Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Followed by. . .
Skill Development
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
1-2 PERFECT Ring Muscle-Ups
Followed by. . .
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times:
15/10 Calories of Rogue Echo Bike or Assault Bike
1 Legless Rope Climb + Rope Climb
(IF POSSIBLE – do not touch the ground between the two)
3-4 Strict Parallette Handstand Push-Up to 0-6″ Deficit
4 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (36″/30″)
In 12-15 minutes build to today’s 3-RM Low-Bar Pause Back Squat @ 32X1
(perform these barefoot if possible – grip the floor with your toes and feel weight distributed throughout the foot during all phases of the lift)
In honor of Memorial Day and the sacrifices made by so many heroes of our armed forces…
For time:
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Air Squats
Run 1 Mile
If possible, perform with a 20/14 lb weight vest or body armor. While some of us who have been doing this a while always did this as a chipper, and it was done that way at Games, I do not suggest performing it that way. It is tough on the body and can potentially ruin the rest of your training week. Please partition the pull-ups, push-ups and air squats. You may choose to partition them however you’d like, but the typical way is to perform this as 20 rounds of “Cindy” – 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 air squats, sandwiched between two one mile runs. Please be safe.
“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” – Joseph Campbell
The above workout is named after Lt Michael Murphy. If you are not yet familiar with Medal of Honor recipient Lt Michael Murphy, please click here and read about his acts of courage and selflessness. He, and the many others that have served and conducted themselves with similar bravery, represent the best of our country. Please take pride in honoring and remembering them this Memorial Day.
Athlete Notes:
Today is a great opportunity to reflect upon the freedoms that many of us have due to the sacrifices made by others. The “Murph” workout has long been a tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, and for that reason it’s a phenomenal way to come together as a community. That said, please don’t let the workout itself detract you from your goals. You aren’t competing for a championship, and shredding your hands and/or taking you out of good training for several days isn’t the honor any of our heroes would want bestowed upon them. Pay your respects, but be smart about your training and approach to today’s workout.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Take 15 minutes to build to today’s heavy:
Push Press + Power Jerk
Use blocks if you have them, but quickly reset yourself for the power jerk.
Engine Accessory Option
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets), for max calories:
60 seconds of Assault Bike
These are all out efforts for max calories. You have 4 minutes to recover, so go hard.
Running Endurance Option
Every 2 minutes, for as long as you can maintain pace…
Run 200 Meters @ 95+% of your 400m PR pace
Similar to last week…but this week you’re going to increase the pace you’re holding for the 200m repeats.
Rowing Endurance Option
Every 6 minutes, for 36 minutes (6 sets) for distances:
3 Minutes of Rowing
Compare results with the week of November 2, 2020.
Be aggressive on these sets, but try to maintain a consistent pace. That will mean that you need to increase your RPE over the course of the eight sets.
Skill development: Done
Skill based movement primer: done
Strict shoulder press
5 reps at 60kg
3 reps at 70kg
1 rep at 75kg
1 rep at 80kg(pr)
3×8 reps at 60kg
Murph partitioned in 20 rounds without vest in 31.45
Im probably losing some strenght in my legs right now but my upper body strenght is really improving. Gymnastics also keeps getting better.
Control what you can control and continue to progress in the areas you can!
Nice work!
– warm up done
– emom muscle up done
– 15min emom with 15cal ab, llrc + rc no feet on ground and no jump, 4 shspu and 4 burpees high BJ
– machine murph :
1600m row
100 pull up
200 push up
300 squats
100cal AB
42’13 with 9kg vest. Never done this one in my life. 1st time doing Murph unpartitioned. Push ups took me a long time…
Good push!
Those push-ups were ????????
You know!
6 am
Engine option
166 cal
5 pm
135 kg tempo 32×1
39’44” ( last year 39’59”)
10 x 10-20-30 rep
Sneaked in a little PR!
Warm Up, Skill and Primer done. Love the SPHSPU and Legless + Rope Climbs
Murph done with 3200m Bike Erg (did 20 rounds of Cindy) with 14lb vest.
Nice work!
“Machine Murph”
For time:
Row 1600 meters (5:45)
100 Pull-Ups (11:05)
200 Push-Ups (15:40/20:50)
300 Air Squats (29:50)
Assault Bike 100 Calories (6:05)
Perform wearing a 20lb. weighted vest
At the 44 minute mark. . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
20 GHD Sit Ups
20 Bearhug D-Ball Squats (150lb.)
At the 60 minute mark. . .
Three sets of:
15 Glute Ham Raise
15 Goblet Squats
Rest 90 seconds