Workout of the Day
Two sets of:
Handstand Walk x Max Distance (up to 100′ – shut it down if you get to the 100′ mark)
Rest until fully recovered
“Regionals Event 1”
Find your 1-RM Hang Snatch
Athletes get only 3 attempts:
0:00-2:00 – Attempt # 1
2:00-4:00 – Attempt # 2
4:00-6:00 – Attempt # 3
Determine your goal weights and use this as a simulation. Warm-up and build to loads just as you plan to do at Regionals.
Three rounds for time of:
Sprint 200 Meters
30 Alternating Pistols
7 Muscle-Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (175/115 lbs)
Scheduling Note – It will be preferred that you train two sessions on both Saturday and Sunday, with the sessions preferably separated by approximately 3-4 hours. To the extent possible, we want to mimic the regionals schedule.
“Regionals Team Event 2”
8-minutes for each member of the team to establish a 1-RM Hang Snatch – no team member may take more than 2 attempts.
Practice the loads that you intend to attempt in competition…which you practiced earlier this week if you were following the program.
When the running clock hits 10:00…
“Regionals Team Event 3”
Each team member has 60 seconds to perform a max distance handstand walk in one unbroken attempt.
Performed as individuals, for time:
15/12/9 Muscle-Ups
15/12/9 Ground to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
If you know which rep scheme you will be performing, do that. If you do not know which you will be performing, perform the highest volume rep scheme that you may possibly be asked to accomplish. Note two times – time to completion through muscle-ups, and total time to completion.
For times:
125 Double-Unders
Rest 60 seconds
Row 500 Meters
A. 90kg, 100kg (f)
B. 14 meters
C. Did 9/9: 1:10 – 1:56.
D. 3:57
Did this yesterday:
A. 4 Attempts: 54 ft, 46 ft, 48 ft, 66 ft
B. Missed 205, hit 215, missed 225 (which is my PR)
C. 11:31 (wore lifters, which sucked on the run)
A: 35 og 40kg
B: Almost 5m (PR)
C: Approximately 4 minutes on the MU`s and total 7min
D: 3:57- Done in pair with male teammate
A. Only make it ab 25 ft – getting better tho
B. opened 125/ 130 /135… Thrilled w this bc 135 is my snatch pr
C. 9:53
A. Did hspu instead as I am very comfortable with my hs walking and not so much with my hspu. Did 10 singles on my own, then 2 sets of 5 with a very light spot. I can already feel these getting better. B. Warmed up to 70kg. Then rode airdyne for 3 minutes then pretended to be in a Corral for 10 minutes before attemping lifts. Attempt 1 : 65kg (f) Attempt 2 : 65kg Attempt 3 : 67.5kg (f) I need to work on this transition. Should have made 65 the first time and 67.5 for sure. I… Read more »
A: skipped, doing it later B:215/225f/225/235f/235 Decided to start 10# heavier which I think is a good idea. I hit 215, missed 225, then hit it on the third rep. I kept going (I know it wouldn’t count at regionals) and missed 235 but tried it again and hit it. It’s a PR hang snatch…and it was ugly so I know I can do better. C: 12:12 Subbed 250 m row for run. Missed last muscle up twice which added around 45 sec to my time. I was pretty happy with this. Muscle ups unbroken first two rounds, hang cleans… Read more »
A. Added another 4 feet from yesterday and ran out of room at box
B. 130/140/145….hit 150 after for an all time PR!!
C. 19:40? still did all singles on MUs….tried to push it between some of them which resulted in some failure and more recovery time….learning where that line is.
A. 2x90ft… Had to turn make a turn every 30 feet
B. 205/210/ Miss 215
C. 7:43 2 rounds…. Subbed row for run because I have to do pistols in olys
Only 2 rounds because my right calf/foot cramped due to having to roll up on my toe to do pistols… Need to work on these alot
A) hit 80 feet on first attempt then stopped as I blew out some blood vessels in my eyes from last few days upside down
B) warmed up then 215/235/near miss at 245
C) two rounds in 6:04 then stopped as calves super tight.
A. 45′ and 90′
B. 195 good; 205 good; 215 miss
C. 11:06
A. Improved! 5 yards 🙂
B 125/135/145
C. 13:23 but I did regional work out, no running and 50 pistols
A. Had to skip due to time
B. 195
C. 12:08 (subbed 250m row). My pistols are slow
Team (although did not have the whole team there so didn’t quite accomplish the point of the session…)
C. 12 MU in 1:04, total time for 12+12=1:54
A. Just two of us – hit 185, 205… more there but only 2 attempts will be tough!
B. 45 ft
D. 125 DU in 1:04 UB, 1:25.3 row
Just did C & D alone today.
C. 15/12/9 MU & G2OH – 9:00.
D. 150 DU – 2:00, 60 sec rest, 500M Row – 1:38 = 4:38
A. Practiced strict HSPU’s. Horrible at them
B. Up to 215 (10# pr)
C. Skipped. Got a major knot/cramp in both calves from snatching. Could barely run let alone pistols:( trying to stay healthy.
A 165, 175
B First three attempts were about 10 ft.. fourth attempt 60 ft. I should have warmed up these prior
C 15/15 in 2:50, MU were done in about 1:20 but with the fixed 82″ ring height the kip is a little sluggish.. that’s just too low.
D 1:15, 3:52 total
Our guys were feeling the same thing with their muscle ups. It is definitely advised to practice at this height so the taller guys can work on their kip with short rings.
Yeah all our rings are now set to that height. Thanks Nichole!
A. Progression work
B. 110#
C. 19:24 feeling sluggish today. Used nano’s- much harder on pistols
A) 50′ 75′
B) 235, 245, 255f thinking I’ll try 230 40 50 next go
C ) 9:34
A) done
B) built to 210, then opened with 185 easy, 205 ok, 215 miss. Will prob open with 195….
C)13:15. Surprising how cardio this wod is…
A. 120′ x 2, both included a handstand spin at 60′
B. worked up to 215, but took a TON of attempts: 195-215-225f (not even close)
C. 11:30 (200-30-7-10 edition, mu UB, cleans 10-7/3-6/4)
rd 1 @ 2:45, rd 2 @ 7:15, much of the slowing pace was the runs