May 29, 2013 – Regionals Group 4

Workout of the Day

For times:
21 Deadlift (315/205 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds
21 Box Jumps (30″/24″)
Rest 30 seconds
15 Deadlift (315/205 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds
15 Box Jumps (30″/24″)

Three sets for speed & efficiency of:
20 Alternating Pistols
20 Alternating DB Snatch (70/50 lbs)
Rest as needed

For time:
100 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
75 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Use some form of grips to protect hands – avoid tearing your hands.

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May 30, 2013 10:09 pm

A: broke deadlifts twice on each round. 0:54/1:59/3:12/4:14

B: 1:33/1:31/1:25

C: 9:57. Wallballs complete in 4:50. I think I know how I’m gonna break everything at regionals now. 🙂

Dominique (Mexico)
Dominique (Mexico)
May 30, 2013 6:52 am

A) Finished in 4:50 including the 30 seconds rest. I believe I can finish this one under the time cap…. 🙂

B) 1:58 / 1:53 / 2:05

C) Skipped. Too tired. I’m having a hard time keeping up. Yikes!

Jonathan (Mexico)
Jonathan (Mexico)
May 29, 2013 6:03 pm

For times:
21 Deadlift (315/205 lbs) 1:41.
21 Box Jumps (30″/24″) 0:56
15 Deadlift (315/205 lbs) 2:19
15 Box Jumps (30″/24″) 0:37

0:43 – 2:08
0:45 – 2:03
0:33 – 2:00 Third set was rough…

12:04 This sucked! Worse than May 15 the last time we did it…lol

Lance (CFR)
Lance (CFR)
May 29, 2013 11:09 am

A. In the gym today so finally had the proper environment and equipment to do do the full workout for event 5. So that’s what I did instead of breaking it up. 6:15
B. 1:56/1:38/1:44. Pistols were quick and tight. Used a dumbbell instead of a kettlebell, as RX’d.
C. 17:02. Wallball were quick at about 3:30 or so. The major part of my time was on C2B. Pullups are super weak, but my bicep held up so we are making progress.

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