Workout of the Day
One to Two sets of:
Handstand Walk x Max Distance (up to 100′ – shut it down if you get to the 100′ mark)
If you are comfortable with your handstand walk, don’t push this and risk too much fatigue.
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets) of:
Hang Snatch x 1 rep
*Set 1 – 80% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 2 – 85% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 3 – 90% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 4 – 95% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 5 – 100% of desired Opening Weight
*Set 6 – 100% of desired Opening Weight
Two rounds for time of:
Sprint 200 Meters
20 Alternating Pistols
7/5 Muscle-Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (175/115 lbs)
Two sets for times of:
Run 400 Meters
8 Overhead Squats (205/135 lbs)
Rest until fully recovered
Practice how you will get the barbell into the Overhead Squat position for these reps…understanding that you will have done 64 pull-ups before doing so.
A) 2 sets of 60′ B) 205# But I accidently did 10 sets. C) 5:23 – Broke my last set of HPC 6/4 and subbed 20 cals on the airdyne for the running. Is it me only or is everyone getting Fran lung every time this comes up? haha. I wonder what it will be like when we do the full 3 sets this weekend? D) Skipped. I’m having a massage tomorrow and then will rest on Thursday. Just wanted to take the opportunity to thank everyone on this Blog and Invictus/CJ. Without you, my garage gym may not have… Read more »
B. 125, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155lb felt awesome today. Wanted more!!!
C. 5:36 everything ub 🙂 chest/shoulders still sore from Sunday.
D. 2:38, 2:36 feeling good.
Ready to go!!! Let’s do this!
Solid work Sarabeth!
Thank you Nichole!
A) 21 ft and 27 ft
B) 215#
C) 4:48 – Unbroken everything ; pistols are getting faster
D) 5:54 – UB OHS
Nice job on the pistols Dylan!!!!
A. 100ft UBx1
B. Off of 205. It will depend on feel come Friday. But ill be opening between 185 and 205
C. 6:01 muscle ups unbroken
D. 5:00/2:38 dropped bar on first round. Took a couple minutes to…vent my frustration (aka: kick a box and throw a temper tantrum). Second round I practiced a little more patience and reserve. Got the weight in a comfortable position and hit 8 unbroken.
A. 100″
B. 225
C. 6:24 *took it easy and rowed 250m instead
D. 6:50 * work on Form of OHS
*nice and easy
What do you suggest those competing on a team do for parts C & D?
Hey Joey,
Here is what I would do (but I am not Cj and he might have a totally different plan for you:
C. For Time:
15 Muscle Ups (or however many you plan on doing with the team)
D. Complete as is but with weight for a team. You still need to figure out how you are going to get the bar up for your OHS.
Hope that helps!
Thanks for the input Nichole,
This was similar to what I was planning on doing if I did not get a response!