 5/3/2 then all singles ? (expect one set of two) TTB 9/8/8-9/8/8/-9/4/4/8- 6/6/6/4/3 THR unbroken DUBS- died.. I think my biggest set was 59. Trying to stay relaxed and breathe my shoulders were toast! My Deadlifts and dubs need work! E. ch. rows 30#’s – & no weight for hip ext. back (Checks feed… ) Wow—- just realized that it was 400 m run!!!? LMAO I have no clue where I came up with 100 dubs!!!!!… Read more »
I wish I did double unders instead! ?
Made a schoolboy error and had double unders two days in a row so switched it and hope nobody would notice. ?
Looked like it was a good day of working them under fatigue 🙂
Ha that’s me thinking I didn’t see the run on the metcon when I watched the overview….
Oh Gotcha!! Lol! I thought man, we’re doing a lot of double unders with Saturday’s work out too but what the heck I had a great work out anyway! ?
A. Done
Up to 135
B/C. Instead of just the jerks I tried a complex I have in competition next weekend.
5 mins:
Establish a max Clean + 2 Jerks
Got up to 305
Thunderstorm hit pretty hard today so I had to do a 1200m assault bike instead of the run.
Dead’s & Thrusters UB. Bike took about 2 mins.
E. Done
Another Comp?!?!? ?
It’s just a one day comp on Saturday. The gyms in my area take scores from the open and invite individuals from around east Texas to crown the “Fittest in East Texas”.
Have to go defend my title! ?
Win it then onto GG!! ?
You already know I’m down!
Ready to go!
We’re 75% sure that the team can go!
Primers done
Jerks –
Changed this up a little
2 PJ + 1 SJ
I’m just kinda stuck so I’m trying to trick my brain into getting a little stronger by playing at a threshold weight. I feel like respond better to that than singles.
15:43 runs were slug fest today ; legs felt gassed
UB deadlifts and thrusters
TTB 2 rounds UB + 2 rounds 15+10
Accessories done along with some mobility
What do you mean by playing at your threshold weight?
Good to see your legs are tired, it means they’re getting worked!!
okay so when i go heavier, it feels like my form starts to go and/or it all depends on the “day.” so today i worked up to that weight and it felt like it was HARD but if i went any heavier even for a single it would have been a mess. Does that make sense?
Go it. I understand now. Did you manage to switch your brain off and just train hard and have fun??
A. Rowing conditioning. 1- 9:37.4 1:55.4 avg 23 s/m 2- 9:36.1 1:55.2 avg 23 s/m 3- 9:37.4 1:55.4 avg 23 s/m Hitting some more work when I get home from school. PM session Mix Modal conditioning (used bike Erg) 1- 55 reps (3:01 bike) 2- 50 reps (2:58) 3- 46 reps (2:58) 4- 46 reps (3:01) All kbs unbroken. Burpees just had to go to my dark place and move. Kinda love the garage grind sessions, when it’s just you and your mind. Telling yourself it’s about what you do when no one is watching. That’s when it matters the… Read more »
That mix modal conditioning was “good”.
Warm up done.
Front squats up to 110kg
Back squats up to 110kg
Deadlifts up to 110kg
Everything feels good for my hamstring. gonna build up powerlifts first then progress to olympic lifts.
10 min bike erg.
Some strict ring mu practice.
Great to see your hamstring is feeling better!
-Jerks were a disaster again with a lot of misses… 115-115-125-135-135-145-150(miss)-150-150-155(miss 3 times) and lowered down to 135-145 for some awful reps? – Hunter had me change the conditioning and instead of running It was 100 dubs at the end. This would have been so much easier with running, even though I hate it:p my time was 17:09, but I was tripping often every 6 reps of dubs! Not sure how to keep those together after a lot of grip stuff. I ended up getting too frustrated and wasted time getting my mind back together to finish them.. I even… Read more »
Need to work on that double under efficiency under fatigue!
I definitely need to do that… Dubs under fatigue have been an issue for me….By working on it, do you mean just do a lot of DU under fatigue ? Or is there another way to work on that? (drills? other?) Thanks!
Keep your arms relaxed and don’t tense up. When you’re tired you tend to let your hands drift up and away from your body which causes the rope to shorten and for you to trip.
– warm up done
– accessory work with pull ups and bench press
– jump to split @ 80kg
– split jerk from 60kg to 130kg
– condo 18’33 with 400m row (a real storm outdoor…). I would have prefer to run honestly ahah. Deadlift 6+4. TTB 15+10 and 10+10+5. Thrusters UB.
A little run in the rain didn’t hurt anyone 🙂
I know Tino! I am definitively not this kind of man. But it was not a little rain. A real big storm outdoor I swear! Ahah will redo tomorrow with run ok ok. But I am sure that row was harder than run on this condo ahah
hahahaha its all good. I’m just playing 🙂
PM Session: Every 2 minutes, for 24 minutes (12 sets): Split Jerk *Sets 1-4 = 2 reps @ 70-80% – 185, 205, 215, 225 *Sets 5-8 = 2 reps @ 80-90% – 225, 235, X, 245, X *Sets 9-10 = 1 rep @ 90-95% – 255, 255 *Sets 11-12 = 1 rep @ 95+% – 255, 255 Jerks didnt feel great today. I wasn’t very snappy and just felt slow overall so I decided to stick at 90% and hit some quality reps there. The doubles 80% have been tough on my wrists so I skipped a few of those… Read more »
I think you made a good call on the 225lb. Bar and got the desired stimulus. Big days work!!
A. 45/55/65/70/75
B. 145
C. 170/180/190/195/205/215/220/220/220
D. 20:25
-DL and thrusters unbroken. T2B 15/10, 15/10, 8/7/3/7, 11/5/6/3 …runs were soooo slow. My former track self would be extremely disappointed lol. Transitions were equally as slow.
E. Done
Also did the strength accessory from Monday.
Good to see you’ve recovered from the weekend. ?
For the most part ?