Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Pec Smash x 45 seconds per side
Wrist Stretch x 30 seconds
Hamstring Floss x 45 seconds per side
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Reach Thrus x 10 reps
Banded Overhead/Horizontal Pulls x 10 reps each
Cross Over Symmetry x 8-10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Jerk Dip + Jerk x 1 rep @ 75-80%
In 20 minutes build to today’s heavy Sumo Deadlift Single
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes, complete:
Assault Bike x 25/20 calories
Toes to Bar + Bar Muscle-Ups x 5 reps
Three sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridges x 6-8 reps
Rest as needed
Landmine Rows x 5-6 reps
Rest as needed
Take 5 minutes to draw out your jerk footwork
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Tall Jerk x 1 rep
and then . . .
Every 90 seconds, for 21 minutes:
Front Squat + Jerk
Build over the course of the 12 sets, try to increase load by 3-5% from last week
2015 CrossFit Regionals Event 6
Five rounds for time of:
25-Calorie Row
16 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
9 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to Deficit (5″/3″)
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Legless Rope Climb x 1 ascent
40-49: As above
50-54: Strict Handstand Push-Ups;Â Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes: Legless Rope Climb x 1 ascent
55+: 8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups; Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2″ riser;Â Rope Climb x 1 ascent
Three sets of:
Bamboo Bar Overhead Static Hold x 60 seconds
(Use the lightest bar possible if you do not own a Bamboo Bar. If you use PVC make sure it is strong enough to hold the weight so it does not snap.)
Rest as needed
Single Arm Deadlift x 5 reps per side
Rest as needed
Eight sets of:
200 Meters Run
Rest 3 minutes
*Compare to May 4th
One set of:
60 Second Bottom Balance Complex
15 Straight Body Crunches
50 Elbow Jacks
Off season.
A – 185# x 15 (felt clunky)
B – 365#
C – 2:40/2:36/2:42/2:47/2:50/2:54 (struggled with rhythm for TTB/BMU combo. When I was off, it was putting my shoulders in a bad position so I did singles to be safe)
D – Glute Bridges 185#, Landmine 50# on 45# bar.
C. Only made it through 5rds as I ripped my hands and stopped.
A. 185,190,190, 195,200,200,200,200,205,205,205,210,215,220,220
B.hands were shot from part C. 345#
D. Skipped
A. Jerk footwork and then front squat /Jerk to 125. Shoulder still not well so kept it light
B. 17:26
C. BB hols / 35#kb x 2 sets 53# 1 set/ Single arm DL w/ 70,80 120 KB
2ND sesh,
A. 48/45/45/45/45/45/44/42
B will do tomorrow
Is the shoulder not happy right now?
DMA done.
A. Stayed with 115#.
B. Sumo DL 230#. Failed @ 235.
C. Subbed 25 cal run. C2B subbed for MU. All 5 rounds done consecutively.
D. Skipped due to time.
Off season
A. 105/115/125/135 x 9
B. Skipped short on time and hamstring still barking
C. So I can’t string my bar mu so I didn’t do as a complex, ttb ub then singles on bar mu.
Bar mu per round:3/4/4/4/4/5. Was very happy to have completed 24! More confident, next step…string
D. Out of time
Great work Karen!!!
Thank you! Will send a video when I’m stringing?
Mobility Done
A) 185 on Jerks
B) 385 Sumo DL
C) got thru 4 rounds ok last 2 rounds MU started going out on me. 3 of 5 last round
Mobility done-Legs are sore and tight
#230-Sumo Dead Lift- I like this lift- Did before the Jerks
#125 Jerks-Faster under the bar
B. 5-T2B then 5 Jumping Bar MU
C.T2B all unbroken until last set di double kip on a few-Feeling good about being able to cycle them now 🙂
Glute Bridges #125
D. Landmine row #Double arm #125
So glad tomorrow is Rest day. Going to the chiropractor
Mob/Act done
A. 205x 6 reps, 215 x 9 reps (alternated between push and split)
B. Up to 445 in 20 min
C. No Bike so I ran a 400. Read the T2B/BMU part as doing 1 T2B then going right into a BMU then doing 5 sets of that. Really liked these. Strung 3 UB then 2 each time. Hadn’t done these before. It was fun. Times were between 2:30 and 3:00.
D. Bridges @ 185×8, rows with 70# KB
Nice Art! And that was correct, it is 1 TTB + 1 BMU x 5 reps
Games Prep: Solo Mish
A. did 14 sets hit 255 on final set
B. did regional event w horizontal ring rows for chest to bar but did the 5″ deficit 16:54
C. skipped- went right into……
Session 2
did the 8 x 200m with Ed Rapoza- thanks Ed for running with me- it kept me honest.
M&A done
A. 195-210
B. Up to 405
C. Apparently bar muscle ups are a perishable skill. I manage 4 for the first 4 sets then finally got the 5th one in on the 5th set. My complex included an extra swing, I just couldn’t connect the t2b and bmu fluently
D.165 on the glute bridges and same bb for lm rows
Home! Did Monday’s WOD – posted there
Mobility – done A. Dip & Jerk – 5 @ 125/5 @ 135/145/150/160(f)/160(f)/160 B. SDL – 135/165/185/205/225/245/265/270(f) C. T2B & BMU’s – Haven’t tried BMU’s in quite a while. Only really got them after watching Travis’ video on them during the Open. Before then, they always were of the chicken wing variety. Had to do them today as singles but felt good about them. 25 BMU’s in a WOD is something to feel good about. 4:15/4:40/4:05/4:05/6:45 (Started missing them (3) in this last round. Only completed 4 at 6:00. D. Glute Bridges done with BB – Landmine rows completed with… Read more »
That is AWESOME Barry!!!!!!
Thanks Nicole! Very satisfying.
A. 120# – dip + Jerk
B. 220# – stopped here – was pretty painful on my knee so.. this was good.
C. Done. Rowed (no bike) – didn’t write down the times but had plenty of rest. 1 TTB + 1 BMU. Came of the bar after 1/1.
** Short class WOD –
400 m walking lunges (that was forever), 50 KBS, 25 TTB – only did 10 min worth and had to bolt because the MOVERS were here – YIPPEEE!!!!
Let us know how the knee feels tomorrow – glad you stopped!
Mob & activation complete
A. All sets 125
B. 285#
Then did class WOD for fun: 3 rounds for time
500m row
50 meter HS walk
60 DUs
15 GHD sit ups
Time 13:03
2nd session
C. Ouch! Times as follows and the first round was a hot mess!
3:00/ 2:23/2:25/2:47/3:13/2:37. I did 1ttb+1 MU did not drop off the bar rested at the top upside down because my hands hurt ??
Couldn’t find the timing yet for the TTB MU will work on it!
D. Done land mine with 70# and PT glute and hamstrings
A. 95×5/105×5/115×3/120×2
B. 115
Ran out of time. Did an 8 round tabata with class of Squats/C2B/Push-Ups: 273
M&A- Done
A. 147#
B. 185,205,215,225,230
C. Completed, got all 6 rounds done in less than 4 minutes, pleased to complete all the TTB and Bar MU (done as singles)
D. Glute Bridge 65,75,85
Landmine Rows 50,60,60
Me too Kevin! Hands were hamburger! Great work!
Thanks Tracy.
Nice Kevin!!
Session 1
A. FS/Jerk up to 245 (like last week missed 2 attempts at 255)
B. 15:55 for met con (no deficit on HSPU)
Rope climb practice (I am OK doing legless but I am not much better when I do get to use my legs. I practiced J hook lock.)
Good session overall but calf strain tightened up again after jerks. No running this afternoon.
Praying for that calf to heal up!??
Thank you Tracy. Prayers can be very powerful. I really appreciate it!
Think about doing a knees to elbow when you do rope climbs. Bring those knees high to your elbows (arms should be straight) to get the most bang for your buck in your climb.
Thanks Nichole. Those tips were very helpful. I think I had been trying to pull to early before I got an effective leg lock. I would end up using more arms and not getting much out of the legs.
Off Season
A. 155# 75% of Clean/Jerk
B. 315# Never did a max before with this movement. I probably could have gotten another 5lbs. Does the Sumo Dead-lift track equally with the dead-lift numbers? PR for regular DL was 323# last time I did that.
C. 3:00 t2b UB, BMU 2+3,
2:26 t2b ub, BMU ub,
2:20 t2b ub, BMU ub
2:55 t2b ub, BMU 2+2+1
2:48 t2b ub, BMU 2+2+1
2:43 t2b ub, BMU singles (hand ripped)
D. out of time..
That is okay Chris!!
What you did was for sure just as hard!
Off Season
Mob Done
A. Up to 200 (75%)
B. Sumo DL HS
418 (Missed 440)
*First time ever going heavy with this movement
Done on AB
*All T2B+Bar MU completed as single couplets…T2B+Bar MU drop….T2B/Bar MU drop…etc.
This seemed cruel after yesterday’s :30 on :30 off on AB! ?
Glute Bridge with 225
Landline Row with 90 on bar
Had yesterday off wasnt feeling the best. Not sleeping well, feel bit sick,Winter coming up. Mixed both sessions together
M and a done
Hatch squat week 8
Bs 5×5 @80,80,90,90,90
Fs 4×5. 60,60,70,70
Clean emom 1 clean 1 fs @50,60,70,70,75,75,75,75
Jerk emom jerk x1. 50,60,70,75,75,75,75,75 all felt good apart from the first 50kg
Emom 10
Good morning x5 30,50,50,50,50
Strict weighted pull x1 5,8,12.5,12.5,17.5kg
Emom 9min
40dub min 1
20wb@10kg min2
15 bj @24″ min 3
Jerks felt good and had good split, only light compared to some of you beasts, but was 85%.
Stay healthy!