Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Minute 1 – Double Unders x 40 reps
Minute 2 – Handstand Leg Taps x 20 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
2 Cleans + 2 Front Squats
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
1 Clean + 1 Front Squat
Build to today’s heavy complex.
Three sets of:
Barbell Step Up (back rack) x 8 reps per leg
Rest 60 seconds
Weighted Pronated Grip Pull-Ups x 4-5 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Twenty sets of:
30 seconds of Assault Bike @ 75/65 RPM
Rest 30 seconds
Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener
10 Rocking Box Bridges (slow and controlled)
Prone Pectoral Stretch x 2 minutes each arm
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
and then . . .
25-Foot Handstand Walk to Wall + Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
immediately followed by a 30 second handstand hold.
If you fall off the wall during your handstand push-up set, terminate the set, wait 60 seconds and kick back up to the wall for handstand push-ups x max reps plus immediately followed by a 30 second handstand hold.
followed by…
x 50 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Tall Clean x 1 reps
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete (8 sets):
Clean x 1.1
Three rounds for time:
Run 800 Meters
Shoulder to Overhead x 25 reps
40-54: 95/65 lbs
85/55 lbs
Three sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridges x 6-8 reps
Rest as needed
Hollow Body Complex x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A. Worked on HS walks, 30 donkey kicks
B. Tall cleans 65/70/70/75/75
Cleans 1.1 – 100/105/110/115/120/125/130/130
C. 14.04
D. Done
Off season.
A – Done.
B1 – 175, 185, 195, 200
B2 – 205, 215, 225, 235(f), 235(f)
C – 95-115 step ups, Pullups w/70# KB
D – Bike done.
Off Season
A. DU and HS Leg Taps: Complete
B1. 225#, 235#, 235#
B2. 245#, 250#, 255#, 260#, 265#
C. Step-ups – 185# x 8, 155# x 8, 155# x 8
Limited equipment – couldn’t do pull-ups (added to the make up list)
D. No bike, subbed rowing – 2960m
Games prep
A. done- the 50 donkey kicks was tough
B. 155-245- 1 miss at 225
C. 14:54
D. Done
Nice Al!!
Off season.
A. Skipped. Wanted to get back to it at the end but ran out of time. Did 3 sets of SHSPU yesterday in Games Prep.
B1. 75/95/125/145#.
B2. 150/150 (failed at 155 clean, my PR)/145/145/145#.
C. Done 95# BB/30# weighted PU.
D. Row 2,950 m/1,487 cal.
Still really sore from Sunday-Loosened up as the I started the Cleans
EMOM 10-as many reps as I could in the 1 min
Then did Plank
B. #110/115/120/125
B2. #130/135/140/140/Failed 145 x3 went sown to #130 for the last lift
Worked up to #75 for the Step ups
Did 15 on the first set of pull-ups-
No weight the 2nd
Then 17.5 for the last set
Assault bike-Between 60-65
A. 2 sets of HS walk plus 6 SHSPU plus 30 sec. hold
B. rough day with the cleans, last week up to 215 for 5, this week struggled to get 215 for 2
C. not able to run due to calf injury, did 3 sets of 1000m row 25 ring dips (15:00)
D. 3 sets bridges w/ 135 and 3 sets of 25 STO (95) 15 GHD sit up, 15 GHD hip ext.
Take care of that calf Al – do you think the dynamic drive for the clean is making the lift harder?
It very well could be. I aggravated the calf strain again on Wednesday doing jerks. I may need to be more contentious of driving off my entire foot rather than the balls of my feet. I think that puts a lot of strain on the calf. Would you agree?
Absolutely, I would avoid any dynamic movement for the next week
AM – Mile Swim
A. DU & Leg taps done UB
B1-205/215/225/235(super set strict as possible MU x3 total of 30)
C- 8 Step-ups@155, 5 PU @50
D- No bike, so rowed. 3250 total meters
Post Iron Scap
A. Done
B. Part one 175/185/195/205
Part two 215/225/235/245/255f
C. Stepups@135/pullups @45×3&35×4&35×4
D. 10 sets
A: done
B: 60kg, 70, 80, 90
B2: 100kg , 150, 110, 115, 120
C: 135lbsx1, 115lb x2, 45lb pull ups
D: no time left
A. HS walk + HSPU done (7 kipping), 30 sec hold, then 50 kicks to HS
B. Tall cleans @135, then cleans 1.1 145-215, 225 for a single
C. 3RFT 16:20
D. Banded hip bridges, hollow rocks
A. Done, but only got 23 and 25 DU’s on last 2 sets
B1. 135,135,149,140
B2. 145,150,155,160,165
C. Done did 60# on step up, 40# DB on pull ups
D. No bike so did 20 sets on rower, 2,865m
M/60/147 lbs.
Off Season
A. EMOM – subbed shoulder taps for lag taps
B1. 2C’s + 2FS 95/115/125/135
B2. 1C + 1FS 145/155/165/175/187(PR for Clean) Had to work hard to get the front squat as well, but managed to get it as well.
C. Step-ups 45/65/75 I seem a little better with the right leg at avoiding the temptation to assist on the step-up. Wt. Pull-ups – used a 25# plate for each set of 4 reps.
D. No Assault bike – subbed rowing :30 on/:30 off. Goal like last week was to keep each interval around 130m mark.
Congrats Barry!!
Thanks Nicole.
Trish/ (Female, 44,5’0,125) Off Season
A. Done Unbroken.
B. Built to 140LB
D. No Assault Bike Did Sled Pushes with 40 lbs of weights.
20 Sets of 30 Sec Push 30 Sec Rest.
…. Great Workout!
Off Season
A. DOne
B. Built to 155#
B2. Built to 165#
C. used 45# bar and 35# KB on Pull ups.
D. 185 calories and 4.8 miles
Ohhh I am so glad you have access to a bike now, isn’t it wonderful?! 🙂
The weighted barbell step ups won’t be a lot of weight since most people don’t have the sl strength yet to build heavy.
Yeah I used to not like the bike but now would rather do bike/rower anytime instead of running.
A. Done. Subbed 30ft HS walks to wall to HSPU x6
B. 185, 205, 225, 245
B2. 245, 255, 265, 275, 285fx2 still got 93% so I guess I can’t complain
C. Done 95# step up and 45# pull up
D. bike is jacked. Subbed my deficits: 500 dubs for time. 7:45 so many breaks and terrible stamina :/
Stretch your calves today Scott!!!
I will! Thanks Nichole!
A. Done
Subbed 10 Strict HSPU each round for HS Leg Tap (These really bug elbow)
B1. 155/176/198/209
B2. 220/231/242/253 (Stopped here…had to fight for this one)
**Highest I have been since Dec when elbow started going south
Step Ups w/ 135
Pu w/ 55#
284 Cals
4.2 Miles
**This hurt
Nice work on that complex Mike!
Does your elbow bother you with HS walks as well?
Thanks Nicole! Yes, HS walks are the primary issue for me right now. I can’t get away with most other movement patterns without too much of an issue except HS walks.
Got it
A. Done
B1. 155/165/175/185
B2. 195/205/215/225/230
C. Step ups at 115#, pull-ups 45#X4
D. Rowed (no bike) – 3,357 meters.
A. Done
B1. 175,185,195,200
B2 200,205,210,215,220
C. Weighted box step ups bar only 3×8 don’t like these.
PU weighted 20#vest 3×5
D. 288 cals 4.3 miles
A: Done- Felt comfortable
B1: 80; 90; 100; 105kg all TnG
B2: 110; 115; 117.5(m); 117.5; 120kg(m)
Nichole on these would you rather us push it and possibly miss or pick a heavy weight we can maintain throughout?
C: Step ups
60kg; 47.5kg; 50kg struggled with right leg at 60kg, so dropped weight down)
Pull ups – 12kgx4 reps
D: Rowed- Averaged a 1:38 and 153m over the 20. Total of 3097 working meters.
Push it and possibly miss!