Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Banded Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Wall Slides x 5-6 reps
Squat Rocks
x 45 seconds
and then …
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Overhead Squat x 1 rep @ 3111
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1.1.1
(rest 10 seconds between singles)
Immediately followed by…
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch x 1.1
(rest 10 seconds between singles)
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + 1 Snatch Pull @ 105%
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 70-75%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 80-85%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Every three minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 85-88%
Three sets of;
Single Arm Dumbbell Row x 8 reps each arm @ 2111
Rest as needed
Weighted Reverse Hypers x 20 reps
Rest as needed
Take 15 minutes to build to a new 1-RM Overhead Squat
Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy Snatch
and then …
Three sets of:
3-Position Halting Snatch Deadlift
Rest as needed
For this exercise, you will employ a 1-2 second pause at three separate points: (1) 2″ off the floor; (2) the knees; and (3) mid-thigh. The purpose is to pause and hold your IDEAL position at each of these points, so don’t let your ego and the load get the best of you. Keep your lats tight and pay attention to the distribution of weight through your foot at each point to ensure you’re performing this correctly.
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Push Press x 5 reps + Push Jerk x 5 reps
Minute 2 – Toes to Rings + Muscle-Up x 2-5 reps
40-49: 135/95 lbs
50-54: 105/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs; Toes to Rings x 10 reps
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Every minute, on the minute, for 18 minutes (6 sets of each):
Minute 1: 15 Wall Ball Shots
Minute 2: 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)
Minute 3: 10 Alternating DB Squat Snatches
30 lbs to 10′ target; 20 lbs to 10′ target; 75/55 lbs
55+: 20 lbs to 9′ target; 14 lbs to 9′ target; Step Overs Allowed; 55/35 lbs
Mobility: Complete
A. 225# all sets
B1. No acces to bumper plates. Used steel and kept it light. Cut rest time to 2 min. 135#
B2. 155#
B3. 175#
C. 5 X 285#, 3 X 305#, 1 X 350#
Was running out of time. Couldn’t do the 5 sets
D. Dumbbell Row 70#, 80#, 85#
Running a day off as well.
A. worked up to 135
B1. worked up to 115
B2. worked up to 125
B3. worked up to 145 (actually on completed the 135 and failed 3x @145
C. worked up to 250 (2 X 5 rds)
Running a day behind this week. Off Season. Felt off today. Tired, out of sync.
A. 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205
B. 135 (1.1.1), 145 (1.1), 155(1) then 175 (2+1).
C. 235, 250, 275, then 285
D. – DB rows w/70#; Hypers with 25# DB.
Off Season
A: 145,165,175,185,195
B: 135,145,155,155/ 3@155/3@225
C: 245,265,295 5@320
Games Prep done in one long session:
A. 205# ohs (failed 210# twice…actually was standing up with the first one but lost it forward…was feeling just a bit off today…I know I can get that weight)
B. Built up to 155# but missed it numerous times…difficulty locking out today
C. 12 min EMOM…toes to ring + muscle up took me the entire 6 sets to link together 3 of them.
A. Back squat: 200×6, 215×4, 235×2
B. 18 min EMOM…this was hard, scaled it to 12 mins. 13-15 WBs, 10 BBxJ, 8-10 DB squat snatch at 50#.
Did Murph 50:09
Sesh 1
A. Worked up to 185 OHS. Feeling way more comfy with it but got a terrible head and neck ache and had to stop.
Sorry to hear that Kincaid!
A. Worked up to 135#. Chickened out with 140#… maybe soon. Just building confidence.
B. 1.1.1. – 90#
1.1 – 95#
1 – 100#
Snatch Lift off with pull – 115#
C. Back Squat – Worked up to 175#
D. Rows – 35#, Back Extension instead (no hyper)
E. Short WOD with class – 800 m run, 3 RFT of 15 burpees over bar, 15 OHS @ 55#.
Hey all! Just a quick message to let you know that I’m away this week doing some training for he military. I’ll try to keep up with some of the workouts, but time is at a definite premium! Hope you had a good Memorial Day!
Did Trevor with my box…Loved the team style WOD
Had a blast ?
Mobility – done
A. OHS 100/110/120/130(f) 130/140 (PR 5#)
B1. Snatch 1.1.1 75/95/105/110
B2. Snatch 1.1 115/120(f) 120/125(f) 125(f) 125
B3. Snatch 1 125(f) 125/130(f)/130(f)/130(f)
B4 Lift off & Snatch Pull 140/145/145
C. Back Squat 155/165/185 then 5 sets @ 185
D. DB rows 35/40/40 Hypers 20/20/20
Congrats Barry!
A. 125/135/145/155/165#
B1. 105/110/110/115#
B2. 120/125/125#
B3. 130(f)/130/135#
B4. 155#
C. 155/175/195 then sets at 195#
D. 35# rows, 50# reverse hyper
A. OHS up to 220 (2 misses at new pr of 230)
B. Snatch up to 195
Day started with a Mtn bike ride – 1 hr 20 min
GP – S1/2 combo @ hm gym (no rings)
A. OHS – 120# (5# PR)
B. Snatch – hit 90 but can’t squat snatch it – more of a power/muscle snatch.
3 pos done @85#
S2 -B w/ 14# WB, 40# DB – just made last round
Did Murph today with our box. 40.03 which is 3 minutes faster than last year.
Mixing and matching for me again.
Games Prep Session 1
A. OHS Bar only. It is what it is. 🙂
B1. Snatch up to 100#.
B2. 3-position Halting Snatch DL 135/165/185#
C. PP/PJ 95/95/95/105/05/105 & T2R 6 sets/10 reps/set (wanted more abs)
D. Barbell row (no dumbbells @ home) 95/105/115
Session 2 – Plan to get to BS and run later.
M and a done. Ohs @40,50,50,55 still feeling bit wobbly. Snatch 1.1.1. @ 50,55,55,55 Snatch 1.1@ 60,60,60 Snatch x1 63,63,63f, so did 63again felt good. Having shoulder issue for 8 weeks definintely no when youve done a good snatch and bad snatch. Shoulder doesnt hurt at all whenits a good rep. Snatch lift off and pull at 75kg Did week 9/2 of hatch squats Bs 5reps at 80, and 92.5x4sets Fs 5’s @65 x 4sets 2more weeks til. 1 rm test. Wanted to try the ttr+mu did emom of 6reps bent over row then 2 ttr+mu Doing the ttr first… Read more »
That is awesome to hear Quinn!
Murph 56:11 First time straight through, definitely a bit tougher this way. And I don’t feel wiped out like I have in the past.
Awesome Hoke!
20# Vest and In Order (100 then 200 then 300)
(8:00 off last years time)
Happy Memorial Day all!
Off Season
A. 115, 135, 155, 175, 185
B. 95, 115, 135
Snatch lift off+Snatch pull: 3×175: Back is worn out , stopped lifting here after trying 2 sets of squats. Back getting better though 🙂