Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Front Rack Partner Assisted Stretch x 60-90 seconds
and then …
x 2-3 reps per side
and then …
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 20 seconds on first interval, 30 seconds on second interval
and then …
Two sets of:
Assault Bike x 30 seconds @ medium pace
Over and Under Barbell x 4 passes https://youtu.be/k4eZs-6-q-s
Scap Pull-Ups x 8-10 reps
Six sets of:
Front Squat x 2-3 reps @ 3111
(MUST move up in weight from last week by 4-6%)
Rest 3 minutes
Five sets of:
Strict Press x 5 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Build over the course of the 5 sets to a heavy 5-rep strict press
Five rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
Overhead Squats x 15 reps
35-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 65/45 lbs
Another benchmark workout! Try to find the most accurate 400 meter run for the workout. Be disciplined about running to the barbell and picking it up to go directly into your overhead squats. Be smooth and effecient on the overhead squats and you’ll be able to keep them unbroken for the entire workout.
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Three sets of:
DB Z-Press x 10 reps + Arm Over Arm Rope Pull x 50 meters
Rest 2 minutes
and then …
Three sets of:
Harnessed Bear Crawl x 50 meters
Rest 90 seconds
and then …
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Bicep Curls x 5 reps + Rear Delt Raises x 5 reps
Three sets of:
Face Pulls
x 6-8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Reverse Snow Angels
x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A. 205
B. 75/95/105/115/105
C.13:41 a PB!!!!
A bit of a catch up day!
Cleans from yesterday: 108, then 118–jerk is still off
Shoulder press x 5: 55/65/75/80(3/2)/80(2/1/1/1)
Z press and bicep curls/delta raises done
Yesterday’s rowing–subbed push-ups since I did at home 4:15/4:06/4:10/4:15–rowing was a bit slower. Push-ups broken up
A) 6×2 @ 225#
B) 95/100/105/110/115
C) 17:32 unbroken OHS, runs were slow, much room for improvement
Nice job keeping those OHS UB!
A. 6×3 @ 225 225 230 230 235 235
B. 95/105/115/125/135.
C. 20:30 All OHS unbroken
I have serious problems with shoulder mobility. I can not feel comfortable in the ohs.
I feel that I suffer a lot when trying to balance the bar on my head. Iwill continue working.
I feel a lot of pain in my. Wrists always in the ohs.
Its only mobility. I think
Hey Richi – have you been incorporating the mobility work from the program plus some into your daily routine?
Only the mobility work from the program
A. 265/270/275/280/285/290 all for 3
B. 95/115/135/145/155 all for 5
C. 1 rd rx before lightning and downpours, switched to treadmill and finished workout but timer was inaccurate as a result
Oh I saw there is some crazy storms in New England – where are you at?
Fairfield county in CT
A. 225, 235, 245, 250, 255, 260. All sets 3 reps except last set did 2. +10 from last week. Getting tough!
B. 140#.
C. 14:40. Did with 115# front squats since I can’t OHS yet. Had gas left in tank. Could have pushed harder. Boo. Good to be running outside, but it needs work.
Optional: Bicep curls, rear delt raises, face pulls, and snow angels.
Well done on your FS!!
A. 185/205/215/225/235/235
B. Skipped
C. Jumped into a ridiculous class WOD with my pals, will take a rain check on Nancy
Fun Perry!
A. Up to 175
B. 75
C. 15:00….running ugh….
Nice FS! Bam!
Thanks!!! But I added 2 1/2 minutes to my Nancy from the games?
That isn’t terrible Karen – think about where we are at in the cycle, the adrenaline at games vs at your home, etc!
Conditioning is much easier to get back! Just keep working on it, your strength is awesome:)
DMA – done
A. 130 for 3 sets and 135 for the remaining – 3 R’s all sets
B. 70 – 75 – 80 – 85 – 90
C. 16:20 UB on the OHS. Couldn’t find my previous time(s) on Nancy. Was a little hot out on the run today (84 F), could have used some company for this one.
You should have roped some of those young bucks into doing the workout with you today!
A) 130# x 3 x 6
B) 75,80,85,90, 90# x 4 on last set. Slowest press everrrr, barely got it.
C) 12:52. Had to modify the OHS to front rack walking lunges with 35#. High volume OHS can really jack up my back, and after those pause front squats, just wanted to save myself. Did measure out a true 400m, I guess just cutting a couple corners early does make a difference?
Good job on your 90 lbs!!
Glad you adjusted for your back – how has it been feeling lately?
Thanks for asking. It’s a constant battle, some days it’s better than others. I just try to manage it by being smarter, but other times I do more than I should and then pay the price! I’ll be really careful as we keep increasing weights in this next cycle.
DMA – Complete
A.) 250×2 / 250×3 / 260×3 / 260×3 / 270×3 /270×3. Raised each weight by 5% from last week. (FS)
B.) 115×5 / 120×5 / 130×5 / 135×5 / 135×5 (Strict Press)
C.) 13:10. All ub except last round where I couldn’t hang on for the last rep. Running was a little slow but to be expected. Gotta get that run engine going again now that the weather is nice.
WELL DONE Phil – that is a great Nancy time! And yes to good weather and being outside for a run 🙂
DMA) done
A) 215( up 10# from last week)
Last to sets were a struggle
The runs were horrible, unbroken on the oh squats. They felt very smooth. My runs were slower than I would like
Great work on your FS! Have you added any additional running session(s) to your training?
Ha I don’t even wanna do the running that’s programmed lol! In all seriousness I will most likely start adding more now that the wearher is good!
Dyn/ Act. done -love it!
A) FS: 145x 3rps
B) SP: 45lbs,55,60,65,75.
** thank you Nicole I really needed this work my press is terrible!
C). 18:10 rxd
Hoping I can do the optional work later tonight 🙂
DMA Done
A. 90kg
B. Built to 60kg
C. Subbed 500m row – 15:38
A. 215/220/225/230/230/230
B. 105/120/130/140/150
C. 15:35 – legs were heavy and slow on the runs. Measured out an accurate 400m at the garage gym. Seemed so long!!!
Great job Joe!
A. 160
B. 85
C. 15:22, first time I have run since early December (plantars Facia), was slow but no pain. OHS UB.
Yay for no pain!! Now go roll out your foot!
A. Done at 85%, these were tough.
B. Done
C. 16:07 800 Meters on airbike (baby monitor) broke up the ohs the first three rounds then unbroken last two. Really please with this. I feel like I’m so much fitter physically and mentally. I stay calmer and focused throughout these workouts. My self talk is more positive and I never get panicky. Good day of training.
I’ve been asked to coach the “Boot Camp “ at the local Crossfit (with my trusty 2 year old sidekick), so hit up some core with them this morning too.
Awesome Theresa, I love hearing things like this!! Well done doing Nancy on an airbike!!
Mobility completed
B)75#/85/95/105/115 These felt so much better than last week
C)Skipped. Will do later as I love this wod. Performed Hinshaw running program.
Run 25 minutes for max distance. Rest 5 minutes. Then perform (10) 80 meter sprints with a :30 rest between sprints.
Glad they felt better!!
A. 185/205/215/225/235/245×3
B. 95/115/125/135×5, 145×3+2 PP
C. 14:58 UB, 2+ minute PR. 1:50-2:10 runs
Not sure the legs will recover for cycling shorts Wednesday…
lol!! Get them in a normatec unit if you have one or in some compression pants!
Congrats on a MASSIVE PR!!!! That is huge!
Thanks Nichole. Ha, I wish we had one around here in Germany. ROMWOD helped some.
Six sets of:
Front Squat x 3 reps @ 3111 – 170#. Getting heavy since the first set. Spent more than 1s at the top. Good work on the legs though!
Five sets of:
Strict Press x 5 reps – 65/70/75/80/85#. Built off 70% 5 reps. Should be able to go more next week.
Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Row 40 calories – 2:36/2:38/2:45/2:38
Ring-Dips x 15 reps – :47/:50/1:09/1:26
Ring dips were 10/5 in the first two rounds and some singles in the last two rounds. Happy with effort and kip improvement!