Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Front Rack Partner Assisted Stretch x 60-90 seconds
and then …
Honest Hip Cars x 2-3 reps per side
and then …
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 20 seconds on first interval, 30 seconds on second interval
Straight into …
Banded Monster Walks x 10 reps fwd/bck
Banded Lateral Walks x 10 reps each direction
Air Squats x 15 reps
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 3-4 reps @ 4111
(MUST move up in weight from last week by 4-6%)
Rest 3 minutes
Four sets of:
Strict Press x 8 reps @ 75%
Rest 60 seconds
As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes:
Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch x 20 reps
Toes-to-Bar x 15 reps
Burpee Box Jump-Overs x 10 reps
35-54: 50/35 lbs; 24/20″
55+: 35/20 lbs; 24/20″ step-ups okay
Be smooth with the single arm DB snatch so that you can go straight into the toes-to-bar. Play around with how to break these up. Some will feel comfortable going all 15 unbroken, some will go 8/7 and others 5/5/5. See what feels best for you. Just make sure that when you break, you stand under the pull-up bar and get your hands right back up. I don’t want to see long breaks between sets.
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets of:
Jefferson Squat x 3 reps per side
Rest as needed
and then …
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Anderson Yolk Squat x 3 reps
Build in weight if possible but since this is the first time doing this, you may use these sets to get comfortable with the movement
Three sets of:
Overhead Yolk Walk x 25 meters
Rest 60 seconds
Build in weight if possible
and then …
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Ab Wheel Out x 5 reps + Rear Delt Raises x 5 reps
Three sets of:
Supinated Grip Bent Over Row x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Banded Lat Pull-Downs x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A) 5×3 @215# felt pretty good
B) Tried 115# got 7 on the first and 5 on the second, dropped to 110 got 6 and then 105 finally got 8
C) 3 rounds
Squats 5×3 @ 180#
Press was HARD. THOUGHT IT SAID 80%. I don’t know my max so guessed 130#. Got 8@100. Then 6, then 5 @95 then 6@ 95.
No cardio. Going to gym later with my boys and have squash tonight.
We will be testing your 1-rm at the end of the cycle so you’ll have a more accurate idea of your press!
A. 155/175/195/215/225 for 4
B. 115×8, 6/2, 4/2/1/1, 3/2/1/1/1 – burner.
C. 4+12
Well done getting past 4 rounds on that conditioning!
A. 215, 225, 235, 245 for 4. Then 250 for 3. +10 from last week.
B. 120×8, then 6/2, then 5/2/1, then 5/1/1/1. Wow these got weakkkkkk.
C. 4 rounds. Paced the T2B throughout with the hope they would last. But, nope…final round T2B went in the crapper. 5/4 then singles.
Optional: Jefferson Squats with empty bar. Skipped yoke stuff (no yoke). Then did ab rollouts and rear delts. Then did part B.
I hear ya! It was al about t2b! Great score Mike!
Thanks Rob! Yeah, pesky T2B. Big sets, small sets…when they go, they’re gone! LOL.
Solid job getting that 4th round!!
Jumped in to the class wod at new gym:
A. Ring dips x3x5
B. 7 rounds of 2 power snatch (95), 2 ring muscle ups, 200m run
Fun little wod, power snatch has definitely been getting better
Knee was good today–had physio last night
Great to hear the knee was feeling good today!
A) 255/260/265/270/275 for 3 reps each
B) 120×8 all 4 sets
C) 3 rds even/ legs were like lead for bbjo
DMA done
A. 215 pounds
B. 95(8) / 105 (8) / 105 (6) / 105 (6)
C. 3 rounds
This evening:
DMA – done
A – 5×3 @ 120# – up 5# from last week, but felt a little easier (but did 4 reps last week)
B – 66# (8-8-6-5) – that 60 sec break seemed to get shorter and shorter!
C – 3+18 – I suck at BBJOs and T2Bs kinda fell apart in second round as well…poor grip strength
D – jumped in with a new guy who was the only one there for Cardio Cross and ran the last mile of the program with him – 8:45, a nice cool down.
Awesome Silke!
A: 115×3 135×3 150×3 x3sets
B: 75# for 8reps x 4 sets
C: 3rds + 40 reps. Wanted that 4th rd???
Yolk walk with parallette and 35# kb’s
Rollouts/rear delt done
Barbell rows with 85#, banded lat pull downs done
3mile run…with hills…with wind…phewww
Good push Amber!!!
A-90kg, 100kg, 110kg, 115kg, 120kg. Kept for 3 reps and increased the weight, felt in control, hope depth will show on the video on facebook…
B-50kg all the way
C-3 rounds + 20 DB Snatch + 7 T2B, was a bit scared to injure my lower back with the DB snatch but it went ok.
D-Don’t hav a Yoke so used a lower rack to put the barbell on. 60kg, 60kg, 80kg, 90kg, 100kg, 110kg, 110kg, 110kg.
Opt- Done
How is the back feeling today Galdric?
honestly is a thing from the past now.. I hope it stays that way!
Today I had: A. 5 sets: 2 min rest :45 nose and toes HS hold 5 skin the cat :45 ring plank 10 ttr B. 6 min emom: 4 squat cleans- same weight as last week. C. Amrap 6: 2 PC 115 4 bfb rest 6 min Amrap 6: 4 S2Oh 85 4 bfb Great day!! A. done. 🙂 Feet on a bench for ring plank. B. 115. These were tough but great! C. Score: 9 rounds, 8 rounds. This was fun and just the kind of thing I need to do a lot of! I may have actually gotten… Read more »
4 + 15
Two rounds of UB T2B then 10/5, 10/5
Strength in afternoon.
Crushed that WOD!
Thanks Rob ?
Yesssss!! Getting 4 + rounds is great for that workout!
Thanks Nichole!
DMA – done
A. Took some time off after the AGQ, so this is the first week I have done them. Wasn’t quite sure what weight to start at, but I think this was good for today. I remember them from last year! 115 – 125 – 125 – 125
B. 85 for all four sets Last 1-2 reps in sets 3 and 4 were tough.
C. 3 R’s + 39 (174 R’s) Started with sets of 5 on the T2B but switched to sets of 3 in rounds 3 and 4.
Nice work Barry – happy to see you again!
A) 205@ 4reps each rd…. was very strict with the tempo
Started out @ 135 but felt like my form was going to crap second set so I went down 10#
C) 4rd + 19 reps.
T2b were unbroken,8/7,9/6,10/5 had to take more time than I wanted
nice work on C!
Thanks Rob!
Good work on your FS! And AWESOME job getting 4+ rounds!
A) 125#, ok these are starting to grow on me, I think my core is stronger in just 2 weeks of these?
B) 75#, 1 minute rest made it extra difficult
C) 4+11, after shin bang box stumble, ouchie! Good slice, haven’t done that in sooo many years.
No yoke available but wanted to hit strong man stuff. 100 ft sled push immediately followed by 100ft bear hug carry 75#. 3 rounds
Nice work on C!!!!
thanks, just call me doe doe bird!
especially good with a ‘shinjury’!
The tempo squats are good for SO MANY REASONS! Glad you are already seeing an improvement! You are amazing – even after a shinjury you manage to get 4+ rounds – STUD!
Session 2:
A. Jefferson squats with 20kg. Glute cramp every rep!
B. 70kg and 2 black bands + 2 purple bands
Also hit yesterdays WOD. All five rounds under 2:40. Rows were all sub 1:40, but first round was 1:32 and it crushed me haha, so backed off. Just 5 strict pull-ups each round. DU UB.
Nice work on yesterdays session Rob! And a glute cramp means you are doing those Jefferson squats correctly!
Optional session done in the AM – fun session
A. 200/205/210/215/220
B. 125(8)/125(8)/125(6, failed, then 2)/125 (5, failed, then 3)
C. Used 55# DB (only had 2 50’s and 4 of us doing the workout – so I drew the 55’s) – 3+20
Rx+ nice work 😉
Trying to do something to catch up to you – lol. Shoulders were fried from those strict presses – made the WOD interesting.
haha whatever man. I’m sure there are much better people to chase, but bring it on man 😉 Seriously, we are all trying to be a little better each day. All in the same boat.
Absolutely – just gotta keep working hard!
Ohh well done Joe – you blazed through that workout!
Thanks Nichole! Great day today – definitely got stronger today!
DMA done
A. 70/75/80/82/85kg
B. 45kg
C. 3 + 2 BBJO
Nice push on the conditioning portion Ben.
A. 145/155/165/170/170
B. 65
C. 3 rounds…ttb ugh….
A. Done at 80%
B. Done.
C. 3+24. Slow on T2B. I need to really work on stringing these together better.
Great job on Part C – 3 + 24 is awesome!!