Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Partner T-Spine Stretch x 30 seconds each partner
Band Assisted Hamstring Floss x 15 pulses per leg
and then …
Upper Body Warm-Up Series
Leg Reach x 5 reps
and then …
Prone Cuban Press for Ring Muscle-Ups
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Snap Pulls x 5 reps
and then …
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Peekaboo Swings x 3 reps
and then …
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes, complete:
Muscle-Up x 1-2 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Snap Pulls on Low Rings x 5 reps + Muscle-Up Transition x 5 reps (Feet on floor; Feet on box)
Eight sets of:
Deadlift x 1 reps @ 80% of 1-RM Deadlift
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets of:
Weighted/Assisted Lunges x 10 reps per leg @ 2011
Rest 90 seconds
Every 4 minutes for 32 minutes (8 sets):
45 seconds Max Calorie Assault Bike
*These are all out efforts
A. Worked Snap Pulls and Transitions
B. 315 (old 80% felt to easy). Increased to 335×8
C. 65#
D. 121 Cal (avg 15/rnd) not great but better.
A) MU Singles, missed 2, I used to be able to hit a set of 5 but now can barely get one
B) 325#
C) 35/40/45
D) 131.6 cal, this was devilish
Can you film your muscle-ups for me?
Sure can
A. Completed no RMU
B. 385 for all 8 sets
C. 35 DBs
D. 224 calories
that’s a HUGE amount of calories on the Assault Bike – nice work!
Thanks Rob. Just reread comments though. I had 24-26 cal per 8 45 secs. Had to lightly peddle sporadically between sprints bc legs started to cramp so that’s how the final count was that high. Nice job with your first 2 rounds! Holy smokes 31!
I think we’ve got another Assault bike wizard!
I was hoping to see Ivan’s score on here…
A. MUs done. Sets of 3. Skipped drills to work on fixing hand position on catch. Improving. B. 335# C. No safety bar. 50# DBs in each hand. D. 24, 25, 22, 24, 22, 18, 20, 18 = 173. Good Lord. I destroyed myself getting after this one. I held 90+ RPMs as long as possible each round. Ended the first few rounds in the upper 70s and then got progressively worse. By round 3 quads on fire. By round 5 upper body on fire. Round 7 thought I might barf. After round 8 I laid there for a good… Read more »
Glad you are improving with your hand placement and with your HS work!!
dyn/ act: done ..awesome stuff
A1) done .. .I need more work on these ..
A2) done .. not as pretty as Travis … LOL I like these drill
A3) RMU 8 sets x2 rps yyayy I did these together they felt great today!!
B1) DL: 245 lbs
B2) done-safety bar only ( I think its 80 lbs)
my legs felt smoked 🙂
D) 8sets done average 9 -10 cals
did some core work after nothing crazy
So happy they felt great today!
I love this programing I think the strict MU helped and all the drill for RMU that you put in .. definitely been helping 🙂
A. MUs 2
B. 315
C. 50# db
D. Ran out of time before class wod. Will do tomorrow.
6 sets:
12 kb swings 70″
9 hspus
6 bmus
Fun gymnasty workout!
A. 5 sets: rest 2 min10/arm sa rr10/arm db pr100′ bear crawl5 cartwheels 🙂 B. 5 min emom:5 cleans. same weight as last week. ouuii C. 10 rounds:2 ttb2 pull up2 ring diprest 2 min5 rounds:4,4,4 I loved today. :)A. done. used 30#db for presses and 40# dbsfor bear crawl.B. Wow!!!This was awesome!!! 115. Can’t waitto get back to progressions and build this up. 🙂 Tried to do them as quickly as possible, was finishing the 5 in just over :30.C. Done. Had thought to do for time, but a) the dips were my weak spot and b) we werea… Read more »
Wonderful to hear your training is going so well!
Thanks, Nichole! I am really enjoying everything. 🙂
A. Done MU1 & 2’s
B. 260#
C. Skipped
D. 115 calories – Kept round 74-78 cals. Might not have been all out effort….
A. Done MUx2
B. 375
C. Skipped
D. 18/19/19/18/18/18/17/16 = 143 cals
Nice work Perry!
Thanks Nichole!
A. Done-2 MU
B. 395
D. 180.4. 26.2/24.3/22.4/21.4/21.2/19.7/19.7/21.5
A)done,worked mostly on my swing
C)114 cals, wore a heart rate monitor, max heart rate 172 recovery 100 each interval
Film your muscle-up drills for me so I can take a look at them!
A. skipped-saving for Friday when we work on mu’s
B. done: 190#
C.done: 60#
D. Yikes! 97 cal.
Afterward did a partner wod: 100 burpees with 100m hill run every minute
worked on hs holds & trying to string together bmu’s (still no luck)
3 sets: t2bx15
band pull downs x10
sup. grip bb low rows x10
Your partner workout sounds hard – make sure to stretch those hip flexors!
A1-2) done
A3) 2,2,2,1,2,2,1,2
B) 385
C) 115(. Just used regular bar and did reverse lunges)
D)25,28,27,26,25,25,27,26= 209
This was the worst set of the intervals yet!
Great work on your intervals!
DMA – Complete
A.) Complete – 1 Strict MU every 30sec except last two which I managed to get 2. (Ring MUs)
B.) 400# x 1 for 8 sets (DL)
C.) 35# DBs – (Weighted Lunges)
D.) 178 cals – was gross. By 3rd round RPMs fell off quick after 20-25 secs but whole workout went better than expected. (Air Assault Bike 45secs Max Cal every 4mins for 8 sets)
Well done Phil!!
DMA Done
A. Done
B. 120kg
C. Alt rear lunges @ 40-50-55kg
D. Subbed rower @ avg 21 cals
A. Done
B. Done felt light
C. Done
D. 141 calories (airdyne) in the Colorado sunshine
I LOVE THIS!! What an inspiration!
A. Done
B. Done felt light
C. Done
D. 141 calories (airdyne) in the Colorado sunshine
A. Done, 2x MU every 30 sec felt smooth
B. Done at 335#
C. DBs – 25s/35s/45s
D. This was the most deceptively evil bike yet, hit the wall and quads basically locked up 25 sec into the 5th round: 28, 27, 28, 28, 24, 21, 23, 23
Glad the muscle-ups felt good today!
Take care of those quads – spend some time rolling them out and stretching your hip flexors!
Will do, I’ve got one at my desk.
DMA – done
A. 5R’s (strict) every minute using Ring Thing
B. done at 256lb.
D. Glad I had company for these. Who knew 45s could be so loooong! I think this may have been worse than the 25 sets of :30 on/:30 off.
1. 22 cal (84 rpm)
2. 20 cal (81)
3. 19 cal (79)
4. 19 cal (80)
5. 18 cal (75)
6. 17 cal (75)
7. 17 cal (75)
8. 18 cal (76)
Total – 150 cal
* rpm is the number that I saw fairly consistently from the 20s mark in each interval.
Awesome work today Barry!
A.NO MU elbows real close
B 8@306:)
D. 146 spicy us right
Good call on waiting on the mu!