Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
3-5 Strict Pull-Ups
(focus on keeping shoulders as far away from your ears as possible)
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Four sets for times of:
25/20 Calories of Rowing
1-3 PERFECT Muscle-Ups + 3-6 Ring Dips (after final muscle-up)
8 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)
8-10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (fast and efficient)
Rest 2 minutes
*Set 1 – 50% x 8 reps
*Set 2 – 60% x 6 reps
*Set 3 – 70% x 4 reps
*Set 4 – 75-80% x 2 reps
*Set 5 – 85-90% x 2 reps
Rest as needed
Complete rounds of 27, 21,15 and 9 reps for time of:
Calorie Row
Deadlift (185/125 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Five rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
20 Push-Ups
40 Air Squats
If you want to add a little ???? perform wearing a weighted vest!
Time Cap = 20:00
Athlete Notes:
For the skill-based primer, make sure the focal point is on perfect mechanics. We’re looking to groove efficiency in your movement patterns in these portions, so even though you may be very familiar with these movements, don’t just grind through them, try to make them as effortless and efficient as possible.
Make sure you get your heart rate up and lungs open before the “for time” portions. These are going to be spicy. Total times for the accumulated 72 calories of rowing could range anywhere from sub-3:00 if you hold 1:40/500m paces (1500 cals/hr) to 4:15 if you are holding a 2:00/500m pace (1000 cals/hr). Your goal is to find the fastest pace you can hold on the erg without negatively impacting your ability to push hard on the deadlifts. Think about long, strong pulls on the row and keeping the bar close with minimal rest at the top on the deadlifts.
Once recovered, you will work into some “Murph” prep…running, push-ups and squats. We’ll have everyone tackling Murph next Monday, so this is a great opportunity to get in a little preparatory volume. Just make sure you are performing full range of motion on the squats and push ups. We often see cringe-worthy push-ups and squats because they’re not “technical” movements; don’t be that athlete…do these clean and proper.
A. Skill work done. No muscle ups, increased dips to 5 strict w/ pause at bottom.
B. 115/140/165/175/200
C. Skipped due to time, had to choose between the last two MetCons so I did the Murph training w/ vest.
D. Finished 4 round +1 run at time cap, kept going and finished the rest of the workout in 22:33.
I haven’t worn a vest since last fall…Monday is going to be a test of will????
A. 255 315 365 405 425
B1. 10:40 with echo
B2: 22:23 with 30 cal echo bike
A) 175/205/240/275/300
B) 8:09 Rx
I’ll have to do the second part tomorrow, I was really tired- had another long vet appt today.
Thanks for everything Tino! Hope your day was awesome!
How the pup is still making progress back to health. Good to see you still snuck in some good work!
Thanks Tino!! Yeah- she’s doing pretty well. ????????
Movement Primer
3:09 / 3:00 / 3:08 / 3:25 total 18:42
A. Done
B. 7:59
Primer was about 5 min per round but I had to walk across gym for rower (so let’s assume that 20 seconds took 2 minutes). Several other adjustments (bands etc.)
A: 175, 215, 245, 285, 315 (missed second one though sigh)
B: 9:39 all DL UB, but SLOW transitions
Subbed 25 bike cal for run and lunges for squats (let’s assume that’s why it took me 25+ min)
I felt really tired so I’m happy with what I was able to do. Rest day here we come.
Enjoy your rest day – you deserve it after those heavy deadlifts!!
A. DL: 160×8, 190×6, 225×4, 255×2, 285#x2
B1. 9:41
B2. 19:23 no vest
Time to get my butt back into shape ????
Who’s this guy?!?!? Welcome back Corey!
Skill Done
A. 230/275/320/365/415
B. 8:03 Rx then 19:51 Rx no vest.
Good stuff Jacob!
Warmup – 2:34/2:31/2:29/2:25
A. 100/120/140/160/184Kg
B1. 6:21 Rx
Row avg – ~1560 cal/hr
B2. 16:36 Rx no vest
~1:50 on the runs. 0’C this outside this morning. Went a little easier on the run b/c of all the DLs today and didn’t want to risk tweaking a hamstring in the cold.
Love to see DLs back in the programming. They felt great today!
Sounds like it was a good day!
Lever work
Mvmnt work complete.
Subbed in 250m run for row and did strict wide pull-ups for C2B. 2:14, 2:21, 2:27, 2:32
A). I’ve been doing 5/3/1, on my x3 week. 325, 380, 425 for 9 quick singles.
B). I plan on doing this tomorrow with swings along with some more pressing work. I’m doing Murph on Saturday this year so I’ll do mobility Friday.
I like the movement prep work in this cycle focusing on strong body weight movements.
Sounds like a plan! Glad you are thinking ahead
Warm up done
Primer 2:46 2:46 2:47 2:45 with 3 bar mu, 6 bar dips and regular pu (all in easy tempo)
A) 100-120-130(extra round)-140-150-160kg
Deadlift is a huge weakness of mine because of my fucked lower back, i have constant fear it’s just cracking again and adios
B) 8:42 rx, happy to do wod with deads in it rx
B2) 1000m bike instead of running, without vest (unfortunately we don’t have)
Push ups went to easily and smooth, even tho pecks are sore from yesterday ????
Hopefully the back can go long enough without pain that you feel confident
Wouldn’t mind at all ????
Warm up – 22:21 with rest included
A. 225, 275, 315, 365, 405.
B. 9:52 and 21:38
Enjoy a nice rest day tomorrow!
Warm up done
Didn’t have time for the primer
A. Done but lighter
B. RX 6:29 DL 22-7/16-5/UB/UB
B2.18:07 with vest ..runs were exceptionally slow today.. push ups unbroken, squats pretty fast
It definitely gets tough to run with a vest and a bunch of air squats between runs.
That they do!!
Movement primer: 2:55/2:29/2:24/2:18 w/ 3 MU, 6 dips, 10 C2B
A. 225/285/335/375/415
B. 7:31 Rx (DL 15/12, 14/7, UB, UB)
B2. 15:05 w/Vest
Good work! You must have been pushing those squats
A. 132 – 226
Subbed row with SDHP @44 and DL @125..everything scaled too much because it took me 4.43
18.13 for the second part
Solid job on the final portion!
87,5kg x8
105 x6
127,5 x4
140 x2
150 x2
9:20 Row&Deadlift
20:45 1000m Bike Erg + 20 Pushups + 40 Squats
Bye bye legs ????
Solid day!
A. 245-425#
B. 8:09 then 3 rft 12:08
Getting it done!