May 21, 2020 – Masters Program

Every athlete needs to assess how they are feeling today. Assess how your body has responded to Monday-Wednesdays sessions and either do the following:

1 – Take a full rest day. If this is the option you choose, then you are not allowed to feel guilty for not going into the gym. Resting is crucial to advancement in your training so if you choose to rest then have no regrets!
2 – Mobilize. Use your regular training time to mobilize. Find your problem areas and spend some time focusing on those areas. Move through these stretches in the morning or after your training piece.
3 – Active Recovery. This could be swimming, doing a trail run, a low intensity row session or spending time on low impact movements. Whatever activity you choose to do should be a restorative activity and not deplete you for the remaining week of training.

At-Home Workouts (No Equipment)

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For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.

Complete as many rounds and reps possible, performed at 75-80%, in 30 minutes of:
200 Meter Run OR 50 Smurf Jacks
60 seconds of Front Leaning Rest
200 Meter Run OR 50 Mountain Climbers
30 Superman Punches
200 Meter Run OR 50 Smurf Jacks
15 Side Plank Reach Throughs Per Side
200 Meter Run OR 50 Mountain Climbers
30 Single-Arm Back Pack Cleans (15 each side)

Attempt to maintain nasal breathing for the duration of the workout.

Followed by…

Three sets of:
2 minutes of Stretch # 1 (your top priority stretch of choice)
Rest 60 seconds
2 minutes of Stretch # 2 (your second priority stretch of choice)
Rest 60 seconds

Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to perform this workout with the highest quality reps that you can. Do not be concerned about winning the workout with the most rounds. It is good to back off intensity occasionally, perform the exercises the best form you can, and recover mentally.

I hope you are taking time to care for your body; stretching, myofascial release, or anything else of your choosing that relieves tight muscles.

At-Home Workouts (Limited Equipment)
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.

Complete as many rounds and reps possible, performed at 75-80%, in 30 minutes of:
200 Meter Run OR 50 Smurf Jacks
60 seconds of Front Leaning Rest
200 Meter Run OR 50 Mountain Climbers
30 Superman Punches
200 Meter Run OR 50 Smurf Jacks
15 Side Plank Reach Throughs Per Side
200 Meter Run OR 50 Mountain Climbers
30 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Snatch

Attempt to maintain nasal breathing for the duration of the workout.

Followed by…

Three sets of:
2 minutes of Stretch # 1 (your top priority stretch of choice)
Rest 60 seconds
2 minutes of Stretch # 2 (your second priority stretch of choice)
Rest 60 seconds

Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to perform this workout with the highest quality reps that you can. Do not be concerned about winning the workout with the most rounds. It is good to back off intensity occasionally, perform the exercises the best form you can, and recover mentally.

I hope you are taking time to care for your body; stretching, myofascial release, or anything else of your choosing that relieves tight muscles.

Optional Run Session
Four sets of:
60 seconds of Running (hard)
Rest 2 minutes

Followed by…

Three sets of:
2 Minutes of Running
Rest 60 seconds

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Joe Barsi
Joe Barsi
May 21, 2020 9:22 pm

Did CrossFit Santa Cruz Zoom class this morning.
EMOM 2 Min: 16 KB Bent Over Rows and 12 SDHP. 24kg

Marie Martensson
Marie Martensson
May 21, 2020 9:27 am

A day behind, Thursday training for me. MAW done sRMU: Was not happening today… so strange! Last week felt good! Could have been the sDHSPU from yesterday, I don’t know. Worked on negatives and strict ring dips. Deadlift: From J-hooks. 81 and 92 kg. No mixed grip and no hook grip. Felt good! EMOM: Used 35 lbs DBs. Burpees, remaining time was about 0:20, AB 10 calories in about 0:45-0:50. Row 10 calories in 0:38-0:43. Additional AB session. This was tough for me. Tried to stay at 10/min. 1. 5:01 2. 4:53 3. 4:58 4. 4:54 5. 4:49 6. 4:44… Read more »

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