Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Squat Rocks x 45 seconds
Deep Squat Progressions x 5 reps
and then …
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk
x 20 meters
and then …
Barbell Warm-Up
Clean-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Clean Pulls x 3 reps
Power Clean x 3 reps
Front Squat x 3 reps
Press x 3 reps
Jerk x 3 reps
Full Clean x 3 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Drop to Split x 3 reps
Immediately followed by. . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Tall Jerks x 2 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Clean + Jerk x 1 rep
*Set 1-2 @ 70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 3-4 @ 75% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 5-6 @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes, complete (5 sets):
Row 500 Meters
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Strict Pull-Ups x
35-49:10/8 reps
50-54: 8/6 reps
55+: 30 Double Unders; 6/4 reps
I am would like you to have at least 60 seconds, if not more, of rest here. We are incorporating more strict gymnastic work and am looking to see an improvement across the board with everyones strict upper body pulling strength. If you need to scale this then I’d like you to use a band for assisted pull-ups and not drop the reps down. I want to see the same amount of volume across the board for everyone.
Three sets of:
Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 10-12 reps @ 2011
Rest 45 seconds
Ring Hamstring Curls x 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds
A. 135
B. 180/190/205
C. 3:04/3:14/3:16/3:20/3:40 strict pull-ups harder than I expected
A) 75/85/95# for both
B) 175/180/185/190/195/200#
C) 3:32/3:47/3:53/4:14/4:02 @ 10 spu, the struggle after round 2, woof!
D) Done 15# plate
Great work Chris – doing strict work can get really tough when breathing heavy so well done!
A. Done with empty bar
B. 1- 2 : 175 lb 3-4: 185 5-6: 195
C. 1set 3: 43 2 set 3: 57 3 set 3 pull ups 4 set 4 30
the inside of my left elbow hurt a lot. now I can not stretch it much.
What happened to your elbow?
Nothing important.
I just contracted my arms a lot in the row , du and strict pull ups.
A. Done 65/75#
B. Power cleans to save knee a bit–103/110 then 118 and 123–jerks a bit better than last week
C. Slightly modified. 500row/12 burpees/8 strict pull ups x 3 rounds due to time contraints–warm up took longer than normal! 4:00/353/350
D. Hip extension with 10#
A. Done. 95# on both.
B. 175, 180, 185, 190, 195, 200. Lockout on jerk a little bouncy thanks to the ol’ triceps still feeling the bench and floor press from Saturday.
C. 2:47, 2:54, 2:58, 3:01, 3:04. First 3 rounds UB, 4th and 5th DUs broke 2 & 3 times. Got a little hairy at the end.
D. Done.
A) 65# for both
B) worked up to 115#, need lots of work. I’ll send video next time for help.
C) 3:00/2:57/3:06/3:08/3:13. 3 rounds DU unbroken, 2 trips. 3/3 for pull-ups, last round 3/1/1/1/1. Those got hard rather quickly under stress
D) completed
Yes, please video next time!
DMA – Complete
A1 & A2) 115# (Drop to Split & Tall Jerks)
B.) 180# / 180# / 190# / 190# / 205# / 205# (Hang Clean + Jerk)
C.) 3:04 / 3:37 / 3:43 / 3:30 / 3:34 – 1st & 2nd round DU ub. 3rd & 4ht round DUs 30/20. 5th round DUs kept tripping up. Rows were around 1:50-1:55. Pullups were as prescribed until the 3rd round then used band to assist.
D.) Dont have GHD but will do the same as Kathy Wilson. RIng Hamstring Curls completed.
Good work Phil!
Today I had: A. 5 sets: 2 min rest 4 kb snatch 6 kb pp 8 kb ohs 1x per arm for each set. B. Every 3 min x 6 sets 5 back squats heavy C. For time: 50 DU 35 kb fr w. lunge 35’s 20 pull ups 35 kb fr w. lunge 35’s 50 du Great day!! Glad to be back at it. 🙂 A. done. unbroken sets. 🙂 All at 35. B. 125/140/155/170/185/2@200 🙁 REALLY wanted 5 at 200 today, but for some reason my cns crapped out on me. I literally sat with the weight at… Read more »
(50-54) warm up & mobility: done A. drop to split 65#, 75#, 80# tall jerks: 65# B. set 1-2: 91# set 3-4: 96# set 5-6: 105# C.done: got them all in close, but not in 4 minutes. Ran into a technical difficulty, lol! I should have set up a band (for pull ups) before I started the clock. Since I didn’t, I didn’t want to stop to go get it, and I didn’t want to lower the reps so I just went with it. D. done: we don’t have a ghd so I did my weighted extensions the same as… Read more »
Nice work Tabitha!!!
A. Done
B. Done. Felt great
C. Done, had to get out the tiny band on last two rounds.
It’s another big mental win for me to see double unders and rowing in the programming and not get anxiety or down on myself. Had to do two sets on the doubles, but that’s still good for me. Starting to have more confidence in things that were my weaknesses (or things I just plain couldn’t do a year ago!)
That is FANTASTIC Theresa!!! I am so happy to hear that and so pumped that you are feeling more confident. That is a huge milestone!!
A1. 135/145/155
A2. 115/125/135
B. 180(2)/190(2)/205(2)
C. Done – first 3 round were 3:35 and under, round 4 the pull-ups got really hard for me (4:00) and round 5 was rough on everything (4:10). Rows were fine on all rounds, dubs are getting better but tripped up around the 30-35 mark in the later rounds.
D. Done
Glad your double-unders are feeling better!
DMA – done
A1. done
A2. done
B. 120, 130, 135
C. 3:13 UB DU’s – 3:30 (2 misses DU’s) – 3:23 UB DU’s – 3:24 UB DU’s – 3:25 UB DU’s
D. Done (using 10 – 10 – 15 lb. plate)
Great work on your double-unders!!
Mobility completed
C)3:39/3:35/3:34/3:41/3:36 (all du ub with the exception of the 4th round)
Nice job on the dubs Dean!
Thanks coach! They have been feeling really good lately.
A. Drop splits 55#
Tall jerks up to 65#
B. 110/115/125
C. 3:19/3:24/3:22/3:26/3:31
D. Done
Very consistent, wonderful!
A1- 60kg, 80kg, 80kg (will work on speed and feet placement)
A2- 40kg, 45kg, 50kg
B- 75kg, 80kg, 85kg (Need to go heavier and catch lower)
C. 3:10, 3:49, 3:41, 3:42, 3:41. The pain train came between the first and second round, managed to keep DU almost UB and smoother, PU went 5+5
A1 and A2 95 across all sets and reps
B. 170, 187, 195
C. 3:10 , 3:15, 3:27, 3:30, 3:46
D. @ work
All under 4min but didn’t write down times. UB on all DUs. I like the strict work under fatigue.
Strength later.
Fantastic Stephanie!
A. 95 across for all
B. 170×2/185×2/195×2
C. 3:37/3:41/3:45/3:51/4:05
D. 35# plate x10, done.
Great work Michael!
A1) 80/95/105 A2) 65/75/80 B) 115/115/125/125/135/135 (85%) C) this was a complete shit show. I wanted to do the volume because I haven’t done double unders in months and I’m trying to get me stamina back on rowing. Thought this was exactly the workout I needed. Famous last words. By the way, this is not the workout to try a new rope. ? Ended up having to scale it anyway. Did only 3 rounds because each round was getting so much worse. 4:30 slow steady row. Double unders, meh. 4 strict pull-ups, 4 with lightest band Rested a minute 5:01… Read more »
Some days are just like that! Relax. Take a breath. Tomorrow can only be better!
Thanks Barry! My lifts felt good so there’s a silver lining.
Words of wisdom Barry!! What new rope did you try?
It was a gift but it was an RPM jump rope. I have used RPM in the past and loved it but this one just didn’t feel the same.
I got a good workout in regardless. Some days are great double under days and some days are not. Today was a not.
I love RPM ropes as well but the rope spins fast so it takes a little time to get used to.
Warm up and mobility done
A. 55, 65, 75# Drop to split & 55# for Tall Jerks
B. 75, 80 & 85# Felt good. I do better from a hang – less time to start an early pull. Working on correcting this fault.
C. 3:30, 4:00, 3:27, 3:50, 3:54 All pull ups unbroken. Working on getting rid of extra jump in my DUs so I tried several drills for DUs.
D. Modified GHD hip ext. because I do not have a GHD. I will post a video on FB page.
Great work on your pull-ups!! Glad your cleans felt good as well!