Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Minute 1 – Pull-Ups x 10-12 reps
Minute 2 – Handstand Walk x 15-20 feet
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
1 Clean + 1 Front Squat
Immediately followed by …
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Clean x 1.1
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Dumbbell Walking Lunges x 20 steps
40-54: 32/24 kg
55+: 24/16 kg
Fifteen sets of:
60 seconds of Rowing @ 85-90% effort
60 seconds of Rest
10-12 Freestanding Kick-Ups to Handstand with Max Hold
(hold for as long as possible without walking – if your hands move, terminate that set)
followed by…
Ten sets of:
Wall Climb to Handstand + Handstand Walk + Reverse Handstand Walk to Wall
If you fail to make it back to the wall in your reverse handstand walk, terminate that set. Your goal is to determine how far from the wall you can get and still make it back to the wall without falling.
Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy Clean
and then …
Three sets of:
3-Position Halting Clean Deadlift
Rest as needed
For time:
50 Calories of Assault Bike
40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Thrusters
135/95 lbs
50-54: 115/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs; 20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Three sets, not for time, of:
Single Arm Deadlift
x 5 reps per side
Rest 45 seconds
Glute Ham Raises x 6-8 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Seated Leg Lifts x 15 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Games Prep (and feeling the effects of 2 sessions yesterday)
A1. 10 kick ups. Still a work in progress.
A2. Wall walks to HS only.
B1. 150# (wasn’t feeling it).
B2. 165/195/205#.
C. Done. No time. Scaled to PU’s.
D. Skipped. Ran out of time.
Off Season
A. 30 sec wall facing and incline T/Y with 5 lb plates, shoulders sore from Murph
B. 1st 5 sets, 115, 135, 155, 165,165, 2nd 5 all at 165
C. 35 lb DB, So hard, breathing like I ran a 200m sprint, not sure why
D. 8 sets, 2:05 average, ran out of time to finish
A. Done
B. 145/ then 165
C. 12:26
D. 80/80/120 DL / 3 x 10 GR/ 3 x 15 SLL
A. Worked on strict muscle ups for 25-30 mins. Strung 3 together unbroken, lots of 2’s and singles.
Then unbroken HS walk 2 lengths of gym (approx. 100′)
B1. 85-105-125-145-155-165-175-185-195-205#(m)
B2. 205-215-225#
C. 8:55 (we have a Schwinn AirDyne so we went 70 cals instead of 50…took me 4:28…maybe too long on bike???….pull-ups felt harder than they should today…thrusters went 6/4/5/3/3/3/3/3.
D. Done
A. Done. Unbroken
B. 185, 205, 225, 245, 255
B2. 2@255×5
C. No 70# dumbbells. Subbed OHWL w/95# barbell to work on my weak OH everything.
D. Ran out of time.
Off Season-
Ring rows-Hands were very tender from yesterday
Free Handstands-Holding longer-Better balance
B1. Did power cleans-Leg and knee are still being a Jerk-Didn’t want to push it so did
1 PC and 1 Front Squat worked up to #130
B2. PC Failed the second #130 dropped down to 125-last set went and got both 130
Did Bamboo OH 5 rounds with 8KG
Did 8 rounds of rowing-Knee was feeling more sore after each round didn’t want to push it.
Feeling really tight- Mobilized and rolled out
Off season
A. Done, only 2 hs walks ub
C. From yesterday, 5@250,3@270,1@305, then e3f15 2@315
B. 195/205/215/220/225, then 230/235f/215×3
C. With 35# db
D. 10 sets @1:50 pace
Saturdays and yesterdays work kicked my butt:
Went in today with my tail between my legs.
A. worked on strict muscle ups- got 6-8 that would likely be no reps but it was a start-
B, cleaned up to 245- focused on technique – keeping weight in heels
c. 8:51 did 70 cals on a schwinn then 14 C2B and 24 ring dips then 30×135 thrusters. -slowly trying to get back to C2B pull ups- the first two attempts are like a knife in the armpit and after a bit they feel back to normal.
D. skipped
First full day in a week! Stoked to be back.
Muscle up work.
A. Kickups. Handstand walk abt 30 feet. New PR!
B. Cleaned up to 215. Missed 225.
C. 9:08 PUs then thrusters then bike. Had 2min break waiting for bike so that helped…
Hi All – after a long long long time of being a way from the group after some knee surgery – I am back to try this again! I workout with Tracy O’Connell who is already a part of this group – so she is the one who kicks my ass to move every day! A) Done (did Murph yesterday so I did strict pull ups today) and HSW unbroken B1) 225, 235, 245, 245, 245 (did 80% full squat cleans based off a 305# clean) B2) 245, 245, 245, 245, 245 (did 80% full squat cleans based off a… Read more »
Whoo hoo! Welcome back Caps! Caps is the reason I started Invictus! Thanks for training with me today! Couldn’t have done it without you!
A: Done (Happy with the 12 pullups and 24′ HS unbroken)
B1: 205,215,225,235,245
B2: 215,225,235,245,265
C: 5×20 @70lb Dumbells (it was miserable on the grip)
D: 3801m
Off Season A. HS walk and Pull-ups – didn’t go on the clock b/c I wanted to do 20′ of HS walks. Did each as two sets of 10′. Probably still finished each set of HS walks in around a minute. B1 .1 Clean + 1 Front Squat 110/120/130/140/150 B2. Clean 1.1 – 155/165/170/180(f)(f)/- C. DB walking lunges – Thought these were OH walking lunges. Oops! Used a 45lb. plate. D. Rowing – 3890m/1:55.6/500m ave./27 spm 238/252/260/254/260/259/261/263/262/264/263/267/267/256/264 Set a goal to try and get 260m in each round. Found that having a target kept me from allowing myself to drop… Read more »
A. Done
B1. 140, 140,145, 145, 145
B2. 145,150,155,160,165
C. Done (used 35# DB)
D. Done- 3,807m
AM – Mile Swim
A. PU 12 per set, HSW felt great done-20″ per set
B1- 225/225/235/245/255
C – 75# DB each hand x 20 steps, (glutes felt this one)
D- Done 4065 meters
Hey guys I just signed up and looking at 31st of May with the clean EMOM what is 1.1?
Does that just mean 1 clean?
And is there a % to do it at?
1.1 means two singles, 10 or so seconds apart. s for the weight, just build up so that it gets difficult. Good luck!!
1.1 means 2 cleans with a :10 rest in between. I am new as well and asked about percentages. Most said to just work up to a challenging weight with good form. My goal was to have no misses so my last round ended around 85% of my 1rm. Hope this helps.
Awesome, thanks for your response. it does help 🙂
Omg I was sore today! Jeez! A. Did strict pull-ups and then worked on some butterfly. I can finally do them but my Kipling pull ups are still faster. All walks unbroken trying to go faster. B. 115/120/125/125/125 130 all sets…. Seriously beat up and exhausted from Murph C. 40# holy grip burn and wow is all I can say D. Done. Dark Horse is paying off much better at maintaining my stroke rate and finally learning to use my legs! All sets kept between 1:55-1:59 pace total meters… 3720 I am wrecked tonight so sore and wiped out. Happy… Read more »
D. Avg btwn 280-295m/min got 4360m or 4460 can’t remember exactly but I was able to keep between 280-295 for all 15 rds this was hard wasn’t sure how I was gonna make it through but just closed my eyes on the last 5 rds and rowed.
Thanks Pete Mongeau and Joe Catarineau for the push to maintain btwn 280-300m/min.
Yeah man! I just kept telling myself “one more minute”. Have a nice blister on my heel from that one!
I couldn’t believe how long 15 rounds felt! I had to get off the rower every few rounds
Me too Pete! I was like omg this is rough!
Yeah me too! Had to get off after 7th rd and every other rd after that. Crazy hard
Off season:
A. Done
B. 125/130/135/140/145# then 150(3)/155(2)
C. Done with 2x20kg and 18 steps. Ouch
D. Short on time and energy, ran 1 mile instead
Leticia I was dying on the lunges.. Used 40# my goodness those were no joke! Good job using 20kg!
It was brutal! I comprised and only did 18 ?!!
A. Skipped kick ups and wall climbs but worked in 4 sets of 60 ft. walking on hands as part of dynamic warmup. I’ll try to get some wall climbs in this afternoon.
B. Another rough day of cleans. Eventually worked up to 245 (12 lb. off PR) but multiple misses along the way.
C. 8:55 (about 3 min. for each element)
D. done
I’m still being very careful with calf injury but I did get in a very slow 1/2 mile jog before and after workout. Have a nice day all!
60′ is amazing. Hope the calf improves
Today was a little rough getting everything moving correctly after Murph!
10 UB Butterfly (Working on cycling quicker than normal…felt really good)
10 UB SHSPU (Subbed since HS Walks aggravate elbow)
B1. 155/175/200/210/220
B2. Up to 235 (Called it after 3 sets, caught one a little funny and elbow did not agree)
Completed w/ 32KG KB per hand (Went UB on each set)
4304 total meters
Avg 1:50.1 (High 1:50.7 Low 1:49.0)
30 S/M (High 31 Low 29)
***Goal was to keep at 1:50.0 pace (85% of ME 500)