At-Home Workout (No Equipment)
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
200 Meter Run
50 Double-Unders or Crisscross Line Jumps
10 Bent-Over Backpack Rows
20 Alternating Reverse Lunges with Goblet Hold
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
200 Meter Run
50 Double-Unders or Crisscross Line Jumps
20 Backpack Squat Cleans
Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to fight the voice in your head telling you to rest. Ten minutes is no short amount of time to perform constant movement, but these reps are kept in smaller sets to allow you to attack each station and smoothly move to the next exercise.
You will find good benefit to your score to pace the run and push the other stations.
At-Home Workout (Limited Equipment)
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
200 Meter Run
50 Double-Unders
16 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges with Goblet Hold
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
200 Meter Run
50 Double-Unders
8 Single-Arm Dumbbell Power Cleans (Right Arm)
8 Single-Arm Dumbbell Power Cleans (Left Arm)
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges with Goblet Hold
Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to fight the voice in your head telling you to rest. Ten minutes is no short amount of time to perform constant movement, but these reps are kept in smaller sets to allow you to attack each station and smoothly move to the next exercise.
You will find good benefit to your score to pace the run and push the other stations.
For breathing efficiency and movement quality:
30 Bar-Facing Burpees
50 Overhead Squats (20/15 kg)
1000 Meter Row
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Static Handstand Hold Progressions
For 60 seconds, perform one set of:
Nose-To-Wall Handstand Hold x 45 seconds
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Frog Stand x 20 seconds
Interval 2 – Back-To-Wall Split Handstand Hold x 30 seconds
Followed by. . .
If you are not familiar with the process of handstand push-up negatives, please watch this video.
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets) of:
Handstand Push-Up Negative x 1 rep @ 39A9
*If you understand how to read tempo, you will see that you hold a 9 second handstand, 3 second descent and a 9 second headstand hold. The accumulated time spent on your head will help strengthen your neck for handstand push-ups to better prevent injury in the future.
Followed by. . .
Every 10 seconds, for 4 minutes (12 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Strict Handstand Push-Up x 1 rep
Interval 2 – Strict Handstand Push-Up x 2 reps
*If you fail a rep, rest a full interval and start where you left off.
Rest 60 seconds, and then. . .
For 60 seconds, perform one set of:
Strict Handstand Push-Up (singles) x max reps
*Once you finish a rep immediately kick off the wall, swing your arms once, then kick back up into another handstand push-up. If you feel like you are about to fail, swing your arms twice then kick to the wall again. As the minute progresses and fatigue sets in, continue to add one arm swing between reps to keep your fatigue level down and maintain quick and complete reps.
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
For time:
50/35 Calorie Assault Bike
30 Back Squats (225/155 lbs)*
20 Muscle-Ups
*Barbell can be taken from the rack.
Rest until the running clock reaches 16:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts (315/215 lbs)
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Three sets of:
Glute-Ham Raises x 8 reps @ 3011
Rest as needed
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 10 reps each @ 2111
Rest as needed
A. Done. Around 13:00 I think, forgot to note time.
B. Every 00:10 2reps SHSPU for 3:00 (18 sets) rest 2:00 then repeat. (72 reps total)
C. Done. Up to 395#
D. 13:37 Rx
E. 11:17 Rx
F. Done.
Late sunday night session.
A. done
B. done
C. 132,5/152,5/162,5/172,5kg
D. 10.47. Got an awful pressure headache mid squats, pushed through.
E. Did only DL 3×10 @125kg. Head was killing me. ?
F. Done
A1. AMRAP, in 10 minutes of:
200 Meter Run
50 Double-Unders
16 Kettlebell Deadlifts @ 20 kg KBs
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges with Farmers Hold @ 20 kg KBs
Score: 3 rounds + 25 meter run
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
A2. AMRAP, in 10 minutes of:
200 Meter Run
50 Double-Unders
8 Single-Arm Dumbbell Power Cleans (Right Arm) @ 10 kg
8 Single-Arm Dumbbell Power Cleans (Left Arm) @ 10 kg
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges with Farmers Hold @ 20 kg KBs
Score: 3 rounds + 180 meter run
B. Static Handstand Hold Progressions
Part D.
Wod 1 with 70kg and bar mu
Wod 2 with 100kg and box 20” but jump all box 5:00
A) I definitely forgot to write down my time….. 7 something ?
B) done
C) 240/275/295/310
D) 8:47 Rx with echo (as always) and bar MU
E) 4:24 Rx
I felt something in the deep top of my hamstring tighten up on the squats. Not sure what that’s about. Babying that now
F) done
Thanks Tino! Hope you have an awesome Sunday!
Oh no! I hope it’s nothing serious and some rest and mobility will have you feeling good going into Monday!
You crushed it though! (As always)
ThAnks Tino!!
Yeah I don’t think it is. I’ll take care of it and I’m sure it’ll be ok. Just getting old ?
A. 7:53
B. Done
C. 145/165/175/185Kg
Double overhand hook and beltless.
D. 8:53 Rx with Echo
E. 5:39 Rx; was shooting for sub 5:00 and just ran out of steam on the last rnd.
F. Done. Added 1:00 heavy SB hold to each round.
Loved D and E together today. Strength, speed, and gymnasty body weight stuff mixed all together. So awesome; great program today.
Fun combo for sure and perfect way to round out a good weeks work! As always good job!
Last two days were a great way to finish the week.
4 sets 6 reps @ 200
Limited equipment option conditioning
Amrap 10
Amrap 10
Have a great weekend!
You too!
A. Done
B. Done
C. Skip – might be getting a couple more 45s so I can deadlift heavy again ??
D. 7:45 with a 600m run and 150# sandbag squats. Muscle ups were hard today. Not sure why
E. Painted the cottage kitchen for time and then did 5 min AMRAP: 5 sandbag over the shoulder, 100ft sandbag carry, 10 burpees over the bag. Rest 3 mins and repeat
Haha that’s a good finisher! I’m sure it looks ?
B. How long is an interval? I was doing it literally every 10 seconds and by the time I got to 7 at 60 sec mark) I couldn’t finish in a 10 sec period. So I think I did it wrong then I did 15 singles in the 69 seconds.
C. 225/245/270/290
D. 8:32/4:30 RX
Every 10 seconds, for 4 minutes (12 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Strict Handstand Push-Up x 1 rep
Interval 2 – Strict Handstand Push-Up x 2 reps
*If you fail a rep, rest a full interval and start where you left off.
At 0 perform 1 SHSPU
At 10 seconds perform 2 SHSPU
At 20 seconds perform 1 SHSPU
Repeat for four minutes (12 sets of each)
Morning road bike
15km and 650m+ positive slope
In 50min.
A.done 10:30
B.all done
C, done and try a new rm , and nice one 160kg new rm .
D.wod for tomorrow i go training with a friend a push me for better result.
What an awesome day!! That bike didn’t effect your deadlift at all!! Congrats on the PR!!!!
A) ✅
B) ✅ this is DEFINITELY helping me
C) skipped due to time
D) ✅ rowed, 12:50 RX all else (lovely day to pull the rig out for some BMU’s)
E) yuck 175# 10:02 for 3 rounds
F) ✅
?♀️ ?
Limited equipment with 35 double DB DLs and single DB goblet rev lunges
Set one:3+200m
Set two: 3+50 m
Idk if it was the uphill runs or the fact that I haven’t done as many workouts but that got a little hard ?
Nice work Brooke!
First week back in the gym! Been running and doing all the body weight!
A- done
B- 17 shspu
C- done off 180kg (conservative)
D- done
E- sent it 3:45 (275lb)
F- done
Being back must feel fantastic!! Great stuff Sam
A) Done
B) Done with some modifications.
C) 163 / 183 / 193 / 205lb
D) 9:57 scaled to 115lb Back Squats (60%) and Burpee Ring PU
E) 6:37 Scaled to 145lb DL (60%). Box facing Burpees
F) Done with banded GHD GHR and 40lb DB
All the burpees for me today! ❤️
Have a great weekend! ?
Great job Sabrina! Going into your saturday strong. Time to enjoy it!
A. Done.
B. Done, and on e last EMOM did as prescribed half way and then from the 2 min mark in had to change it for every 20 secs. Got 9 reps on the last 60 Sec of max singles.
C. Based on 515 lbs.
D. 8:59.
E. 7:27.
F. Done.
Have a great weekend!
Yesterday did an extra rest day, so today was yesterday’s training: A) done B) 95-102-108-115-122-125kg front squat C) 70-75-78-80-83-85 kg for complex 85-88-90-95kg for snatch Felt so good today, that i went for a 100kg snatch (current pr 95kg), but after i did the smoothest 90kg snatch of my life, couldn’t even get under the bar with 100kg I really feel that there is some kind of mental barrier or sg, because every time i get closer to that 100kg, technic and strength goes away, even tho my 1 rm ohs is 120kg, so it is definitely not strength issue.… Read more »
Great to see you listening to your body and taking that extra rest day!
This may help when you go for those PRs on your lifts/
Trying to accept, that some days it just does not go and does not even worth to push it.
Interesting aspects this timeing stuff, never really thought about this like that ?
Today’s training from home
A) For Quality/Nose Breathing:
30 dumbbell facing burpees
50 overhead squats (with hockey stick)
2000m C2 Bike
B) E2MOMx16 mins:
25’ HSW
C) For Time:
70 cal C2 Bike
50 Double DB Front Squats
Rest until the clock reaches 16 min, then…
D) Three Rounds for time:
10 dumbbell facing burpees
E) Four sets:
Banded Hamstring Curls x 30
Been doing the deadlifts on Wednesday’s as that’s when I have access to my neighbours barbell and weights
Good to see you adjusting and making it work! ???
B-done hard on Hspu
Great job going sub 5 on E!
That’s sick that you were sub 5. Nice job!
I just thought I wouldn’t stop moving
Séance du 29 may.
A. Done.
B front squat.
94. 98. 102.108.
C snatch lift off snatch
60. 65.70.
Snatch 75 kg
D. 400m run 20 alt db 1 arm clean et jerk. 5rds
Time 12.35 db 22.5
E done.
A. 6:58
B. Done
C. 335/365/405/455
D. 8:06 RX squats prob took a bit too long
E. 5:00 RX couldn’t push those burpees like normal today
F. Done
Fun finish to a good week! Time to rest!
Saturdays always are fun! Now as per usual ?? time to carb up!