May 23, 2017 – Masters Games Prep

Glute Activation Warm-Up
Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold x 2 minutes
Banded Clamshell Hold

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x 1 minute per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side
Straight Leg Iso Raise x 1 minute per side
Cross Under Lunge

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x 1 minute per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 90 seconds per side
Forward Cross Crawl x 1 minute per side

and then . . .

Row 500 Meters @ easy pace

Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat

Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Tall Clean x 1 reps

and then . . .

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete (8 sets):
Clean Lift Off + Clean from mid-patella

and then . . .

Two sets of:
Clean Pulls x 1.1.1 @ 90-95%
Rest as needed

For time:
250 Meter Row
50 Double-Unders
250 Meter Row
50 Double-Unders
0.5 Mile Assault Air Bike
50 Double-Unders
250 Meter Row
50 Double-Unders
250 Meter Row
90-ft. Sled Pull


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310/220 lb.
50-54: 275/205 lb.
55+: 255/185 lb.; 40 Double-Unders

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Brent Maier (45/6'2"/205)
Brent Maier (45/6'2"/205)
May 24, 2017 10:48 am

A: done
B: hspu work
C: 8:40 as rx. sled drag was a grindy fast walk with a quick stop 3/4 into it. Legs were smoked.

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
May 24, 2017 12:52 am

Mobility activation
A. 2 rounds for time:
50 cal row (50-60%)
50′ OH walking lunge (55# Db)
50 DUs
25 WBs (20#)
4 RC
10 WBs

B. 2 sets:
Bike 25 cals
10 bbjo (24″)
2:15, 2:18

Matt Beals (6'1", 200, 50)
Matt Beals (6'1", 200, 50)
May 23, 2017 8:59 pm

A. 270 pr
B. 155-225 complex, tough to fire from dead stop at mid patella
C. 8:20 no sled, 9:30 sub .5 more on bike

Albert Police 50 (5'4"/167lbs)
Albert Police 50 (5'4"/167lbs)
May 23, 2017 6:30 pm

Did some mob and act
A. Built to 295 dead stop
B. 235 clean still need help herecarch is too high and in my throat
C . Did Cheryl’s wod 19:58- ouch! all my goats in one place
30 Cals Ass bike 1:17