May 17, 2014 – Regionals Group 3

Workout of the Day

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Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 4, and then…

Complete rounds of 21 and 15 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Front Squats (195/125 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees

Practice pacing and timing through the first two rounds of this event. This is the bulk of the volume, but important to know how it is going to set you up for the remaining 18 reps of each movement. Use this to determine where you will push the pace and where you will back off.

Rest 3-4 hours if possible, and then…

Perform the exact warm-up that you will perform prior to taking the arena floor for Event 5, and then…

“2014 Regionals Event 5”
Ten rounds for time of:
1 Legless Rope Climb (14′)
Sprint 200 Feet

Hit this with your ideal timing. Push the pace and don’t be afraid to fail in training…better to know where your redline is than to find out in competition.
“2014 Regionals Event 4/5″
Same-sex teams of three (MMM or FFF), complete the following for
50 Thrusters (135/95 lbs)
10 Rope Climbs (14′)
40 Thrusters
8 Rope Climbs
30 Thrusters
6 Rope Climbs

“Regionals Team Event 6”
M/M/M/F/F/F Relay – Each member must complete rounds of 9, 6 and 3 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Hang Power Cleans (160/110 lbs)
Bar-Facing Burpees

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Kim Klopp (Mid Atlantic)
Kim Klopp (Mid Atlantic)
May 18, 2014 5:55 am

A. 7:03 round of 21 ub!
B. 7:09 21sec pr

Jordan Reiley (Asia)
Jordan Reiley (Asia)
May 17, 2014 7:06 pm

A. 9:22
B. 8:23

Teresa Crismon Trojanowski
Teresa Crismon Trojanowski
May 17, 2014 5:37 pm

A. 20:00 – 33 rep PR!
B. 9:11

Christopher Martirano
Christopher Martirano
May 17, 2014 3:46 pm

A. Did 21-15 at 205, time was 11:38
Then did 15 round again–finished 18:12
B. 3:43

YOOSIK'CrazyTiger'KIM (Asia)
YOOSIK'CrazyTiger'KIM (Asia)
May 17, 2014 12:25 am


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