Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Band Resisted Glute Bridges x 20 reps
Prone Leg Lift x 8 reps w/a 3 second hold at top
Partner Assisted T-Spine Stretch x 3 breathes
and then . . .
One set of:
Banded Tempo Squats x 10 reps @ 3211
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes, complete:
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 5 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 7 – 6 reps @ 70%
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Push Press x 2-3 reps
For time:
4 Legless Rope Climbs (15′)
8 Shoulder to Overhead
3 Legless Rope Climbs
6 Shoulder to Overhead
2 Legless Rope Climbs
4 Shoulder to Overhead
1 Legless Rope Climb
2 Shoulder to Overhead
40-49: 175/125 lbs
50-54: 155/105 lbs
55+: 135/95 lbs; Rope Climbs
One set of:
Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener x 45 seconds
Ten sets of:
2 Unbroken Muscle-Ups
Focus on consistent elevation of the entire body – even through the catch phase, and maximum speed from the bottom of the swing to the top of the dip. Rest as needed to ensure that the focus is on good quality movement and a lot of speed.
followed by…
Complete 20 reps each of your choice of two of the three Muscle-Up Transition drills
Step 1 – Feet on the Ground
Step 2 – Feet on a Box
Step 3 – Calves on a Box
Four rounds for time of:
15′ Rope climb x 2 ascents
100′ Sprint
4 Squat cleans
100′ Sprint
40-44: 225/135 lbs
45-54: 185/115 lbs
55+: 135/95 lbs
Four sets of:
Clean Lift Off + Clean Pull @ 100%
Rest as needed
Four sets of:
Power Snatch x 10 reps
Double Unders x 50 reps
Rest 60 seconds
135/95 lbs
50-54: 115/75 lbs
95/65 lbs; Double Unders x 30 reps
Two sets of:
Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull x 100 Feet
Rest as needed
This should be heavy! It’s too light if you’re able to keep it moving smoothly the whole way.
Two sets of:
Farmer’s Carry x 60 Feet
Rest as needed
Perform this for max load.
One set of:
Sled Walk x 800 meters (walk, not run)
Off Season. Sorry posting so late.
A. 210, 225, 240, 225, 240, 255, 210
B. All sets at 180
C. Skipped. Ran out of time.
Off Season
A. 155, 170, 180, 170, 180, 190, 155
B. 155, 165, 175, 175, 185, 185
C. rope climbs, STO 135# – 9:48
Off Season
A. Done
B. Done Shoulder is feeling a bit sore after all the bar muscle up the other day.
C. 9:36 at 135#
Off Season.
DMA done.
A. Done Rx with range of 135-165#.
B. PP 145#.
C. 4:50 Scaled STO to 125#. Probably should have done 135# and taken a bit longer. I can’t do an MU, but I love legless rope climbs. Easy peezy. 🙂
Nice job on the legless rope climbs! I want them to be easy peasy one day for me too!!
off season
A. 135, 175, 185, 175, 185, 195, 165
B. 135, 135, 145, 145, 155, 155
c. did 4 legless, then couldn’t do 155#, so went down to 135# and used legs. 8:33. my wrists and elbow are just slow to heal.
Then swam at kids swim practice, about 1200m. Swimming is good!
off season
Mobility Done
A) 165×4, 185×3, 200×2,185×4, 200×3, 220×2 (heavier than 80%, but what the hell), 165×6
B) 115×3, 135×3, 145×3, 165×3, 175×3, 185×3
C) Man legless rope climbs are difficult (probably need to do these more often). 17:30 and I only used 165 on the STO… My arms were pretty fatigued after the first 4.
Nice job on the MU
Grad day here. I was able to sneak in the muscle up emom
A.I did 3×10 MUs
B. 19:03 -I did 225 which was probably too heavy for me but I felt like I needed to work on what for me are heavy cleans
C. done
NO time for the rest
Offseason in the afternoon:
A. 135/145/155/145/155/160/135#
B. 105/115/120/125/125/125#
C. 11:29; 125#, legless rope climbs to about 12′
Also met a friend earlier in the day and did her wod:
A. 5×5 power cleans at 70-75% up to 125#
B. 21-15-9 pistols and ring dips: 6:29
C. Row 1k at 70% (2:18 pace), rest 4 min, row 1k at 75% (4:13 pace), rest 4 min, row 1k at 80% (4:08 pace)
I’ll sleep well tonight 🙂
A. 147,157,167,157,167,177,147
B. 135,145,155,165,175,185(5#PR)
C.7:15 Did regular rope climbs and 135#
D. Did 5 sets of 1 Bar MU + 1 TTB (liked it so much Wed had to do that part again).
Mob/Act done ( like the tempo squats as a primer)
A. 245/265/280/265/280/300/245×6
B. 175/185/195/205/215/225×2
C. 9:01
Post Iron Scap
A. MU transitions
B. 10:08 @ 115#PC
C. 165
S #2
A. 1:02/1:20/1:12/1:25 w/ 65 & 50DU
B. Rope pull / 3 45# plates/ FC w/ 2 70#KB/ Sled walk 400 w/ 2 45 plates 400 w 1 45 plate
Nice work Litsa.
Mobility – done!
A. Front Squats – 145/155/165/155/165/175/145 Those Pause FS paid off!
B. P. Press (all 3 reps) – 95/105/115/120/125/130 Surprised that I made it that far without failing. 3rd rep was challenging in the last couple sets
C. S2O & Rope Climbs – Unbroken Rx – 8:51
Training has gone very well this week!
Mobility-Felt good-Did something to my knee its twinging every few with a sharp ache-Chiropractor Massaged and said it was from the Pistols I did-I look funny walking-
FS-120/125/135/125/135/145/120-Felt solid
B. 85/95/105/115/125 PR’d 3 RM by #10 Last rep only g 1 @130
First time trying a legless rope climb-Got 1/2 way up there-YAY
Didn’t time and did regular rope climb. Felt good today…
M&A done
A. 205×4/220×3/230×2/220×4/230×3/245×2/205×6
B. All sets 205×3
C. Not quite the legless ninja-9:03-all s2o ub
200 hollow rocks
100 rev hollow rocks
FS 220/240/255/225/245/265/215
PP 135/155/185/205 /185
Back Squat upto 320 then 5×4 280
8 rounds
8x KBS @70
8x burpee
8x GHD
Went UB 10:10
20 peek a boo swings
Starting to feel myself again, still gotta adj diet but I’m getting closer
A.M. Session (trying to avoid dynamic movements in hopes of healing calf)
A. FS from Off Season program: 220/235/250/235/250/260/220
B. Clean Pulls @ 255
C. For time: 21 thrusters 95b., 9 BMU, 15 thrusters, 6 BMU, 9 thruster, 3 BMU: 3:40
D. 5 sets of farmers carry about 75 ft. w/ 70 lb. KB and 3 sets of 15 GHD sit ups
Off Season
Mob Done
A. FS (Based on 335)
B. Push Press
**All sets of 3 except 230
C. 5:51 RX
(175 + Legless)
**quick and surprisingly painful!!!! Thought this might flare up the elbow but was able to hit it without any issues.
Have a great weekend!
GP –
A. Worked on bar MU & MU drills – shoulders to sore for MU’s today.
B. 4RFT – 8:51 @ 115# – missed 2 cleans
C. Clean pulls @ 135#
Farmers Carry – 45# DB’s
Sled walk – started w/75# (400m) then clarified drill and did next 400M @ 50#
Will try and get back for rest of session #2 – shoulders tired!!!
Session 1, Noon:
A. MUs 10×2 UB, skill work
B. 4RFT: rope climbs/squat cleans/sprints 7:27 @185
C. Clean pulls done @ 235
Nice Perry!!
Thanks Nichole!