May 15, 2019 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Front Rack Partner Assisted Stretch x 3 pulses per side

and then …

CrossOver Symmetry Rows x 10 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Reverse Flys x 10 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Pull Downs

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x 10 reps
CrossOver Symmetry Victory x 10 reps
CrossOver Symmetry 90/90 Drill

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x 10 reps
(If you have recurring shoulder issues then please add in the above drills at least three times per week)

and then …

Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Min 1 – Hawaiian Squats x 3-5 reps per side
Min 2 – Single Arm DB Thrusters x 5 reps per side (light)
Min 3 – Scap Push-Ups x 10 reps

Gymnastics Skill Work
Every minute, on the minute for 9 minutes:
Interval 1 – Target Reach Swing x
Interval 2 – Air Chair Swing Drill

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x 5 reps
Interval 3 – Banded Bar Muscle-Up Stomps x 6-8 reps

Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets) of:
Pause Front Squat x 5 reps @ 32X1

Please adhere to the tempo and let the tempo dictate the load.

Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets), complete:
Row 500 Meters
Run 800 Meters
50 Double-Unders

55+: 30 Double-Unders

Scaling Options for Double-Unders:
Option 1 – 100 Single-Unders
Option 2 – 30 Lateral Jumps over Paralletes

If this takes you longer than 9 minutes to complete than reduce the run to 400 meters.

Three sets of:
Half-Kneeling Pallof Press x 10 reps per side
Rest 45 seconds
Hollow Body Hold x 30 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

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May 17, 2019 5:22 am

I forgot to post this on Wednesday. Warm-up & skill work completed (posted some video on FB).
A) tempo front squats: 95#-105#-115#-125#-130#
B) 8:44, 8:23, 8:30. I loved this!!
C) complete

Laura MacDonald
Laura MacDonald
May 16, 2019 1:28 pm

Team workout night
A. Work up to heavy 6 rep clean grip deadlift—195#
B. Teams of 2 alternating rounds of 12 cal row/clean and jerk 95# x 10 rounds total
C. Team Helen—run together, synchro kB swing and pull-ups

Karen Scott
Karen Scott
May 16, 2019 12:56 pm

DMA done
Front squats, worked up to 55kg
30 minute EMOM
1) 8:12
2) 7:57

Amber nollen
Amber nollen
May 16, 2019 6:08 am

1 day off.. FS up to 135# felt not “heavy” just breathing sucked with the tempo.
B: ran on gravel
C: done

May 16, 2019 8:22 am
Reply to  Amber nollen

Gravel runs are hard – good job!!

Marie Mårtensson
Marie Mårtensson
May 16, 2019 5:51 am

DMA done
I had to skip the gymnastic skills today.
A. All sets at 55 kg (71% of my 1-RM), felt heavy but manageable
1. 6:57 min (Row 2:11 min, DU 40/10)
2. 7:00 min (Row 2:09 min, DU 20/30)
3. 6:59 min (Row 2:07 min, DU 6/10/34)
Legs were burning in the uphill…
C. Presses with blue Rogue band, hollow holds done.

May 16, 2019 8:26 am

Awesome Marie! Super consistent!!

Michael Rider
Michael Rider
May 15, 2019 10:27 pm

A. Up to 215#
B. Done – 6:20, 6:31, 6:25; 1:50 rows, 3:30 runs
C. Done

Silke Spang
Silke Spang
May 15, 2019 7:43 pm

Only had time for warm-up and the metcon today:
7:39 / 7:26 / 7:33 Rx
DUs are still not my forte. Tripped up once in first and second round, tripped up 3 times in third round (but had rowed/run a bit faster)

Kristin Johnson
Kristin Johnson
May 15, 2019 7:30 pm

Warm up done
Gymnastics work done.
A. Tempo FS 65, 65, 75, 75, 75.
B. Conditioning, 7:50, 7:54, 8:06 no changes made, loved this one.
C. Done.

May 16, 2019 8:23 am

Fantastic work Kristin, glad you enjoyed the conditioning!

May 15, 2019 6:19 pm

Gymnastics- done plus linked 4 bmu
A. FS kept light at 95
B. 8:20/ 7:50/ 7:55
Extra mile run + mobility

May 16, 2019 8:24 am

Excellent job on your BMU!!

Stacy Wagman
Stacy Wagman
May 15, 2019 5:48 pm

A. 35,40,42.5×2,45kg
B. 7:15, 7:10, 7:30
C. Done

May 16, 2019 8:26 am
Reply to  Stacy Wagman

Nice and consistent!

Billy Mehl
Billy Mehl
May 15, 2019 5:45 pm

A 185-185-185-155-135
B a little over a third of our 800 is uphill and after those front squats had some issues with dem hills
7:01, 8:09, & 7:56

May 16, 2019 8:24 am
Reply to  Billy Mehl

Ohhhhhhh great job doing some hill runs!

Karen Wilson
Karen Wilson
May 15, 2019 5:26 pm

A. Tempo front squats
85-95-105-115-125 nursing very sore QL
B. Did 1 ring mu before and after each round
Each round about 8:15

May 16, 2019 8:25 am
Reply to  Karen Wilson

Good idea to incorporate some ring muscle-ups into the workout!

Miki Shelton
Miki Shelton
May 15, 2019 4:38 pm

Today went a little sideways…but I did manage to get in some things. 🙂 AM: Gymnastics lesson – transitions on low rings, jumping MU, dips, hang hold 5/ pull hold 5 in false grip, spotted strict MU, and spotted strict freestanding HSPU. DMA done! A. 105/115/125/135/135. I had thought to go to 145 but 135 was really, really tough! 3 reps were fine, but somehow those last 2 just got super spicy. 🙂 PM: Partner WOD with hubby: 1200m run /in 300s 42 clean & jerk 155/105 42 pull ups 800m run / in 200s 30 clean & jerk 30… Read more »

May 16, 2019 8:25 am
Reply to  Miki Shelton

Glad you and your hubby got a workout in together!

Erin Dugan
Erin Dugan
May 15, 2019 4:01 pm

A. Did 75/85/95/95/95 kept it light knee wasn’t great today
B. Sub assault bike 4 min/round for run got a little over 40 cal each round
C. Done

May 15, 2019 4:33 pm
Reply to  Erin Dugan

Great job Erin!

May 15, 2019 3:39 pm

Dma done
A. Did every 5min for 15… clearly need to pay attention when reading 185,205,225
B. 6:59, 7:27,8:09

May 15, 2019 4:33 pm

Awesome job on the conditioning today!!

Kenneth Robinson
Kenneth Robinson
May 15, 2019 3:07 pm

DMWA: Complete
A) Did supplemental weight lifting front 5×3 with 3 second pause at the bottom
178X3 178×3 191×3 191×3 191×3
B) 7:27, 7:17, 7:12 did 800m runs on assault runner
C) complete

May 15, 2019 4:33 pm

Fantastic work with the conditioning – you improved every set and did it on the Assault Runner!

Jessie Williams
Jessie Williams
May 15, 2019 2:42 pm

A) 175/185/185/205/205
B) 7:00//7:30//7:20
C) ✔️

May 15, 2019 4:34 pm

So fast on that conditioner!!

Joshua Decausey
Joshua Decausey
May 15, 2019 1:46 pm

DMA) done
Gymnastics skill work done
*added a 5min emom of 3 bmu each min. Focusing of the 3 skill sets we just practiced
A) 185,185,195,195,215
*stayed fairly light to really focus on tempo
Row-1:43 each rd
Run- 3:55-58 each rd
Dubs- 1 trip each rd
C) done -green band
D) sauna, steam room, shower – done 🙂

May 15, 2019 4:34 pm

You are so fortunate to have a sauna and steam room at your gym!!

Well done on the conditioning piece – you blazed through that! Glad you were able to focus on some gymnastics skills today!

Joshua Decausey
Joshua Decausey
May 15, 2019 7:31 pm
Reply to  NicholeKribs

It’s actually not at our CrossFit gym. The owner of our CrossFit gym also owns another fitness center that has both there and is just a couple minutes up the road. And tesbitvisca very nice I amenity

Vanessa J. Stanley
Vanessa J. Stanley
May 15, 2019 12:24 pm

A) Front Squat – Rushed these a bit because I was struggling with the gymnastic skill work and had to keep replaying the videos. Front Squats were hard with this tempo and rep scheme so the weights I did were light. Not engaging my glutes, using quads too much. 65 / 85 /85 / 85 / 85 B) Wasn’t sure how the WOD was going to go since I haven’t run in such a long time due to hamstring issues but it went ok. Hamstring felt fine but still feeling it in the glute but not so bad. Times: 7:43… Read more »

May 15, 2019 4:35 pm

Good job on the conditioning!! It is totally okay to go light with that tempo – it isn’t necessarily about how heavy the load is but just keeping it under tension for that long. Well done today!

Barry Emerson
Barry Emerson
May 15, 2019 12:01 pm

DMA – done
A. 75 – 95 – 115 – 125 – 135
B. Couldn’t run outside today so did the following:
25 Calorie Assault Bike
500 m Row
500 m Ski erg
30 DU’s
*able to complete in 7:00 – 7:15
C. only completed 1 round

May 15, 2019 4:36 pm
Reply to  Barry Emerson

Great sub for not being able to run outside!