Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes mashing the pecs.
Partner T-Spine Stretch on Pull-Up Bar
Shoulder Circuit
Bicep Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Bicep Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 meters
and then …
Barbell Warm-Up
Clean-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Clean Pulls x 3 reps
Power Clean x 3 reps
Front Squat x 3 reps
Press x 3 reps
Full Clean & Jerk x 3 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Drop to Split x 3 reps
Immediately followed by. . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Tall Jerks x 2 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Clean + Clean from 2″ below knee + Jerk x 1 rep
*Set 1-3 @ 70-75% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 4-6 @ 75-80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Row 40 calories
Ring-Dips x 15 reps
50-54: Ring-Dips x 10 reps
Stationary Dips x 15 reps OR Ring-Dips x 8/5 reps
Work on effeciently kipping the ring-dips. Check out these articles on how best to kip your ring-dips.
As always, I am looking for consistency with your times so be smart with your ring-dips and avoid going to failure.
Three sets of:
Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds
Safety Bar Good Mornings x 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A. 115
C. 3:21/2:42/2:56/3:25
D. Done
A) 75/85/95# for both, working on technique
B) 175/180/185/190/195/200#
C) 2:45/2:43/2:46/2:50 10/5 for 3 and 12/3 for the 4th
D) 25# plate GHD and 75# GM
Way to be consistent Chris!!
DMA: done
A: Done
B: up to 165lb
C: 2:36; 2:38; 2:42; 2:50. 3rds of ring dips 10, 5. Last rd was 10, 3, 2.
D: done
A. Done
B. 185 185 195 195
C. 3:00/3:10/3:15/3:15 unbroken
Nice work on keeping those ring-dips UB
A. Done.
B. 175, 180, 185 then 190, 195, 200.
C. 2:29 for all 4 sets. Weird. All ring dips strict unbroken. Played with stroke rates on rower. Round 1 – 28, Round 2 – 22, Rounds 3 & 4 – 32. Basically the same row time each time (1:58-2:00). About the same level of fatigue overall although the 3rd and 4th rounds I seemed to be a little better off because I didn’t have to pull as hard.
D. Done. Added in some work on the reverse hyper machine. Love that thing.
Awesome Mike – very interesting and a well analyzed training session!
dyn. mob. done … love all the things you put up and they really work
A1). DS : 33;bs, 43, 63 they feel awkward.. the bar goes in front or behind?
A2) TJ: 65 lbs 83, 93
B) HC+Cln 2″+ J: 93 lbs, 99 x2 sets , 108 ,114, 123
C). average about 4 min per round., all R/d unbroken 4 sets
D) H/E: used 25 lbs plate
The bar is behind the neck for the drop split.
thank you very much Nicole!
Completed. All dips in sets of 5.
DMA – done
A1 – 65 / 75 / 85#
A2 – all @ 65#
B – 90 / 90 / 95 / 95 / 100 / 100#
C (50-54) – 3:55 / 3:48 / 3:46 / 3:46 (I don’t like rowing, but today I tried approaching it with the attitude that I REALLY liked it… I think it worked…this was a good effort for me – kept all rows at above 800 / split RDs 3-3-2-2)
D – done
AWESOME Silke! I am so glad to hear that. Mindset matters so much in this sport!
DMA- Complete
A.) Done 135# / 125#
B.) 185# / 185# / 185# / 205# / 205# / 205# (Hang Clean + Clean from 2″ below knee + 1 Jerk)
C.) 2:48 / 2:27 / 2:31 / 2:35 – Dips 7/8 and row was around 1:56 (Row 40cals + Rind Dips every 6mins)
Well done with your dips!
A. Done
B. Up to 175
C. (x15) 2:44/2:34/2:30/2:30
Great job getting faster and faster!
Thanks Nichole!
A) Completed
B) Up to 105#
C) 2;54,2;54,2;54,2;56. Strict dips UB, pushed the rows. All around 2:30.
D) Completed
First day on my road bike yesterday and I felt super strong. I think that AB is working!
That is FANTASTIC! I bet it was gorgeous yesterday! We are so enjoying the sunny weather!
These felt great today! I’m so inconsistent with my cleans, so I was very happy to hit theses numbers. I did have a fail at 225, but was able to get right back on the bar and complete the complex unbroken
C) 2:07,2:15,2:17,2:18
My rows were 1:34-1:41
My ring dips were pretty unbroken. I’m horrible at lipping g so these were strict for the most part
D) done
Fantastic Joshua – that is really great to see. Consistency is super important so I am really glad to see that.
A. Done
B. 135,145,145,155,155,165
C. 2:45, 2:38, 2:33, 2:35 All RD UB
D. no time.
Great job getting those ring-dips in ub!
DMA done
A. 55, 65 & 75# Tall Jerk at 55#
B. 75 & 85#
C. Only did 1 set at 3:30. Left shoulder is hurting. Did another 4 sets of 5 ring dips working on kip and ran 400 m twice
D. No GHD so we set up our own. I will post a video on FB page. Used 10 & 15# plate. No safety bar so I did a set of 15 GMs with a 45# bar.
What is going on with the left shoulder?!
Achy and lots of popping and snapping. Hoping it’s not tendonitis.
Lay off any shoulder work for the next week and go get treated by a bodyworker. Let it recover from the volume its been doing.
Thanks Nichole. I have an appt next Monday.
A1. 115,135,145
A2. 95, 115, 125
B. 155,160,165,165,170,175
Added 3 Clean and Jerks at 185,195,205
C. 1 3:11 (10/5) on the Dips. Done strict.
2. 3:14. (10/5) Strict
3. 3:10. (10/5) Strict
4. 3:15. (8/7) Strict
D. Done with 25# Plate x 8. 95# Good Mornings
Great work Steve!
thanks coach trying to maintain a pace for all 4 rounds and not starting out to fast is still difficult.
DMA done
A. 50-60kg / 35-45kg
B. 60-72kg
C. (3 min spin bike + 15 Dips)
D. 7.5-10kg / 50-60kg
A. 95-115 / 75-95
B. 135-165 / 175-185
C. 2:37, 2:47, 2:57, 2:58
Row was slow in 3 & 4 all arms
D. 25# GHD / 95# GMs
Post a rowing video so I can take a look at your technique!!
A. 95/105/115 for both
B. 170/185/185/185/190/195 off 245
C. 2:47, 2:50, 2:50, 2:48. 15xUB ring dips each round w/2:10-2:20 rows
D. 35# plate x10; no safety bars – 80/90/100# good mornings
Well done with your consistent sets!! How did the cleans feel?
Legs a little crushed from Kelly on Sunday, but still felt pretty good; thanks.
C) it was a slow death. Those rings Dips were ugly on the last 2 sets.
4:04 (Row 2:59)
5:00 (Row 3:12)
5:10 (Row 3:22)
5:45 (Row 3:30)
D) later
You got them all done under the 6 minute mark!! Wonderful! We are going to get those triceps STRONG!
Now that I think about it, I can’t remember ever doing 60 ring Dips in one sitting. The last few reps may have been questionable on the lock out but not for lack of trying. I’m glad I stuck with 15 and didn’t scale the reps. ? I guess that was a PR
A1. 135/145/155
A2. 125/135/135
B. 180/185/190/200/205/210
C. 2:23/2:23/2:30/2:35 – RD were 8/7 first 2 rounds, then 6/4/3/2 and 7/3/3/2
D. Done
Nice work Joe! Dips looks strong.
Thanks Nichole – dips are definitely getting better!