Primary Strength Session
Two sets of:
Max-Effort Box Jump x 3 reps
(jump tall, then descend by stepping down to a smaller box)
followed by…
Three sets of:
Max-Effort Bounds x 8 reps
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps
*Set 2 – 4 reps
*Set 3 – 3 reps
*Set 4 – 2 reps
*Set 5 – 1 rep
Rest 3 minutes between sets.
*Goal is for each set to be heavier than last week.
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
Power Clean + Power Jerk
*Sets 1-2 = @ 75% of 1-RM Power Clean
*Set 3 = @ 80% of 1-RM Power Clean
*Sets 4-5 = @ 85% of 1-RM Power Clean
*Set 6 = @ 90% of 1-RM Power Clean
*Set 7 = @ 95% of 1-RM Power Clean
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
6 Overhead Squats (185/125 lbs – taken from the floor)
3 Strict Muscle-Ups
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
1600 Meter Run (Assault Runner or Equivalent if possible)
40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
800 Meter Run (Assault Runner or Equivalent if possible)
30 Toes to Bar
400 Meter Run (Assault Runner or Equivalent if possible)
20 Bar Muscle-Ups
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Bench Press x 15 reps
Rest 20 seconds
Dynamic Push-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 20 seconds
Strict Ring Dips x Max Unbroken Reps
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
20 Dumbbell Skull Crushers
20 Dumbbell Tate Press
20 Dumbbell Floor Press
(perform as a complex laying flat on the floor.)
Rest 30 seconds
60 seconds Hollow Hold
Rest 60 seconds
Rowing Endurance Option
Four sets for times of:
Row 1750 Meters
Rest 4 minutes
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across the four sets – and ideally, holding the same pace/500m you held last week. If you’ve been wearing a heart-rate monitor, you should also be noticing that your heart rate is remaining lower at the same or faster paces during these intervals, and hopefully dropping back to a bit lower beats per minute during your rest intervals.
Running Endurance Option
For times:
Run 1600 Meters @ 85% of 1-Mile Pace
Rest 30 seconds
Run 800 Meters @ 90% of 1-Mile Pace
Rest 60 seconds
Run 1600 Meters @ 90% of 1-Mile Pace
Rest 30 seconds
Run 800 Meters @ 95% of 1-Mile Pace
Rest 60 seconds
Run 1600 Meters @ 80% of 1-Mile Pace
B- 205/225/250/260/270 fail
C- 175/185/195/205/210fail
D- 4 rounds and 1 oh sq
Accessory: a/b done. Did AB conditioning for tomorrow 8s every round.
a) done
b) 250-270-280-300-315
c) 275
d) 4+3
Skipped primary conditioning
a) done
b) done
A) Done
B) 255-275-285-305-320 5lbs under my PR not bad
C) no misses built to 250
D) 3 + 1 strict muscle ups got me. Failed the 3rd rep a couple times each round
Primary conditioning
Scaled the run in half due to lack of time today 19:07
Looking strong Austin! PR’s coming soon for sure!
Primary Strength Session
A Done
B: 145/195/235/265/275
C: 155/165/175/195
D: 3 rds +15 (135 lbs n’ Kipping Ring MU)
Pr. Conditioning
23:46 (RX)
Str. Acessory
A/B Done
Rowing endurance
7:39 (2:11/500m)
7:02 (2:00)
7:50 (2:14)
7:47 (2:13)
Seems like 135lb. worked well. Nice work!
A. Done
B. 185/205/215/225(failllll)
C. 145×2/155/165×2/175(f) – today was just not the day…
D. Only like 2 + 1 SMU
20:26 – it was sunny so I ran outside
4 x 50ft Hs walk
A. Done
B. Done
Off the team since you didn’t PR…
A. Done
B. FS- 160/170/180/195/205
C. C@J 145/145/155/165/165/175/185(failed jerk)
D. 4+1
Primary conditioning
No assault runner
40lb DB bench
45lb plate pushups
Dips- 10/10/8
Tricep accessory
A. Done
B. Front S. 185/205/220/230 stopped here. Rode bikes 30miles yesterday. Legs were a bit toasty today.
Pwr clean+pwr jerk 145/145/155/165/175/185
Metcon: 5 rnds +5 Burpees all SMU/OHS UB
Did the DB bench/push-ups/dips
X3 after 30/30/30 dips: 10/12/12
Never mind your legs what about your butt! Hope you had a padded seat!
?Oh, I have some nice padded shorts. We are training for the STP in July. Seattle to Portland. 200miles. ???♀️ Go big or go home I guess.??♀️
Primary strength:
A. Done
B. Front squats @110/115/125/135/140
C. Power clean and power jerks @ 110/110/115/125/125/couldn’t get the jerks after 125
D. 2+ 12 @95lbs, modded strict mu
Strength accessory:
A. Db bench @35/40/40
Dynamic push ups done
Strict ring dips max unbroken reps: 7/6/8
B. Db complex @10
Hollow holds done
Let’s see some video of those jerks to see if we can help.
A. Done
B. 240×5, 265×4, 290×3, 320×2 (PR), 350×1 (10lb PR) All 5lb higher than last week except the 1 rep 10lb jump
C. 190-205-215-225-240
Then did Strength accessory option.
Primary Conditioning piece
19:43 with outside running
Did C&J Doubles at 78-88%
120,125,130,132kg & a single at 135kg
Primary Conditioning:
Has been raining nonstop in Florida for 2 weeks so I modified
80 Cal AB
40 C2B
60 Cal AB
30 T2B
40 Cal AB
20 BMU
18:45 . Very mental workout . Exactly what needed
Your skins waterproof right? ?
lol yes but I had to coach afterwards. soooo yeaaa
Did some rowing intervals
Hit the 10 minute AMRAP
I ended with 5 rounds. A little past the 10 minute mark
Front Squats.
5 @ 335
4 @ 355
3 @ 370
2 @ 380
1 @ 395
I hope this is done lol. I don’t know how much heavier I can go with these numbers
Power Clean & Power Jerk
1-2 @ 255
3 @ 275
4-6 @ 285
7 @ 305
8 @ 315
Runs were hard today and the bar muscle ups took me quite a few sets at the end.
Some accessory
Maybe You’ll find out next week if you can go heavier ?
Are you coming for regionals?
Yea. Gotta at least try to see if we can squeeze out a little more
No we’re heading out of town to Tahoe for the weekend. Someone gave us their cabin for the holiday weekend 🙂
That sounds fun! Hop you guys have a blast!
PS: A. Done- 35” / but I didn’t do the bounding jumps right B. 3rd week in a row trying to actually make all these reps :/ I keep failing that 1Rep ugh. I’ve tried changing my jumps and all that, guess I’m just shooting to high Week 1 -185/195/205/215(f second rep)/205 Week 2- 175-185-195-205-215(f) Today-180/190/200/210/215(f) grrrr C. PC&PJ done , no misses but my last rep wasn’t beautiful … a little wide in my landing; made me want to redo it but I didn’t D. AMRAP : 5 + 13 super paced once again. I definitely haven’t been “attacking”… Read more »
Is your shoulder better?
A. Done on 30″ Box B. 245/265/285/300 only for 1 so cut it there C. 225×2/235/250×2/265/275 These felt good! D. 2 rounds+ 1 Strict MU. Overhead squats were tough but do able, strict MU just kept slipping and having a tough time doing them after round 1. Conditioning: 20:46 No runner so on solid ground. C2B in 30/10, T2B in 20/10, and Bar MU in 5’s. Strength: 40# DB’s and push ups with 45# plates. Got 5/7/5 on the ring dips. Used 20# for the complex and for the first time ever I held a 60s hollow hold. Granted I… Read more »
Nice work Jacob! This looks like a great day of work! Solid start to the week!
A) 49.75”
B)260/280/300/330/360 (PR ?)
C) 200/210/225/240/250
A) 50s ; 13/6/8
B) ✅
Primary Conditioning
C2B 20/10/10;TTB 10s; BMU 10/5/5
Rowing Construction Option
Awesome work on the front squat PR Jacob!!
Thanks, Tino!
A. 44″ – 46″
B. 115-125-135-142.5-147.5kg
C. 100-107.5-115-120-125kg
D. 3+15 happy with this
21:55 run outside, good to work on my weaknesses.
Pm session
Strength accessory
A. 2 x 25kg
Dips 8-8-6
B. Done with 7.5kg
Nice work getting that run in Petr!
Strength: Front squats 145/155/165/170 then hit wall, tried to do these today with no lifters was fine until about 165/170 Power clean + Jerks: 115 up to 140, no misses, a little too much star fishing at 140 for my liking today Burpee/OHS/Strict MU: 3 rounds kept MU’s unbroken, but took time on the OHS since it’s heavier for me but doable. Conditioning: 25:35ish, calves are shot from Saturday’s triple 3 so run was a struggle today, did all my C2B in 5’s/T2B: 15/10/5; Bar MU: 9/6/3/3 Focus today was on C2B under fatigue maintaining 5’s and bigger sets on… Read more »
Get on some mobility for your calves Abby. Be smart until you feel better again.
Found out too late that the gym closed early today so just did stuff at home
Strength accessory
A. Done without ring dips
B. Done
C. Added in some Bulgarian split squats
Then went for a hike cause it’s finally warm here!
Still got some work in. Hope the hike was nice and you got some sun!
A) 90 cm landing with almost locked legs
B)265/275/285/295/305 (PR)
C)190/205/220/235/260 (PR)
D) 4 rounds + 9 burpees
Conditioning 20:47 substituted running for rowing (I’m still healing from a flu so just wanted to avoid the wind outside)
Is there any library or any source with all the exercises asked by Invictus athlete program? Or do I have to Google it? Lol
I remember when I did Invictus gymnastics that many exercises name was a link to a video where Travis showed the movement.
Great work Eric. The more simple exercises can be found on google but if there is anything specific we want to see we will post a video. What are you looking for?
Thank you Tino. Until now I had no problem Google exercises. I was worried about more specifics, but you answered that question. I would like to use this opportunity and ask you what would be the best and safest substituto for the yoke. I know it has a great value in developing my neural system, but unfortunately I got no yoke here. I already tried doing some steps in the same spot with a barbell and jerk blocks and last Saturday I stuck a loaded barbell on a rack with bands and walked around with them. What would you suggest?
A big jetlag today because I came back from Miami to France yesterday ahah
– Front Squat until 140kg today. My PR is 155kg, but I forgot my knee caps today so did not want to do more without knee caps.
– power clean + power jerk : 100, 105, 110, 117.5, 122.5kg.
– Condo : row instead of running. Horrible for grip and biceps ahah. 18min45.
Damn thats a trip! Hope you had fun in Miami!
Fun = CrossFit of course !
IF I wanted to hit the conditioning for an outdoor workout without a pull up bar what are some subs for pull ups?
Kettlebell Swings, burpees and push-ups.
Get creative and use your imagination!