Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Band Distracted Hamstring Floss x 30 seconds per side
Row 5 minutes at a relaxed pace and then …
Leg Swings x 20 reps each direction
Butterfly Stretch x 60 seconds
Floor Slides x 10 reps (hold 2-5 lbs plate in each hand if you have limited mobility)
Alternating Perfect Stretch x 8 reps
Every 90 seconds until you miss the same weight twice:
Clean + Clean & Jerk
Start at 60% of 1-RM and add 2-3% each set
Four sets
21/18 Calorie Row
15 Burpees Over the Erg
9 Ground to Overhead*
3/2 Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 3 minutes
*Set 1: 185/135 lbs
*Set 2: 205/145 lbs
*Set 3: 225/155 lbs
*Set 4: 245/165 lbs
Loading suggestions:
*Set 1: 60-65%
*Set 2: 65-70%
*Set 3: 70-75%
*Set 4: 75-80%
Four rounds for time of:
50 Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 75 Double Unders
25 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Dumbbell Squats (70/50 lb DBs; back head of dumbbell on shoulder)
Athlete Notes:
Have some fun with today’s workout! You are going to be limited on how quickly you can allow yourself to move with the heavy weights that are at the end of the workout, but this is a great opportunity to find out where your limits are. Find out how quickly you can get back on the bar or up the rope and the rest needed between each rep to make a successful lift. Push yourself hard on the first workout and then make your main focus on the second part to move steady and efficiently.
A. Built to 265 and stopped there.
B. 3:45/4:37/5:57/7:29 Rx.
C. ✅ didn’t time. Just flowed
Mobility done
A: 165
B: 6, 6, 7, 9 (!) took off 10# per round and did sled pulls
C: done 25 min subbed 50 cals on bike for DU was a big overscale…
A) Up to 98lb
B) Scaled to regular RC
5:49 (70lb) – 6:11 (75lb) – 6:32 (80lb) – 7:06 (85lb)
C) 14:32 with Zeus Rope and 30lb Dbs
Have a good night ????
Get to bed!! ???? ????
Haha I am working ????
A. Up to 275
B. Not rope C. (15 S. Pull ups)
W. 175/195/205/225
4:25 / 5:40 / 5:55 / 7:01 total time. 32:01
C. 10:20 Only 3 rounds (not time for more)
Big session today!
A. Up to 102Kg; missed jerks at 105Kg
B. Scaled weights to 75/84/93/102Kg; Sub’d 12 L-Sit towel pull-ups (no rope).
Rows – ~:42-:45
BOR – fast, tried to accelerate here
G2O – PC/PJ for first 3 sets then PC/SJ for last set
C. 12:23; 75 DU and did 25 T2B (no GHD), DB Rx. Loved this one. Too conservative to start, definitely got faster and more efficient each rnd.
Hitting it hard today. Nice work!
Thanks Hunter. Body was feeling good and moving well. Legs feel really strong after all the squatting. Shoulders were feeling decent today as well when going overhead.
Warm up done
A) 70kg-115kg with 3kg increase, no fails
B) 3 rounds with 80kg and short rope climbs from L-sit
Called it a day then. After the clean part, everything felt heavy and slow. Left ankle is still an issue, have no idea what caused this…
Dont get a new injury!! Listen to your body early and be smart with what you do.
Hopefully it’s just something from that rowing the other day and won’t last long. Other than some rest and proper warm up, i can’t do much.
A. Made it to #205 successfully and then was able to clean #215 twice for 10lb PR!! Couldnt get the jerk though, next time.
B. 5:37/7:27/8:31/11:13, did the weights RX, hit a few good legless rope climbs but the rest i just went legless as high as i could then used my legs
C. 16:13 RX
Congrats on the PR! That is awesome
Touch and go on clean + clean and jerk?
I would recommend fast singles to save a bit for the rope climbs
A. Failed technically (received too high) @143 so 137 is the good one (started @88 with 10 lbs increments)
B. Subbed row with 13 cal air bike; Burpees over parallettes; GTOH were power snatches so from @66 to @88. Took me 25.05
C. 75 DUs, 25 weighted sit ups @10, 2 legless RC but only 3.5 m. Too me 14.23
Good work today!
A. 185/190/195/200/205/210/215/220/225/230/235/240/245/250/255/260miss/260/265/270miss
B. 5:16/6:26/8:16/9:58 Did 10 strict pull ups. We don’t have ropes. I was really excited when I saw the percentages but quickly realized my percentages were the same as the Rx weights hahahah. Glad I went heavy ????????
C. Skipped
Well that worked out perfect then haha!
Is there a technique to bring the DBs on the shoulder? I can’t clean two DBs with such weight (in my case 50 lbs). I just used a box and squatted to get them on my shoulders ????
Modify to a weight that you are able to clean to your shoulders. We want you to definitely be able to support them safely.
A. 175-250; failed the jerk twice at 255
B. Capped at 30:21 (end of 3 rounds) 2/2 to early work day. No rope so did 10 L sit pull-ups. 185/205/215. This was hard as shit.
Looks like you had fun! ????
What was the most challenging aspect?
The ground to overhead (clean and jerk for me). It just felt really heavy and got me out of breath very quickly.
What would be a good substitute for 70 lb DB squats? My DB’s only go up to 50 lb.
Four rounds for time of:
50 Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 75 Double Unders
25 GHD Sit-Ups
15 Dumbbell Squats (50 lb DBs; back head of dumbbell on shoulder)
Have fun!