Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Shoulder Mash x 45 seconds per side
Band Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch x 45 seconds
Two sets of:
Inchworm Walk + Scap Push Ups x 2 reps
Banded Good Mornings x 20 reps
Thoracic Rotation x 5 reps per side
and then . . .
One set of:
Bamboo Overhead Walk x 100 meters
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Behind the Neck Jerk x 1 rep @ 75%
Focus on good mechanics and making every rep technically sound
Ten sets of:
Speed Deadlift x 3 reps @ 75-80% of 3-RM
Rest 60 seconds
Max reps in 3 minutes of:
Double Unders x 30 reps
Run 400 Meters
Chest to Bar Pull Ups x Max Reps
Rest 3 minutes; complete 4 sets
Three sets of:
Barbell Good Morning x 4-5 reps @ 3111
Rest as needed
GHD Supine Straight Body Hold x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
GHD Prone Straight Body Hold x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
Take 5 minutes to draw out your jerk footwork
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Jerk Balance x 1 rep
and then . . .
Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes:
Front Squat + Jerk
Build over the course of the 12 sets, try to increase load by 3-5% from last week
Five rounds for time of:
Hang Squat Clean x 5 reps
Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 10 reps
24″/20″ Box Jumps x 15 reps
40-54: 155/115 lbs
135/95 lbs; Chin over the bar Pull-Ups; Step Ups allowed
Four sets of:
Bamboo Bar Overhead Static Hold x 60 seconds
(Use the lightest bar possible if you do not own a Bamboo Bar. If you use PVC make sure it is strong enough to hold the weight so it does not snap.)
Rest as needed
Landmine Rows x 6-8 reps per side
Rest as needed
Ten sets of:
300 Meters Run
SLOW WALK 100 Meters as your recovery
One set:
Hollow Body Hold + Sit-Up to L-Sit Hold x 15 reps
followed by…
Tuck Rock to Tuck Press Hold x 30 reps
followed by…
Backward Straddle Scoots x 40 feet
followed by…
Three sets of:
Hand Plank Shoulder Taps x 60 seconds
(perform at max speed)
Off Season. Done Thursday.
M&A done. Bamboo with 35# KB.
A – Split jerks 185-235#.
B – Speed DL 10×3 305#
C – 18 (DU+Run 1:55), 18(1:56), 16(2:01), 16(2:02)
D – Done. BBGM 135#. GHDs done.
Done today Friday.
Off season.
DMA done skipped bamboo OH walk.
A. Split Jerks 115#.
B. Speed DL 195# (last week @ 185).
Games Prep
B. 5 rounds 5 Hang Squat Cleans 115#/10 C2Bs/15 BJs. Done.
And ran out of time.
Mobility: Complete, Bamboo walk done with 35# KB x 2 on bar
A. 230# all sets
B. 375# all sets
C. Only had time for 2 rounds (20,19)
D. Ran out of time
Redid part C and completed part D on May 19.
C. 19, 16, 17, 18
D. Barbell Good Mornings – 95# x 5, GHD work complete. That wasn’t fun…
Mobility done, no Bamboo Walk.
Off Season
A. 5 sets at 165, these felt very light so just started adding weight up to 225. Missed it for a PR but getting close.
B. Skipping dead lifts for the last couple weeks to rest the posterior chain.
C. Hands are beat up from C2B the last couple days so subbed MU; 5,5,4,6
D. Passed on the Good Mornings, Supine straight body hold were tough, struggled to get just 25 sec. on these, Prone was getting about 40 sec.
Off Season
A. Split Jerks: all at 150 lbs
B. DLs: all at 225 lbs
C. DUs/Run/CTBs: 16 (DUs/run: 2:18), 20 (DUs/run: 2:10), 19 (DUs/run: 2:14), 17 (DUs/run: 2:15)
D. Done
Mob and Act done
Bamboo walk with 20kg KB’s (last 20 meters are no joke:)
A. 12 reps at 205. Worked split. Felt great.( Super set strict Chest to Rings x3 reps)
B. 335x4sets and 350 x6 sets
C. Rnd 1-17, Rnd 2-20, Rnd 3-20, Rnd 4-20. Coming in off the run at 1:55-2:00.
D. Good Mornings @ 135, holds done.
Felt good throughout. Enjoyed the work. Feel like the opening mob and act pieces throughout the programming do a great job priming the pump. Thanks.
Glad to hear that Art!
Games Prep done in one session:
1A. 85-125 jerk balance; front squat + jerk 125-135-146-155-165-175-185-190-195-200#-205m-205#m (90 secs went by faster and faster ?)
1B. 5 rounds for time: 6:48 Rx…kept it unbroken
1C. Skipped…Shoulders tired from yesterday’s marathon of oh walking lunges.
2A. Done. Went to football field and did these. Tiring but felt good!
Nice job on keeping that ub Cheryl!
DMA Done
A. 215
B. 285
C.17/10/0″wheels came off”/5
D. 95
Felt good to be back in the box today
A. FS + Jerk – worked up to 125 (2# PR) missed at 127.5
B. Hang cleans @ 105# – 5 rds – 12:43
Worked on bar MU
Thanks. I still can’t get the bar MU. Frustrating. Any tips beyonds Travis’s footwork drill?
Send me a video of your attempts:
Took it easy today.
Sesh 1
B. @135#, subbed PUs got em all unbroken!
Sesh 2 right after
A. Medium paced, felt good to get blood flowing without moving heavy weight.
Have a nice rest day everyone!!
A. did the complex up to 250 then went to just jerking at 255 then missed 1st one and got the second one
B. 8:39 with ring dips instead of C2B
Went to field for 8 x300 ran out of time- HR at 149-152 at the end of each 300m
Off Season
M&A done
A. 195
B. 290
C. 8/10/6/9
D. 135 GM’s/ straight body holds done
Off Season Workouts
Mobility – done
A. Behind neck Jerks – 4 @ 125/3 @ 130/3 @ 135/2@ 140
B. Speed Deadlifts – 3 sets @ 205/3 @ 210/2 @ 215/2 @ 220
C. Max reps C2B – 11/14/14/15 Missed once on the DU’s in rounds 3 and 4, but still managed to hold C2B’s pretty constant.
D. GHD – these were very challenging, especially the supine position.
Nice work on those double unders!
A. FS plus Split Jerk up to 245 (2 misses at 255, 250 last week.
B. 5 RFT 13:30
C. Hope to do later.
300m runs from session 2 done at track after B: 65-69 sec.
OFF Season-
Mobility Done-
22 push-ups-
Bamboo walk did # 8K kettle bell on each side
A. dropping under the bar faster-Felt good-
worked to #120
B. Deadlifts worked to #185
C. Did a version-
D. did 45S on the GHD-
Feeling tired today-going to do Comp skill work tomorrow then take Friday-Saturday off-Competition is Sunday
M&A Done
A. DOne @ 155#
B. Done @ 255#
C. 17,17, 12, 14 – All DU’s UB, came in from run with 1:51, 1:51, 2:06, & 2:06. CTB done as singles.
D. Done
Nice Chris – great work on those DU!
A. Done at 225
B. All @305
C. 24, 25, 21, 21
D. GM @95
Looking forward to an easy mob day tomorrow!
DM&A Done
A. 12×1@ 154: Done. Felt good, no issues.
B.10×3@ 220 (80%) (had to find a 3Rm Dead lift 1st (275#). Felt good, no issues.
C. Rd1: DU’s UB, 34 sec left for 10 C2B
Rd2: DU’s UB, 34 sec left for 11 C2B
Rd3: DU’s UB, 27 sec left for 9 C2B
Rd4: DU’s UB, 35 sec left for 10 C2B
a.GM’s : 3×5@ 95 good, tough
b.Supine: Set 1:Fx1/ Set 2: Fx3/Set 3: Fx2
c. Prone: All 3 sets UB.
Great work Ian.
Thanks Nichole, really enjoying the programing, the community & the changes I’ve seen in my first 3 weeks.
A: 207lb x 12 sets
B: 275lb x 10 sets
C: 17, 13, 11, 10 (all kipping, can’t butterfly)
D: Done
Mob done
4 sets @ 220 (100kg)
4 sets @ 231 (105 kg)
4 sets @ 242 (110kg)
No misses
B. Speed DLs
340# (All 10 sets)
(+10# from last week)
Set 1: 25 CTB (9,8,8)
Set 2: 25 CTB (9,8,7,1)
Set 3: 25 CTB (9,8,8)
Set 4: 25 CTB (9,8,8)
**once I hit 25 in first set just adjusted my goal to maintain that every round
GM = 105/125/145
Strong deadlift Mike! And great job on your c2b!