Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Partner T-Spine Stretch x 30 seconds each partner
Band Assisted Hamstring Floss x 15 pulses per leg
and then …
Upper Body Warm-Up Series
Leg Reach
x 5 reps
and then …
Prone Cuban Press for Ring Muscle-Ups
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Banded Bar Muscle-Up Stomps x 5 reps
and then …
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Air Chair Swing x 3 reps
and then …
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Bar Muscle-Ups x 1-3 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Arch Under Bar Jump to Support x 3 reps
Four sets of:
Deadlift x 5 reps @ 70% of 1-RM Deadlift
Rest 2-3 minutes
(deadstop on every rep)
Three sets of:
DB Bulgarian Split Squats x 6-8 reps per leg @ 3011; Rest 45 seconds per leg; Rest 90 seconds between sets
*MUST go up in weight from last week
Check out this article on the importance of unilateral training.
Twenty Five sets of:
30 seconds Assault Bike @ 10 minute Pace + 10 RPM
30 seconds Rest
*Please note total Calories
A) 2 BMU x 5
B) 285#
C) 30/35/40#
D) 218 cal held 68-70 RPM for the most part, took extra rest after round 15 but I think Im getting better
Nice work Chris, glad you are seeing some progress.
A. 3 BMU x 5
B. 275 lbs
C. Done with 2 53# kB
D. 277 cal 64 RPM
A. Skipped. Rested shoulders after all the hanging and pulling from Cindy yesterday. Did some OHS mobility work instead. Worked on form up to 115# with elevated heels.
B. 295# all sets. Felt good.
C. 55# DBs for BSS. Love how my legs feel a couple hours after. Even just walking seems more fluid. Likely speaks to how restricted my mobility is normally.
D. 244 cals. Every round over 70 rpm. Even had a little gas in the tank left. Felt like a victory for me here.
So fantastic to hear about your legs after BSS – they have so many benefits in our training!
A. 1 BMU x5/ cannot link them
B. 330x5x4
C. 25 db
D. 296 cal, 70 rpm
That can be a goal in the next few months – to learn how to link them!
Got bogged down by work yesterday and didn’t make it to the gym, so did a combo of yesterday and today. Yesterday’s DMA – done A. Tempo front squats (41X1) 5×4 @ 115#. Didn’t do them last week as I was out of town, so started today at 70%. Seemed really heavy! B. Half Knee DB Shoulder Press – E2MOM8 – 8 reps per arm @ 10/15/20/25# C. Doing a partner (male/female) comp on Saturday where I have to do a 2RM thruster, so tested that as I felt warmed up for it. Stopped at 115#, which is a PR… Read more »
Nice work on that bike!!
Wahoo – great work on your thruster!!!! Have so much fun at your competition!
Thanks, Nichole!
A. 3 BMU x 5
B. 345/345/355/375
C. Done with 2 53# kB
D. 291.3 cal.
Nice work on that bike!
A. Done–2 every minute, actually linked together
B. Done at 200#
C. Knee has been sore so omitted
D. 15 rounds–legs were cramping up at 10 minutes, had to take a minute off to walk around, before doing last 5. Cals were about 100 I think
Yay, awesome job on your BMU Laura!!!!
The assault bike is a machine unlike any other. When i am seated in the bike my mint say me : you are tired. Stop it. But my arms and legs say me continue.
Its very different to any exercise like thrusters, wall ball, swings etc. ( here my legs , arms say me stop , but my mind say me i must continue ).
It is very crazy and fun.
Sorry my english . 🙂
Your English is great!! And yes, the assault bike is unlike any other machine … which is why we use it!! 🙂
Today I had: A. 5 rounds: NFT 20 ghd sit ups 200m green sand bag run 100m heavy Af farmer carry B. 5 sets: 2 min rest 3 reps of front squat 75-80% C. 10-8-6-4-2 pill to shoulder (it’s around 105 or so #s) bj over 30″ Strongman!!!! Woo hoo!!! A. done. used 70# kbs for FC. Assumed 2 kbs. 🙂 B. Done. 3 sets at 140 until I remembered my1rm was 180 not 175. Finished last 2 sets at 145. LOL. 🙂 C. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have been wanting to try this move for ages! Right away I could see I… Read more »
What is pill to shoulder?!
I did pill over the shoulder, because that’s what I had seen Matt Chan do on YouTube. LOL. 🙂 It’s a Rogue strongman bag, round like a pill.
DMA done
A. Done
B. @ 105kg
C. 16 / 20 / 22kg
D. On rower @ 1:45 pace…. thanks for the help with this one guys!
I don’t kwow. How is my peace in 10 minutes. how can I calculate my rpm
You will need to test that first. We did that a while ago. Just do 10 minutes on the assault bike and see what average pace you can hold for that length of time. Hope this helps. And welcome!
Thanks for your answer. Now:
How can I calculate my average pace?
Just i programm my monitor for 10 minutes and when I finish it, I can see it on the monitor?
I took my average pace to be the RPMs I settled into and could maintain for most of the 10 minutes.
Silke is right – you’ll need to test your 10 minute max cals on the assault bike. Do that the next time we do our assault bike session.
Thanks nichole. This group is excellent
D. Went ahead and got conditioning done in case my little guy wakes up quickly again (recovering but definitely not 100%).
246 calories (airdyne)
Will work on the rest of today’s programming til he wakes.
Nice job!!!!
Hi nichole. And everybody. Im from peru. Sorry . My english is horrble
Welcome Richi!
Mobility completed
A)Completed wtih x2 bmu in emom
C)40# x6 (3)
DMA – done
A. completed stomps and air chair swings
B. All four sets done at 225 lb.
C. omitted – still have some soreness than I’m trying to get rid of from the AGQ workouts. I think these would aggravate it. Feeling better today. Hopefully back to normal soon.
D. As much mental as physical for these! Once I got to 15+ intervals I could see some light at the end of the tunnel. Pretty consistent at holding 71 rpm. (129 calories total).
Good work Barry – hope your body is starting to feel better!
My Psoas has been pretty tender. I think the heavier cleans and vaulting up to do the handstand walking were the culprits. By the way I was able to do 60′ of handstand walking in workout 4 of the AGOQ. It paid off to practice HS walking during my training.
That is AWESOME Barry!!!!! That is a major feat, congrats on accomplishing that!
warm up & mobility: done
A. done
B. I skipped dl today because my back is really tight, I don’t want it to start acting up again so I thought I’d rest it today.
Instead, I was able to get my bench in that I missed on earlier this week: got to 122#
C. done: #30, #35, #40 ( I had a hard time with the 3 count on the way down with the 40#’s… it was more like a 2).
D. 204 cal. THAT almost made me cry, lol!!
Good call Tabitha! Why do you think it is so tight?
Not sure, (it could be multiple things… I’ve been working on hs walks a lot, I’ve also been running a bit and that sometimes gets it going) it gives me trouble from time to time and I can just feel it starting in so I’m trying to get ahead of it. I took today completely off.
A. Done, 5×2 BMU
B. 285
C. 30s/35/40
D. 255 cals
Slow Pull Clean + 2 Jerks x 1 rep
Not happy with Monday, and re did it again at Oly. No fails. A few jerks can be better per coach.
Four sets of:
Deadlift x 5 reps – 90kg.
With my new 1RM percentage! 🙂
Will do others at the box later.
Nice work today Scott – glad your clean and jerks felt better!
A. Completed , BMU 5×3
B. Completed @ 300#
C. Completed @ 45#
D. 212 Cals
220 calories
That was mean ?. Thank god I recruited someone to do it with me- definitely helped. I could not hold +10 consistently. Probably closer to +8 overall average.
Hunter’s strength in PM.
Hopefully I can squat later, lol.
Awesome job Stephanie – everyone is going to get reeaaallll familiar with that assault bike 🙂