May 5, 2014 – Masters Games Program

Workout of the Day

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Two sets, not for time, of:
Handstand Walk x 10-15 Meters
(If you don’t have handstand walks, perform handstand wall runs

for 20-30 shoulder taps)
Muscle-Ups x 2-6 unbroken reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10-12 reps
(use this as an opportunity to fine tune efficiency and play with strategies for faster cycling times)

Six sets of:
Clean & Jerk x
(rest 2-5 seconds between singles – looking for quick drop-n-go sets, working to cycle heavy-ish loads for 5 reps)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Three sets of:
Speed Deadlift x 6-8 reps
(these should be slow off the ground and quick from knee to hip – keep weight light enough to move quickly with perfect mechanics)
Rest 30 seconds
Pull-Ups x 15-20 reps as quickly as possible – note times
Rest 3-4 minutes

Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
60 seconds of Double-Unders
Rest 60 seconds
90 seconds of Rowing for Calories
Rest 90 seconds
Welcome to day one of the Invictus Masters’ Games Program! We’re really excited about helping you all on this journey. As with anything we have done that has been worthwhile, this idea came from many of you. We hadn’t intended to do a group program, but because so many of you did so well and there was adequate interest, we are thrilled to be able to share some guidance and help you prepare to be at your best for the CrossFit Games at the end of July!

The Masters’ Games program will be structured in three training phases leading up to Games. In these first four weeks we will be much more focused on helping you maintain or improve mobility (they love to test it in Masters’ competition with things like overhead squats), fine tuning a lot of skills – both gymnastics and barbell, and improving strength. The energy system work in these four weeks will be largely interval based. As we get closer to the Games you will see this shift toward testers that more closely mimic the events in which you may be tested.

Finally, this is a small group. We know some of you will be competing against each other, but we hope this forum will be a place for you all to share results, encourage each other in the training process, inspire each other with your successes, and ask lots of questions so that we can best help you. Nichole DeHart and Tino Marini will be helping me to answer questions in the forum and provide feedback on your efforts. The more we get to know you and your results, the better we will be able to provide that feedback. Please participate and let us know how we can help!

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Brent Maier (42/6'2"/205)
Brent Maier (42/6'2"/205)
May 5, 2014 7:22 pm

Nice to start lifting again.

HS walks: hit 15 meters both times
MUs: 6’s
C2B: done

B: 135/165/185/195/195/205#

C: 315# + 20pu (:22/:22/:23)

Burpees w/jump: 13’s
Du’s: 115/91/95
Calories: 45/40/37 – ouch

Good first day to kick off the journey.

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
May 5, 2014 9:46 pm

Well done buddy! Very solid results.

Alisa Rosenbaum
Alisa Rosenbaum
May 5, 2014 6:16 pm

Alisa Rosenbaum Megan Becker (50-54) (Sorry, Alisa is my facebook alias, because I don’t like facebook, so I didn’t want it in my name.) A. HS walks (averaged 1-2 meters at a time; I am just getting used to HS walks); MU not good today and I have never linked them — just one at a time, but I will work on it. Chest-to-bars were okay, but not unbroken. B. C&J: 95, 105, 115, 115, 120, 120 C. Forgot to note times on these, but I think I went too light on the DLs (125# really fast), and pullups were… Read more »

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
May 5, 2014 9:47 pm

Great job Megan! We’ll be working some of the gymnastics skills throughout this prep period. I believe you will be able to put together a few muscle-ups before Games!

Brandon Bonser
Brandon Bonser
May 5, 2014 4:37 pm

I didn’t earn a games invite but hopefully y’all don’t mind me training alongside you anyway? Love this programming and perhaps I’ll learn a thing or two for next year. Thanks! Brandon 45-49 A-Hstand walks= disaster; Wall runs= worse!; MU= 5,6,5; C2B=10,12,12 B-CJ= 135/165/175/185/185/185 C-DL/PU= 275/20; 275/20; 275/12 *focused on hip speed. This was new to me and made a huge difference in efficiency. D-B/DU/Cal= 12/100/35; 13/96/36; 13/85/34 (425 total) *was the lesson on D to pace burpees and row so as to maximize rep count on DU? That’s what my body was telling me but I chose not to… Read more »

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
May 5, 2014 5:08 pm
Reply to  Brandon Bonser

Brandon…is everything sorted post video review at this point. 21st is an amazing accomplishment, whether you get to play on the field at Carson or not. Congrats buddy and pumped to be able to help you out moving forward!

Brian McIntyre
Brian McIntyre
May 5, 2014 11:29 am

Part A done. HS walks in sets of 5m. 5 MUs. 10 CTB.
B. 96/135/155/165/175
C. 225#/15
D. 11, 31, 30/ 11, 44, 29/ 12, 54, 30

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
May 5, 2014 5:10 pm
Reply to  Brian McIntyre

Wow, great job Brian! You actually got stronger on D as the sets accumulated. Strong work buddy.

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