Workout of the Day
Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 6.
For time:
50-Calorie Row
50 Box Jump-Overs (24″/18″)
50 Deadlifts (180/120 lb)
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
50 Ring Dips
25 Wall Ball Shots
25 Deadlifts
25 Box Jump-Overs
50-Calorie Row
If possible, note splits. That will be extremely important in helping you determine how you will attack this event on game day. This is a different event for most males and females. The ring dips will not slow most males, but females will need to be extremely careful with the ring dips to ensure that they don’t reach failure and lose time staring at the rings.
Second Session – Approximately 3 hours later
Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 7.
“2014 Regionals Event 7”
64 Pull-Ups
8 Overhead Squats (205/135 lbs)
CAVEAT…stop your pull-ups if you feel a hot spot or any indication that your hand is at jeopardy of tearing. If you are a Week 2 athlete, it is too close to regionals to allow your hands to come apart.
“2014 Regionals Team Event 7”
Male/female pairs move through stations of:
500-meter row,
partner completes 125 double-unders (each)
50 deadlifts (275/185 lb.)
partner holds barbell at the waist
50 toes-to-bars,
partner hangs
“2014 Regionals Team Event 8”
49 Pull-Ups
7 Overhead Squats (185/115 lbs)
Perform individually – males racing males, females racing females.
CAVEAT…stop your pull-ups if you feel a hot spot or any indication that your hand is at jeopardy of tearing. It is too close to regionals to allow your hands to come apart.
B. 20:50
D. 3:07 pull-ups: 2:10 (30,11, 14, 9)
Started ohs at 2:30. Snatched it and did 8 unbroken. Need to try to push ups harder and see how that changes ohs.
B. Couldnt quite get timings because I couldn’t see the clock at all times but row was 0-2:29, everything was faster leading into the ring dips. New strategy of box jump over meant I was done in around half the time it took me 2 days ago, the deadlifts were 25, 15, 10. Unbroken on the wall balls, Stuck to 5’s through the ring dips but the fatigue in my arms was heavy I think my rests were longer got off at around 17:50, unbroken wall balls and deadlifts took 2 mins got on the box at around the 20… Read more »
B. 23:38 Row 0-2:43 Jumps 2:43-5:10 (found a more efficient jump over at end) DL 5:10-8:19 (10/8/8/7/7/5/5) These are hard for me after rowing but think I can push them harder. WB 8:19-10:55 I was worried to go to hard here and wreck my shoulders but I think I need to go harder as I will be doing sets of 1-3 dips either way. Dips 10:55-15:58 Just did what I could here. Short break and small sets. WB 15:58-17:15 Arms were dead! DL 17:15-18:54 (8/8/5/4) Box 18:54-20:35 Row 20:35-23:38 Pushed the last 10 Cals and think I could have gone… Read more »
A. 24:38… Working on the kip on my dip. Dips are very tired and I think I started w too big of sets
B. 4:19 – two sets of 4 squats and transitions are beyond slow. Very happy mentally to have finished which will help w confidence next time I do it
B. Finished the deadlifts at 20:45. This was a good experience though, tougher than I thought. About 4 min on the ring dips is too much (I did 10+8+5+5, and then 3 and 2) CJ: how do you recommend to split up the ring dips?
D. 2:45 min
Pull-ups: 25-15-12-12. OH squats UB.
Will try to do 30-20-14 next time.
Kristin, the sets of 10 and 8 are probably just too big. Hit the dips with the intention of 5 every 20 seconds. That would get you out of there around 3:20 if you can keep that pattern. If you’re dropping off of 5s, that’s fine as long as you put together your 5 singles in the 20 second period. Practice counting in your head the timing so you have a sense for the rhythm of it when you get to regionals.
Thanks for the reply CJ. I will try that:)
Did 5 Rounds of HS Walks (3-5 mins rest in between) 120ft, 120ft, 100ft, 75ft, 65ft A. Got through 40DL in the time cap; finished the workout in 28:06–did this with a few regional men/women and we all wanted to gauge how we felt doing the entire workout. Mentally, need to push the 1st set of DL and Wall Balls. Low back got really smoked after this workout. B. 4:06; experimented with trying to squat snatch the first rep (figured it was worth a shot), and got underneath it, but failed the rep behind me. Clean and jerked the weight… Read more »
B. 19:25, only rowed 25 cals at the end. I’m terrible at box jumps, hoping to make it back to rower at regionals
D. 3:38. Took my time on the pull-ups, just wanted to feel it out. Will shoot for sub 3
A 19:19
B 14:30 for the three guys, I was last to go after Julien and LP. I finished the pullups at 8:00 but the OHS were challenging. Most I’ve ever overhead squatted
B) well misread and did the 50s all the way through. Got 34 box jumps in 21:00 mins but definitely have more in the tank. Think I can finish this one at regionals.
D) just did the pull-ups as I’m pretty fatigued and feel good about the OHS. Did 34 unbroken then 4 mores sets and finished in 2:01
A. Got to 34 wall balls, dips really slowed me down. Think I will be able to get to deadlifts next time though!
B. 5:30 ish I think…grip too wide on the first ohs so I had to drop it and clean it up again, think I will be able to shave off a little more time the next go around!
B. Finished 5 of the 25 box jumps on way back in time cap…dips took me waaay too long (as expected) just tried to keep moving.
D. 3:59 (no running though….ohs 6/2; hope to go ub at regional by splitting up pull-ups in to smaller sets to start)…couldn’t believe how hard it was to PULL 135 off floor after those pull-ups.
B. 26:00 – was at 15 box jumps when it was 21:00. This needs to be better.
D. 5:30 – pull-ups went something like 30/10/6/6/8/4 finished at 2 min. The overhead squats felt way heavy after those PU
Not happy with training today.
Team – mixed up Sat and Sun based on teammate availability but got a touch on each event Sat Event 6: 9-6-3 HSPU/HPC/burpee over bar – 3:43 – HSPU are not my thing so OK with this. a little more work w/ strict HSPU and should shave 30 sec off this. 20 min rest Event 8: 49 pullups + 7 OHS – 2:29 – pullups easy but broke em up into 5 chunks with short breaks; OHS UB but a bit slow and tentative – need to touch OHS a few more times… Sun Event 4/5 (thruster rope climb) –… Read more »
For those of you who completed the full Event 6, please explain the benefits of doing so? In other words, why did you feel like you had to do all of the reps on the back side, and what do you think you got from it that you would not have got out of doing it as written above?
The only reason I went for it was because I was trying to do a true regional simulation so I knew exactly how I was going to feel during/after event 6 and going into event 7. Now, would I have been just about as beat up following the program, probably. So I guess in my mind I needed to know for sure.
My ego got in the way. I wanted to see how well I would perform compared to other athletes who had done it and told me their times. The programming got me this far and has made it possible for me to do this and feel great. After following religiously for almost a year I should not have let my ego dictate this close to having made it to my goal of going to regionals. Thank you guys again for providing us with this amazing programming we put our trust in you guys and we’ve been seeing crazy results with… Read more »
Good awareness Wes. It happens to the best. Just know that the time to compare will come soon enough. Now is the time to plan and prepare. Glad you’re feeling strong and recovering well. That bodes well for competition weekend.
B. 30 deadlifts on the way back after 21min
D. 3:07 pull up 25/10/10/10/9, OHS unbroken
A) 24:15. Went too slow on wallballs. Dips were easier than I thought.
B) 4:24 not happy at all. Pull-ups were 33, 45, 59, 64. Ohs was a disaster. 3, failed 4th, 3, 2. Can someone suggest a better strategy here? 22/22/10/10 maybe? Ohs is heavy for me. I think I need to be fairly fresh to go 4/4.
B. full workout (testing soreness more than anything) through 310 reps at the time cap. finished in 33. this is just hard. nothing in particular. did figure out some efficiencies for me on the last 10 reps of box jumps ill work on
D. 4:02 including about 40′ of running from pullup to the bar and bar back to the pullup rig. pullups opened with 33 reps and i think 5 sets total around 2:17. missed a snatch (my thumbs are wrecked) and went to a clean and btn jerk. Ub but the last 2 were awfully close to dropping.
If my posts get any longer im going to need to hire an editor
Don’t snatch. Snatch requires too much technique, and you’ll have to push your pull-ups if you want them to be competitive. Play with sprinting to the bar, cleaning it, setting your hands and going overhead.
B. Did only to the 50 dips as I read the wrong regional group. 19:54. I took the time to write my splits so maybe I’ll get through the WBs at regionals, it’ll be great to get to the DLs again.
D. 7 OHS. Failed 3 of the squats. Pullup in around 2:00.
Decided to do the full workout and wow… I only made it to 46 wall balls, in the second set, within the 21:00 time cap. The full workout took me 34:15. I was pretty mentally defeated – I am so sore/beat today. 1st row took 3:42, 2nd row took 3:15.
What was the benefit of doing the full workout?
For me, it was a mental thing. I was performing the WOD with another competitor and when I realized that I would not compete the scaled version in 21:00, I decided to at least conquer the entire thing. Probably not the best decision for me, physically but completing the WOD helped my mental game. I need to move to Cali so that I can just have you scold me in person for not listening 🙂 I know you don’t want excuses but I’m going to be training with the military for a few weeks and won’t have access to a… Read more »
I am totally on board with you moving to San Diego!!! 🙂 In the future, self-punishment by enduring a bunch of extra volume probably shouldn’t be your best plan prior to Regionals. Now is the time to take care of your body and get strong…not break it down further than necessary.
You know what to do with a barbell. Use your weeks without it to master pistols, strict handstand push-ups, pull-ups, and rope climbs (if available). I know you’ll find the best in it…and it will probably help you stay a bit more fresh for regionals!
Got it! Thank you very much CJ 🙂 It’ll be interesting for sure – I will be running a ton so my cardio endurance will be awesome!
A. went until the time cap and get to 13 Wall balls after the ring dips
B. 5:42