Workout of the Day
First Session of the Day
Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 4.
“2014 Regionals Event 4”
Complete rounds of 21, 15, 9, 6 and 3 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Front Squat (195/125 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees
Week 2 Athletes – This will be the only time you hit this all the way through before Regionals.
Second Session of the Day – Approximately 3 hours after the first session
Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 5.
“2014 Regionals Event 5”
Ten rounds for time of:
1 Legless Rope Climb (14′)
Sprint 200 Feet
What can you modify from Wednesday’s training session to complete this event, in its entirety, faster than your first effort? Were you too aggressive early last time and spent time staring at the rope, or were you not aggressive enough in the later sets? Use whatever notes and data you gathered from the last session to improve upon your time this session. For example, if you finished in 11:00 last time, try to go up the rope on the minute this time and see if that helps you cut time off your total event. If you were at 5:30 or so, see if you can get on the rope every 30 seconds and cut a little bit of time.
“2014 Regionals Event 4/5”
Same-sex teams of three (MMM or FFF), complete the following for time:
50 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
10 Rope Climbs (14′)
40 Thrusters
8 Rope Climbs
30 Thrusters
6 Rope Climbs
Rest approximately 60-90 minutes if possible, and then…
Complete rounds of 9, 6 and 3 for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Hang Power Cleans (160/110 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees
Perform individually and note times so that you know where to stage the members of your team for this event.
B. Did an EMOM min 1: 4 strict hspu (the number I am comfortable with), min 2: 6 front squat min 3: 6 fast over the bar burpee.
C. Done as an EMOM for 10 mins to get pacing for rope right, found a good steady pace on the runs and coming straight in 3 deep breaths and going up the rope with a small kip and long reaching arms worked best. No fails! 🙂
B. 21:50, hspu kill me
D. 5:36. Slower than last time
B. 12:37
D. let’s just not talk about it! :/
B. A week ago, I didn’t have 1 strict hspu. Today I was able to push my way through this entire workout, albeit really really slow. Did singles on all hspu. Finished in just over 55 min. Getting better, little by little
C. Made it through 6 rounds, then my grip died.
B. 22:02 again had a very light spot for the majority of these.
D. 15:18 hands are torn from last time and very sore. My grip goes on the kip at the end but still about 30 seconds faster than last time.
Event 4 – this will probably be the biggest challenge of regionals for me. strict HSPU are not a strength but I am trying to get the technique down of falling into the HSPU rather than stop myself too much on the way down. I got through round of 21’s then through 7 of the round of 15.
Event 5 – 6:00 (3 min faster than last time…pushed it on the run this time)
Great improvement on Event 5!
Event 4 : 16:19
Event 5: 11:30 had to clamp at the top of the last three rope climbs
Had about 20mins btw events. Had to leave for work…
Event 4 – Got 16:56, didn’t really stop anywhere to long. Did sets of 3 on the HSPU and that seems to be the magic number. Maybe bigger sets on FS next time.
Event 5 – 9:37, This was also a PR. I also was able to do the entire thing legless vs. last time so I’m happy with that. Nothing but progress today. Loving the programming.
Awesome work with all the progress Jordan!
Team WOD
Event 4:
MMF 95 reps. Lack of guys. Played with transitions instead. Guys can move faster on this.
FFF 60 reps. Played with transitions but thrusters a bit heavy for our girls.
Event 5:
Guys sub 4 times. Did this in 3:52. HSPU was a fight but got them.
Girls sub 5 times. Some fails on the HSPU. Will work on them next few weeks.
A. 10:36
tried to keep a steady pace, and broke up the HSPU early. Love this one:)
B. About 9 min. Have to try to take shorter breakes next time. First time doing it.
A. 16:51 (22 secs faster than Wednesday)
B: 5:40 (23 secs faster than Wednesday) all 15 ft ascents
Great job Evan. A little bit of progress every week between now and Regionals.
A. 12:59 HSPU(11+10, 8+7, 5+4, 6, 3), FS(11+10, 8+7, 9, 6, 3), Brupees UB
B. 4:18 (11sec. faster than last time)
Did B 5min. afetr A because I had a 5 hour car ride home from Disneyland. Didn’t really have time to properly warm up so super stoked with today’s results. Need to push the pace a little harder on A but reps felt right. Feeling great, life is good!
Solid work Brian! Love that you’re fitting this in while playing Superdad with the kids walking around Disney all day!
Thanks CJ. Just stoked to be Crossfitting and going to regionals again after the crazy set backs I’ve had this past year. Thanks for all the great programing that’s helped me get back on track.
A. 11:26, ft squats slow me down.
B. 8:30, about a 2 min improvement, roughly measured the 200′ run. Triceps were still sore from the first time doing this..
Great job Karen! Time on A is very solid.
A. 18:25…. Hspu are a huge challenge
Rested ab 25-30 min
B. 7:04
A. I got 1 hspu in rd of 3s… So close hope to finish!
B. 8:15.. 1:45 PR from Wednesday! I’m going to aim sub 8 next time.
Wow, huge improvement Andi! Great job. You will definitely finish event 4 under the time cap! Visualize it and commit to it.
B. 5 f squats into 15. Strict handstand push-ups are definitely my biggest weakness in CrossFit. Singles the whole way with one failure. It is what it is.
C. 4:55. That’s better!!
B. 14:14 (30 second slower)
i felt quite a bit more run down than after the NGV2 earlier in the week.
C. 6:21 (:15 faster) started off much harder and later rounds were 5 seconds slower vs last week. nearly didnt make the last climb and realized how devastating that would be to overall time.
A) 15:43, front squats ruin me. But felt better this time around.
B) 5:50
Awesome improvement! I’ve been doing kipping, I might try this next time!
Ryan, maaaajor difference. I did 3 climbs in the first minute with hand over hand. I was planning on doing 3-5 and then switching, but was able to go right to the end. 7-10 were rough though. Maybe a hybrid is the best strategy?
Wow, great improvement Chris!
B. 15:31… Could probably take some time off this, failed 3 times on the last HSPU
D.7:30… 35 seconds slower than last time, legless rope climbs need a lot of work..
A. Complete
B. 15:46
C. Complete
D. Thought the cap was 10:00 minutes so at 10:00 I had 5 climbs + run. 2 misses really close the top. Hoping to get at least 7 in this one. Kip felt a lot better today. It’s coming along.